
Chapter One: Those Eyes

I walked briskly towards the basement. I had looked for her everywhere and that was the last place I had an idea of. I had hardly opened the door to the basement when I saw her, gawking with her mouth wide open as she stared outside the window

"What are you doing?" I asked and that seemed to startle her as she jumped back in fright

"Oh! Lissa! Hi! I was just -um-cleaning the windows" she lied and I raised a brow "With your eyes?" I asked sarcastically and she giggled sheepishly.

I sighed and walked to where she was, looking outside the window to check whatever it was that caught her attention.

I scoffed when I saw it was him and turned to her "Dorothy, not this again! We've been over this. There is no way he's going to notice you!" I tried advising her again but she proved adamant

"I don't care! I believe in Destiny and I believe that he will notice me! One day! And even if I can't have him in reality, at least let me have him in my dreams" she cried and I frowned in frustration.

"Whatever Dorothy, let's just get out of here before Merian catches us" I said and began making my way towards the door when it opened and my eyes met hers

"Ma'am, what're you doing here?" I asked frightened and she squinted her eyes "I think I should be the one asking that question Melissa, where have you been?" She asked firmly but in a scary way and I held my breath

"I sent for them, I needed help with cleaning up some stuff" we heard a voice and I bowed my head instantly.

It was Agnes, the head of the Chambermaids. She was a really dear friend to us and she just saved our necks. Merian didn't seem to believe her but she took it anyways

"You are Kitchenmaids, not Chambermaids. Let this be the last time I find you down here" she warned and we nodded our heads

"Yes Ma'am"

We both chorused and she made way for us "Back to work NOW" she said and we both scurried out of the basement.

We got back to the kitchen and set to work, cooking meals and washing dishes in preparation for dinner time.

It was our job, after all, we were Kitchenmaids.

Moments later, the door opened and Merian walked in with a demeaning look on her face

"The prince has ordered a plate of our famous Lerwelchian pie to serve to his guests. I want it ready in an hour's time and I want it as tasty as possible" she said and turned to me

"You are in charge of delivering the pie to the prince in the practice area, is that understood?"

She asked sternly and we all nodded "Yes ma'am" we answered and everyone got to work.

Hours later, I was headed to the practice area with the pie in a trolley. Dorothy would kill to be in my position, she was crushing on the prince.

I sighed when I thought of that.


I shook my head and forged on, not letting anything else bother me. I got to the practice area and I paused for a moment.

The prince was with two other princes from different kingdoms and I had to make a good impression. I dusted my gown and made my hair before heading inside.

The practice area was full of war equipments and the prince was sparring with one of his guests while the other just stood afar, looking indifferent as he just stared at them.

I made a mental note of his midnight-blue hair as it caught my attention. I couldn't see his face but I didn't care less.

I wasn't here to ogle at men, I was here to deliver a pie and that was it! I was about to turn my eyes away from him when he turned to me and it seemed like time got frozen.

His hazel-green eyes stared deep, boring into my soul, searching for my very end and I was lost in them.

Those eyes!

I knew them from somewhere! But where?!