
Chapter Twelve: Personal Maid

He held my hair in place as he carefully scrutinized it

"Is this....dye?!"

He seemed to ask no one as he still stared at it.

I was too flustered to answer him so I remained silent "But the color comes all the way from your scalp, like it's natural. Besides, I don't get why you'd dye only this side red. And to get it so well too. It's Natural, isn't it?" He asked and I blinked at him


I tried to answer but I was short of words. Suddenly, the atmosphere became so tense and awkward, I could hardly maintain eye contact with him.

He sighed and dropped my hair "Forget it, I prefer not to be bothered by unnecessary matters" he said and walked out. I immediately locked the door from the inside as he left and let out air that I never knew I was holding. We stood too close to each other and my heart was pounding inside my chest. I held my chest as I tried to steady my breathing, it took my all to maintain my composure.

I put my hand inside my dress and brought out my locket. I was very grateful to Goddess Bowena that they didn't see this on me. If they had seen it, they would have claimed that I took it from the princess and seized it from me.

I held the locket as I caressed it fondly, closing my eyes as memories of my mother humming a tune as she combed my hair came flooding back to me. I opened my eyes and noticed something wet and moist on my cheek. I touched it and realised I had been crying silently. I sighed lightly and went to another part of the room which I assumed to be the washroom and got to cleaning myself. When I was through, I opened the box and saw maiden dresses . I picked one and put it on. It was an exact fit.

I was about to fix my hair when I heard a knock at the door "Miss, this is Madam Anis. I believe prince Gaustin told you about me" I heard from the other side and I smiled.

So his name was Gaustin.

I opened the door and I was met with a middle aged lady that had a big smile on her face "Well, aren't you a beauty!"

I smiled awkwardly at her as she made her way into the room "When young master told me he was bringing a guest, I never in all my years imagined it to be a woman! And a pretty one at that!" She exclaimed and I blushed instantly. "Oh come on! Let's make your hair and get you round the palace. We haven't much time. By the way, what's ur name dear?" She asked tenderly as she hurried me to the bed and got ready to make my hair

"Melissa, ma'am. And I don't mind making my hair myself ma'am" I tried to politely oblige but she waved her hand

"Nonsense! I'm doing your hair. And please, call me Madam Anis" she smiled warmly that I also smiled with her and I loosened up a bit. I know she must have seen the red in my hair but she kept quiet about it.

We went round the palace, her showing me everything and everywhere and me looking amazed. Everything was just so different and wonderful that I even felt a tinge of happiness that I got kidnapped. "And this is the kitchen" she said when she showed me the kitchen and my eyes widened. It was so beautiful "Will I be working here?" I asked in anticipation but she chuckled "Oh no dear! For some reason, young master has ordered you be his personal maid" she said and my jaw dropped open

"His what?!"

I exclaimed and she gave me a puzzled look.

I quickly collected myself and asked quietly "He ordered me to be his maid?" And she nodded with a smile on her face as she led me to his room "Don't be scared of young master. On the outside, he might seem ice cold and aloof, but beneath all that exterior, he is like a flower during summer" she tried to allay my fears but I just gave her a half smile.

Why would he want me to do this?

She knocked on the door of his room when we got there "Young master, I've brought her as you requested" she announced and we waited for a few minutes

"Come in"

He said and she gave me a smile "Go in" she ushered me and I reluctantly went in.

Goddess Bowena, please protect me from this ice prince!...