
Melody (fall in love with your voice)

Ever heard of "fall in love at first side" but here it is "fall in love when i heard your voice ". Where our lead Ethan ( soon to be alpha ) fall for our sweet but spicy and little Ash's voice , while doing the petrol ( guarding the pack land/ border). What will happen when the truth come unfold after going through confusion between feelings and mind? What will Ash do when he find about Ethan? " What's wrong with me, why I'm attracted to that boy? I should be waiting for my mate. What is wrong with me? " Well that's it ....not so good with discription want to know their story then read it .

DaoistBr0n7u · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Ethan's pov

The news of humans coming in our pack to live is kind of new to me as there is no human live in our pack as far as I know . According to dad the family consist of a male and female with their one child who is near my age or same as my age , soon dad will send the copy of the information about Skie family. Dad and uncle Hank say that the humans seems nice and there background is also clear but still they want to confirm it by themeself therefore me and Mark have to be friends with their son . There is no problem in that as I am pretty open to have friends and for starting i'm doing this only to save my pack from danger if they are one .

"Mark what you think about this", I asked him as he will be my beta in future and we both have to create a good relationship with the son of Skie family .

"Well , i'm fine by it . It's simple we only have to be friends with him and humans are pretty easy to talk with I read it in some website and when we are in training at the human territory human there are also nice , therefore this one should be the same", he said while playing in his phone . Well he is right though human back in training are quit easy going and talk nicely , well there are few who firstly talk rudely but as the training came to an end all of us really settle very well . In our pack we have to do a few months outdoor training in human territory so we can blend with them nicely when situation like this occure .

"Don't think to much about it , according to dad they seems clear right now but what is not clear right now is your grade for todays test ", Mark said while laughing at me .

" Shut the fuck up . it's not me alone you are also the same as me ", I replied him as I throw the pillow at him.

"Same dude but that's not my fault , that old lady have a grudge against me as once I sleep in her class and curse at someone while she is saying something to the class ", he said while sitting in better position and continue to play .

"Same dude I just once ditch her class as I don't have the time to sleep that day cause of late night patrolling and she just took her revenge in this test , that lady is surely is something ", I said while laying on my bed . It's sometime seems really hard to manage school plus pack life together . As the soon to be Alpha of the pack I have to maintain a good image both in front of family and pack members, I really have to learn a lot of things so I can guide the pack successfully, never forget the combat training it is really intense especially with me being the future alpha . I don't know why but my wolf is on the edge today he is poking behind my head to let him free , I don't know the reason but sometime he want to be let free to create trouble as my wolf "VITA" is kind of childish when there is no danger he will not mind to let loose and be goofy .

"Down to earth dude, I have been calling you for like 100 time now . What were you thinking?", Mark asked he shook me with his foot.

"Nothing just Vita is kind of on the edge today . Well let's check on the boy I think dad has send me the copy about him.", I said as I open my email and like that there is the copy about the boys information . Well in the picture he kinda look cute , with big round eyes , slim face a straight nose and the plump lips so ros..sy wait,...what am I doing ? Seriously of all people i'm checking a human boy what is wrong with me ."but he is cute ", said vita in my head . "STOP IT VITA , we are doing a serious job here", I said while focusing on the screen once again I got distracted by the beauty of the human .

"OH..so you also think that he is beautiful . Same here, if I found him alone I will eat him up ( not the eat type of eat XOXO) he looks tasty ", Vita again said .

" Shut the fuck up you bart we are doing a job here and no there is never in the billions of time i'm gonna let you eat that fucking human ", I Said while shuting him in the corner of my mind , sometime he really piss me off.... I really want to wait for my mate and this ungreatful of a wolf is playing with my mind but this is also his first time to think about someone in that way . What is wrong with him .

" So his name is Ash .well he look cute , if things are right i'll try on him what you think ?", I heard Mark saying something .

"What you say ?", i asked him as he give me a look and repeat himself .

" I said this boy whose name is Ash is kinda cute if things were right i think i will date him . What you think ?"

"MINE", I suddenly growl as i feel huge amount of possessiveness toward the boy name Ash , I don't know why ? what is happening with me ? What's wrong ?

"woah easy there man , if you want him then you can just say that no need to be so itchy about it . Well congratulation that after all this years you found some to call a crush . i never thought that you will be into cute guys but amazing ...good taste there...", Mark said while smiling like a idiot .

"Shut your fucking mouth Mark or i will rip it off of your face , and no i'm not attracted to him i'm gonna wait for my mate . I'm not like you who is so desperate to have sex that you can't even wait for them. Such a sex crazed animal ." I said while snapping at him .

" Easy there Ethan what got your tail that you are so furious . I'm just joking .maybe not but why are you snapping at such small thing ", he said while giving me his big eyes as some someone wear his underwear and now they are dancing in front of him .

" I'm sorry dude , it's just Vita . Let's just get through it ", i said and after that we go through with the file .He is 17teen years old , a nerd , never get in fight , never fail the exam aslo he is a top scoring student of his previous school , not a sports person i think then . Not much to keep in mind as the boy is quit open and there is nothing that sound suspicious . After reading the file Mark went to his room . I got shower and hit the bed but one thing that i know that i'm not gonna sleep tonight as when ever i close my eyes his face with plump lips and big round eyes come in my sight of vision . One thing for sure this guy is gonna give me a hard time .

AWWW.... OUR POOR ETHAN . So what you think about , what gonna happen next cause here sure Ethan has a problem, a cute one to say . THANKS FOR REACHING OUT . DO VOTE AS IT ONLY TAKE MILLISECOND TO TOUCH THE STAR . FOLLOW ME . TAKE CARE <<3