
melody of a massacre vol 1

twins Yadara and Narimo kusake are affected by what their mother had done ten years ago and now they have to find out what happened to cause their mother to do what she had done ten years ago. Follow the twins on their journey to find the cause of their mothers actions and maybe some secrets that the twins didn't even know about themselves.

nishio_takeyoshi · Action
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15 Chs

chapter 8: last love

[yadara and narimo sitting in the living room]

Yadara: I wish we could go out today.. But it's too hot.

Narimo: yeah i do too.

[narimo realizes that yadaras crush is coming over]

Narimo: hey yadara.

Yadara: yeah?.

Narimo: you know that girl you told me about.

Yadara: yeah?.. What about her.

Narimo: oh.. I forgot to tell you she's coming over today.

[yadara looks at narimo surprised]

Yadara: Wait, what?.

Narimo: yeah i forgot all about it.

Yadara: Is it just going to be you and her?.

Narimo: well.. No not really i was going to tell her a few things then i was going to try and get her to hangout with you.

Yadara: oh.. Ok.

[narimo notices yadaras nervous]

Narimo: Hey are you ok?.

Yadara: yeah.. Im fine.

[narimo realizes yadaras trying to be tough again]

Narimo: It's ok if you're nervous.. I can always hangout with her till your ready.

Yadara: no.. i want to be able to hang out with her.

Narimo: ok.

Yadara: [sigh] hey do you think she'll like me back?.

Narimo: of course i do and if not it's her loss.

Yadara: thanks.

[narimo checks her phone]

Narimo: oh crap.

Yadara: what?.

Narimo: she's on her way.. Are you calm enough for her to come?.

Yadara: yeah i'm ready.

Narimo: ok because if you weren't i would tell her to wait a little bit before she comes over.

Yadara: yeah i'm fine.

Narimo: ok.. Ill let her know.

Yadara: ok.

[a few minutes later narimos friend arrives]

Narimo: hey yadara.. Could you wait in your room for a few minutes while i talk to her.

Yadara: sure.

[yadara goes upstairs to his room]

[narimo opens the door]

Narimo: hey.

Sakai: hey .

Narimo: here come in i need to tell you something.

Sakai: ok.. Sure.

[narimo closes the door behind sakai]

Narrimo: Hey Sakai.. do you know my brother?.

Sakai: Yeah, isn't his name yadara?.

Narimo: yeah.

Sakai: Is he ok?.

Narimo: yeah he's fine.. Why would you assume somethings wrong with him.

Sakai: I don't know.. I just want to make sure he's ok.

Narimo: oh.. Ok.

Sakai: is he here?.

Narimo: yeah.. But i need to tell you something first.

Sakai: ok.. What is it?.

Narimo: if you do ever become his girlfriend i want you to know that he's a really protective guy that will do anything no matter what to make sure your safe.

Sakai: i know i've seen him protect you before.

Narimo: Wait when?.

Sakai: the last day you two were in school he beat that guy up because he was touching you all over.

[narimo realizes that she seen her get touched]

Narimo: wait how much did you see?.

Sakai: pretty much everything.

Narimo: oh god that means you seen me get touched.

Sakai: yeah.. I felt bad but i knew yadara had it all under control.

Narimo: really?.

Sakai: yeah.. He cares about you like no brother is going to let they're sister get touched by some random guy.

Narimo: yeah that's true.

[narimo see's yadara peek out of his bedroom door]

Narimo: hey sakai.. Do you want to go hangout with yadara?.

Sakai: sure.. It would be good to know him more.

Narimo: ok.

[narimo walks sakai to yadaras room]

Narimo: ok this is yadaras room.

[narimo: knocks on yadaras door]

Narimo: hey yadara.. Sakai wants to hangout with you.

Yadara: ok give me a second.

[yadara opens the door]

Yadara: h..hey sakai.

Sakai: hey.

Narimo: ok i'm going to go to my room i'll see you two later.

Yadara and sakai: ok.

[narimo walks to her room]

Sakai: well.. What do you want to do.

Yadara: honestly i'm not sure there's not many things to do in my room.

Sakai: oh.. ok.

Yadara: well i guess i should let you in then huh.

[sakai walks in yadaras room and yadara closes the door]

Sakai: its surprisingly clean in here.

Yadara: yeah i've been trying to find things to do to get my mind off of things.

Sakai: well i mean it's good that your trying to get over things.

Yadara: yeah i guess.

[sakai notices yadara has a tv]

Sakai: Hey, by any chance do you want to watch a movie?.

Yadara: sure.. But i don't really have anywhere were we can sit.

Sakai: We could always sit on your bed.. That's a place to sit.

Yadara: ok.. Are you sure though.

Sakai: yeah.. Plus it gives us a better view of the tv.

Yadara: yeah i guess you're right.

[yadara and sakai sit on the bed]

Sakai: hey.. Is it ok if i pick the first movie.

Yadara: sure.

[sakai picks the movie]

Sakai: Ok this should be a good movie.

Yadara: yeah.

[sakai grabs yadaras hand and notices how nervous he is]

Sakai: wait.. Are you really this nervous?.

Yadara: yeah.. I've never hangout with a girl like this before.

Sakai: oh.. So i'm the first girl to ever hangout with you.

Yadara: yeah.. Pretty much.

Sakai: oh it's ok.. But i do have one thing though.

Yadara: Sure what is it?.

[sakai holds yadara tightly]

Sakai: i want you to be mine.

Yadara: like as a boyfriend?.

Sakai: yes.

Yadara: well i'm fine with it if your fine with it.

Sakai: of course i'm fine with it.

[sakai and yadara watch the movie]

Yadara: hey sakai.. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend tonight.

Sakai: oh.. Well i guess we already covered that huh.

Yadara: yeah i guess so.

[after the movie sakai turns off the movie]

Sakai: well i guess it's time to go to sleep.

Yadara: yeah.. Well i'll see you in the morning.

Sakai: ok.

[sakai leaves yadaras room and walks to narimos room]

part 2 october 20th