
melody of a massacre vol 1

twins Yadara and Narimo kusake are affected by what their mother had done ten years ago and now they have to find out what happened to cause their mother to do what she had done ten years ago. Follow the twins on their journey to find the cause of their mothers actions and maybe some secrets that the twins didn't even know about themselves.

nishio_takeyoshi · Action
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15 Chs

chapter 10: last love pt3

[yadara and sakai arrive at the house]

Yadara: ok.. Maybe narimo isn't worried about us.

Sakai: i think she will be so we'll explain to her what happened.

Yadara: yeah we'll calm her down together.

[sakai blushes]

Yadara: Wait, did I say something wrong?.

Sakai: no you didn't say anything wrong.

Yadara: wait.. Then why is your face red?.

Sakai: I'm blushing.. Its because you look cute trying to be a boyfriend.

Yadara: wait so am i not your boyfriend.

Sakai: yes.. Your still my boyfriend you'll always be my boyfriend.

Yadara: oh ok.

[yadara opens the front door]

Yadara: hey we're home.

[yadara notices the house is too quiet]

Sakai: Do you think anyone is home?.

Yadara: yeah.. Narimo is always home.

Sakai: well i guess we should look around and see.

[yadara and sakai walk upstairs to narimos room]

Yadara: I'm hoping we're not the only ones here.. I don't want narimo to be worried about us.

[sakai blushes]

Sakai: well i don't really mind if no one is here or not.

[yadara looks at sakai surprised]

Yadara: Wait, so you want us to be alone?.

Sakai: i mean sure we can watch movies.

Yadara:I mean we can.. But i want to make sure everyone is ok first.

Sakai: yeah.

[yadara opens narimos door]

Yadara: hey narimo..

[yadara sees narimo asleep]

Sakai: is narimo in there?.

Yadara: yeah.

[yadara closes the door]

Sakai: well what should we do now.

Yadara: i guess we can watch a movie.

Sakai: sure.

[yadara and sakai walk to his room]

Yadara: i had fun today.

[sakai blushes]

Sakai: me too.. I hope we can take more trips like that someday.

Yadara: yeah.. Maybe next time we could go to the zoo or something.

Sakai: sure i'd like that.

[yadara opens the door and puts his bags on the floor]

Yadara: ok do you want to pick the movie first?.

Sakai: honestly i want you to pick the movie tonight.

[yadara blushes]

Yadara: a..are you sure.. My taste in movies suck.

Sakai: I have hope it will be good.. I believe in you.

Yadara: ok.. If you say so.

[yadara puts in a movie]

Sakai: hey i have a question to ask you.

Yadara: Sure what is it?.

[sakai blushes]

Sakai: c.can you kiss me?.

[yadara blushes]

Yadara: s.sure if your ok with it.

Sakai: of course i'm ok with it.

[sakai pulls yadara in and kisses him]

Yadara: um..

Sakai: was it good?.

[yadara blushes]

Yadara: yes it was.. Can i have another.

Sakai: of course you can have another all of my kisses belong to you.

Yadara: ok.

[sakai pulls yadara in for another kiss]

Yadara: your kisses get better every time.

[sakai blushes]

Sakai: really?.. I thought i was a terrible kisser.

Yadara: ok this time i want to try to kiss you.

Sakai: ok sure.

[yadara pulls sakai in for a kiss]

Sakai: um..

Yadara: Was it bad?.

Sakai: surprisingly no .

Yadara: really.. I thought that my first kiss would go terrible.

Sakai: Wait, I was your first kiss?.

Yadara: yes.

Sakai: hey do you want to wait till tomorrow to watch the rest of the movie?.

Yadara: sure.. We can finish it tomorrow.

Sakai: ok.

[sakai gets up to turn off the movie then lays on yadaras chest]

Yadara: comfortable?.

Sakai: as always.

Yadara hey.. I love you.

[sakai blushes]

Sakai: way to catch someone off guard.. But i love you too.

[yadara and sakai go to sleep]

[morning hits and sakai wakes up]

Sakai: hey yadara wake up.

[yadara wakes up]

Yadara: hey .

Sakai: remember we were going to tell narimo what happened.

[yadara realizes what sakai means]

Yadara: oh crap i forgot all about it.

Sakai: well come on we're going to tell her.

[sakai grabs yadaras hand and pulls him out of bed]

Yadara: I was getting up.. You didn't have to do that.

Sakai: well you weren't getting up fast enough.

[sakai grabs yadaras hand and walks him to narimos room]

Sakai: ok ill let you tell her what happened first.

[sakai knocks on narimos door and narimo opens the door]

Narimo: hey yadara and sakai whats up?.

Yadara: hey.. I need to tell you something.

Narimo: sakai is it bad?.

Sakai: well to me its not bad but to you it might be.

Narimo: [sigh] ok.. Come on.

[narimo closes the door behind yadara and sakai]

Narimo: ok so what happened .

Yadara: well.. I might have used my powers in front of sakai.

[narimo looks at yadara surprised]

Narimo: you what?.

[narimo slaps yadara]

Yadara: ow.

Narimo: you were meant to keep your powers a secret.

Yadara: i know but i used them to protect her.

Narimo: it doesn't matter you still could have used your hands instead of your powers.

Sakai: in yadara's defense they were all armed .

Narimo: well.. Now we have to tell yoichi.

Yadara: wait why don't we keep it a secret.

Narimo: no.. were telling yoichi.

Yadara: ok.. Fine.

[yadara,narimo and sakai run down stairs to tell yoichi what happened]

Narimo: wheres yoichi.

[narimo runs to the training room to grab yoichi]

Narimo: hey i have some bad news.

Yoichi: ok.. What is it?.

Narimo: yadara used his powers in front of another person.

[yoichi looks at narimo surprised]

Yoichi: he what?.

Narimo: yeah.

Yoichi: hold on i'll go grab hatano and we'll meet you two in the living room.

Narimo: ok.

[yoichi goes to hatanos office]

Yoichi: hey can you open the door i need to talk to you.

Hatano: ok.

[hatano opens the door]

Hatano: whats going on?.

Yoichi: yadara used his powers in front of another person.

Hatano: he what?.

Yoichi: yeah so we'll talk to him about it.

[hatano looks at yoichi surprised]

Hatano: ok .

[yoichi and hatano walk to the living room]

Hatano: maybe he won't take it the wrong way.

Yoichi: yeah hopefully not.

[yadara looks at yoichi and hatano in fear]

Yadara: i know what i done was wrong.. But i had good intentions.

Sakai: yeah.. He saved my life.

Yoichi: its ok.. But did anyone see you use your power.

Yadara: i don't think so.

Yoichi: ok.

Hatano: How many people were there around you?.

Yadara: there was at least fifteen but they all left so there was about three i had to fight.

Yoichi: so the others could have possibly hid to record you while you fought the other three.

Yadara: i didn't really think about that.

Narimo: you need to be safer.

Yoichi: she's right since you two are hybrids you two are in a lot more danger than usual.

Sakai: what do you mean.

Yoichi: they will be hunted dead or alive for money .

Sakai: so basically they have bounties.

Yoichi: yes.

[sakai starts to tear up]

Yadara: hey.. its ok i won't let anything happen to me.

Sakai: ok.. Just as long as your safe I'm fine.

[yadara smiles]

Yadara: ok.

Hatano: while we're on the subject of being hunted we need to tell you something.

Yadara: ok.. What is it?.

Hatano: the government is planning on doing a power annihilation pact .

[yadara and narimo look at hatano in fear]

Narimo: what do you mean?.

Yoichi: it means the government is planning on wiping out anyone with powers.

Yadara: so how do we stop it.

Yoichi: we can't we just have to hope for the best.

Hatano: the pact can be overruled but it needs enough people to participate to make the overruling successful.

Narimo: so basically we need to find a lot of people who support people with powers.

Yoichi: yes.. But sadly no one supports people with powers anymore.

Hatano: ill try to call the judge and see if he can get it overruled in the dark.

Yadara: So basically keep the overruling a secret?.

Hatano: yes.. But if i explain everything to him maybe it doesn't happen if it does happen we have a house out of town we can stay at till its all over.

Sakai: will i be able to come with?.

Hatano: how old are you?.

Sakai: im 18.

[hatano looks at sakai surprised]

Hatano: wow.. Your older than yadara.

Yadara: hey im only 17.

Hatano: well since your an adult i guess you can come.

Sakai: ok.

[sakai checks her phone]

Sakai: oh i'm really sorry but i have to get going i have things to do.

Yadara: ok.. Ill text you later.

Hatano: ok but before you go make sure you tell no one about our powers.

Sakai: ok i won't.

[sakai runs out the front door and runs home]

Sakai: hopefully i'm not late to meet mom .

[after sometime sakai arrives at home and opens the door]

Sakai: hey.. Im home.

[sakai notices how quiet it is]

Sakai: hey is anyone home.

[sakai starts to walk down the hallway]

Sakai: mom.. Dad.. is anyone home.

Hino: I'm home.

[sakai turns around in fear]

Sakai: who are you?.

Hino: death.

[sakai tries to run out the door but hino grabs sakai by the arm]

Hino: where do you think your going.. The fun has just begun.

Sakai: where are my parents?.

Hino: oh you want to meet your parents huh.

[hino walks sakai upstairs to her parents bedroom]

Sakai: before you open this door what did you do.

Hino: oh.. I painted you a picture.

[sakai begins to tear up]

Sakai: ok..

[hino opens the door and sakai sees her parents hung to the wall with there organs strung everywhere]

Sakai: mom.. Dad..

Hino: its a very nice picture isn't it.

[sakai starts to cry]

Sakai: how could you have done this.

[hino starts to grin]

Hino: well since were in the art room lets have some fun.

[hino pins sakai against the wall]

Sakai: please let me go.

Hino: im sorry but you know to much.

[sakai realizes whats about to happen and pulls out the white rose yadara gave her]

Sakai: ok well as my last desire at least let me die with this flower.

Hino: ok.. As you wish.

[sakai closes her eyes]

Sakai: im.. Sorry yadara.

[hino stabs sakai and pulls the knife out making all of sakais organs fall out]

Hino: now let's see how do i make this an art piece.

[hino staples all of sakai organs to the wall making a picture of sakai and yadara]

[hino gets a phone call]

Hino: hello?.

Boss: did you kill the target?.

Hino: not yet but i got his girlfriend.

Boss: ha.. You got his girlfriend.

Hino: yes .

Boss: well you better hurry and kill him before his power gets to strong.

Hino: understood.

[hino hangs up]

Hino: i guess i should take a picture of this and send it to his house.

[hino takes the picture]

chapter 10.5 october 31st