

They came home a little late, but Hyun wasn't tired and so wasn't Shan. They chatted about a lot of things, even on their way home. Shan was frowning a bit. He was getting attached to his guy and didn't like it much. He would definitely leave him. Just because he was Korean, but Shan did not want to go back to that country at all. 

"Have you ever played SoL?" he asked out of nowhere. Hyun shook his head and Shan got a weird idea. His inner voice was warning him, but he ignored it. He was always thinking unnecessary things and sometimes overthinking so much that the scenarios in his head became ridiculous.

"I was never brave enough. It looked so extremely hard when I watched your streams and I worried I would be terrible at it." Shan laughed. It was the third time that night and three times more than for the last seven years.