
Melodies At Twilight

Bisi is a 15 year old Nigerian student, gifted with a marvellous singing voice. Familiar with the art of music, Bisi makes it a crucial part of her life and takes it even more seriously than her social life. Having no friends, Bisi can only depend on her music to keep her company. Until one day.... "Who...who are you?" A lonely dark figure stood in the corner, watching her. A wide, unhinged grin on its face. "You're the pathetic little thing who possesses The Voice? If i had known i wouldn't have agreed to be sent to kill you" After the attack, Bisi is again visited by another strange entity, this time, it seems pure. "My name is Omolewa. I am the original owner of The Voice" "The Voice? What is this Voice?", Bisi asks. "The Voice is a powerful weapon made and formed by The Creator Himself. The Voice possesses the power to create and to destroy...that's why she wants it" "Who is she?" "Jezeia, a corrupted creation" Follow Bisi. Find out if she can wield the power of The Voice and defeat the evil forces thriving and working against her. Will the final melodies at twilight be joyful...or tragic?

Mazoooooooooooooo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

She stood outside, taking in some fresh air, wanting to be away from them all for some time.

It was harder than she thought.

Yet, she remembered there was a time when it came easy for her. Well...easier.

There was a time when she was an 'Amarachi'. There was a time when she led the girls of the set like a proud queen bee.

When even did she become less out going?

It had to be when she first had a taste of something called bullying.

She couldn't even remember her bully's face now. But he had made her feel so insecure about who she was.

She had always been taller than most girls her age. She matured faster too and was chubbier when she was younger.

He led everyone to call her fat and ugly. And even though she had tried to pretend like it didn't bother her, it unconsciously made her believe no one truly liked her, it made her like people less. It made her like people's company less.

Somewhere along the line, she became a loner. Save for Aisha who always seemed to enjoy bothering her. Aisha had always been the typical, pretty girl. She wasn't too slim or too chubby, she was small and cute.

She had hated being around her, because next to her, she looked even bigger and chubbier.

And because of this, she grew to dislike Aisha's company more than other's.

Yet, Aisha chose to still stay with her.

No matter how hurtful the words she threw at Aisha were, she was back the next day, smiling at her like nothing had happened.

Years passed and she lost alot of weight, thanks to the sickness that plagued her for weeks.

She began re-earning the attention she once had but had lost. Everyone liked her, everyone was talking to her again. She wanted to enjoy it, she really did. But she could never shake that small, dreadful voice at the back of her subconscious, telling her –insisting– that no one truly liked her.

Alas, even as she had become what they wanted to see on the outside, she still remained that insecure, chubby, little girl on the inside.

To somehow cope with that dreadful voice in her head, she had convinced herself she didn't care what they thought of her. And it had worked.

For the longest time, that little voice's words didn't bother her. Not until this evening.

"Bisi?", a familiar voice called Bisi out of her thoughts. She turned, finding Aisha standing behind her.

"Hm?", she hummed in reply.

"What're you doing out here? They're looking for you inside", Aisha said, coming to stand beside her.

"I needed air", Bisi replied curtly.

Aisha let out a sigh. "Amarachi got to you that much?"

Bisi remained silent.

"You know you shouldn't let someone as shallow as Amarachi bother you. She only attacked you like that because she was jealous that-"

"Why did you set me up like that?", Bisi cut in, turning her head to Aisha. "Why did you match my outfit with Michael's when you knew Amarachi would be here?"

"I assumed you knew already", she tried explaining. "You even said you like the cardigan..."

"Well now I hate it!", Bisi yelled at her.

Aisha yelped in surprise, her eyes widening. "Bisi...it's not a big deal. Everyone gets snapped at by Amarachi once in a while. She didn't even say any hurtful words to you"

"And what about the stupid gossip I heard from the other people's mouths?", Bisi asked, feeling all her frustration and anger rise with every word. "You think I like being the centre of attention? You think i like hearing the words that spew out of people's mouths about me?"

"What gossip?", Aisha asked. Her voice had become smaller and more timid.

Bisi looked away. "Just go away. I'm leaving now"

"Okay, I'll call Michael and we'll go together-", she began.

"I'm going home alone", Bisi cut in with a fierce look. She turned and began walking away without another word.

She felt angry, frustrated and annoyed at Aisha, Michael, Amarachi, Omolewa, everyone.

But she also felt guilty. For snapping at someone who had helped her, despite how mean she had previously been.

Aisha was too good for her own good.

Bisi frowned.

The street was too quiet. It was a Friday evening, it was usually bussling with activities.

But this evening, it was lonely and quiet. Odd.

A gust of wind suddenly blew by Bisi and her danger receptors suddenly went off. Why had she stupidly chosen to walk home alone?

She stood still in the silent street, aware of the presence behind her.

"Well, well", there it was. The snake-like, whispering, disturbing voice she had unwillingly become familiar with.

"You again", she whispered shakily.

It made a strange gargling sound that sounded vaguely like laughter. "Did you miss me? I made sure to pay you a visit sooner than anticipated"

"You've come to attack me again?", Bisi tried to sound fearless. "With what? Your annoying voices?"

"I see you're growing a spine. Excellent. I'll enjoy breaking it", the demon spoke. "And concerning my wonderful voices, I'm pained you didn't recognise me back there"

Bisi had to stop herself from spinning around to face the demon. "What do you mean?"

"Oh you didn't notice, mortal? Ha! Mortals are so slow", it sneered. "You thought you could enjoy an evening out without me?"

Bisi glared into nothingness, pretending she was glaring at the demon. "What did you do?"

There was the gargling sound again. "It's pathetic watching you try to navigate through your feelings for that male. I find it funny that you think you're important enough for people to actually gossip about you. Isn't that prideful?"

"It was you! Those voices I thought we're my classmates, it was you! I should've known!"

"But you didn't", the demon laughed. "And you, to my utmost entertainment and delight, took out all your anger on your poor friend. It's no mystery how you're so disliked"

Bisi wanted to smack herself in the face. Aisha must have thought she was being dramatic! She yelled at her for no solid reason. And it was all this demon's fault.

"You pesky demon...", Bisi spun around finally, turning to face the demon with her eyes cast to the ground.

She felt so angry, she wanted to burst. "I'll make you regret ever sabotaging my already strained, might I add, relationship with Aisha"

"The mortal is angry", the demon spoke. "How adorable"

"Say that again", Bisi growled. "I dare you"

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