
Melancholy’s Bride

"You own me, Feiya. So, if you're thinking of releasing me now, this loyal dog of yours might bite you," the heroine gently cradled my hand and kissed the back of my right hand. "Kiss me with those poisonous lips of yours, Feiya Poloro and feed me pretty little lies," the villainess pulled me in by my waist. "You're the most interesting thing I've ever seen. If I keep you as a pet, will you keep entertaining me for the rest of my life?" The wicked witch of the west caressed my left hand. "I'll give you anything in the world, Poloro. Just take my surname and the world is yours," the wild bitch of the empire knelt at my feet and kissed its top sweetly. I have a secret: I am not Feiya Poloro. Warning: I do not own the art cover of the book. All credits go to the artist who has drawn it.

baexuxi · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

- 7 -

After my confrontation with Liliana, a few days had gone by without a hitch. It was as though it were the calm before the storm. Anxiety had started to worm inside of my guts from how tranquil it was.

Liliana had stopped bothering Caroline, though I wasn't certain whether it was a disguise, or just temporary. Since she was out of the picture, I have been constantly farming good points with Caroline. Compared to the last few days, her behavior towards me had grown softer, though as much as of a sunfish she was, I had to walk on knives whenever I was around her, picking apart my words like a student enlisting for a university.

I never knew I'd have to live a life so exhausting after I died as a workaholic. Though, I'd take this situation over working my ass off in an office and getting denounced by balding old men who couldn't get off their high horses. It was also fortunate that I had such a cute little puppy by my side.

I used my authority as the young mistress to exempt Caroline from the laborious work, knowing Liliana would just worm her way into creating more burden for Caroline. You may call it favoritism, but I didn't mind exercising bias. After all, this was my survival key.

The tepid breeze brushed its fingers across my cheeks, causing the icy cold skin to warm up subconsciously. I closed my eyes, relishing in the rustle of leaves and the chirps of crickets and birds roaming in the sky. Even without opening my eyes, I could feel Caroline's burning gaze on my side profile and I fluttered my eyelashes as I opened my eyes; gaze colliding with golden irises.

"What's the matter, Carol?" I prompted gently. Upon my sudden inquiry, Caroline flushed.

"I.. It's nothing, young mistress!" She quickly bowed her head, clearly avoiding my gaze.

I frowned, setting down my teacup on the complimentary plate before leaning over to tilt her chin up with my index finger. Such close skin-ship was normal between us and the other servants that were waiting by the entrance of the greenhouse did not bat a single eyelash as they watched our interaction.

"How could you say that when you've been staring at me for the past few minutes? Did you think I wouldn't notice?" I murmured.

Caroline pursed her lips, her face stained an even darker crimson as her flushed cheeks were revealed to my eyes. I narrowed my eyes darkly as I watched her. Her cheeks were like a pair of red apples that urged me to take a bite out of them, but that would've definitely scared her away if I attempted. I could only restrain my urges.

"It's just, miss…" Caroline tried to evade my touch, making me tighten my grip on her chin furthermore. She could've easily avoided me, but she didn't even try. Her golden pupils met my own lilac ones which curved. "You're so beautiful. When you closed your eyes, it's as though you had became one with nature.. like you were gonna blend in. I.. I felt a little nervous. I thought the young miss might've disappeared."

I raised my eyebrows at her confession. Caroline pursed her lips in humiliation, as if she hadn't realized the meaning of her words before she finished speaking.

"Anyhow.. this servant apologizes for being impudent."

"How cute," I released her chin, reclining back into my chair as I shook my head in disbelief. "Is that why you were staring at me so intently? Because you were afraid I'd blend in with the nature? Are you perhaps trying to compliment my beauty?"

"I.. I realize that it sounds really stupid.."

"No," the corners of my lips upturned. I hooked the handle of the teacup and lifted it to my lips, hiding my smile. "On the contrary, I'm rather pleased. You have a knack for pleasing people, Caroline."

"I.. I really wasn't trying to please you, miss! I was just stating what I saw!" Her round, doe-like eyes burned with determination, etching their presence into my mind. It was difficult to tear my eyes away from the dazzling sight so I merely closed them again.

"It's that.. you're really beautiful…" Caroline mumbled out the last sentence.

I pretended as though I hadn't heard her. "What was that, Carol?"

"What I'm.. what I'm saying is…!" Caroline clenched both of her hands, lifting her head up. She parted her pink lips, about to utter the words that I wished to hear when suddenly, a maid bursted into the greenhouse, disrupting the tranquility of the picturesque sight of both Caroline and I seated at a round table, surrounded by silver platters filled to the brim with sweet-smelling cakes.

"Miss, the Baron has requested your presence!"

My fingers that were holding onto the teacup twitched with an urge to throw it at someone. My eyes peeled open at once with a glare in them and the brown-haired maid that bore the brunt of my gaze shivered.

Just when Caroline was acting so cute, they had the nerve to disturb us. I ought to give the Baron a harangue. I slammed the bottom of my teacup onto the table and lifted either side of my skirt and rose to my feet. Caroline immediately followed suit.

"Is that so?" I plastered on a fake smile. "Then, lead me the way."

Not much was said along the way. The three of us walked in complete silence, of course, with Caroline's lanky figure trailing behind me as if she were my shadow. To outsiders, our relationship may have seemed bizarre. They'd think Caroline was sucking up to the young lady of the house who had changed after she suffered an injury to the head. But, I knew better. It was just the way Caroline was. Selfless and oblivious to the numerous fingers being pointed at us.

We finally arrived in front of the Baron's office which the butler opened, revealing three figures sitting inside the room. One, whom I recognized to be my idiotic father then another silver-haired man and an unfamiliar handsome young man. I thought that this scene looked familiar.

"Father," I spoke, restraining my irritation. "I was having a tea party within the greenhouse. I wonder why you've called for me?"

Before Baron Poloro could reply, the silver-haired man exclaimed in surprise. "Is that young lady Feiya? Oh, how you've grown so much! It seemed like eons ago when you were still a baby about the size of my leg. You are certainly well-endowed in some areas…" he trailed off, peering down at my body.

Since I wasn't the outgoing type, I had merely worn a light and loose dress that showed off my clavicles and a transparent shawl obscured my shoulders. The dress stopped curtly below my knees, revealing my white and unblemished ankles. Feiya Poloro was also the same as me, a person who relished in clinging to her house so she was white all over like she had been dipped into milk. Such an annoyingly fragile body… was being stared at lecherously by a man thrice her age. Even if this wasn't my own body, I felt insulted.

I felt Caroline behind me stir uncomfortably, but before she could step forth, I caught the sleeve of her uniform, grasping it between my fingers tightly. Caroline looked at me, pursing her lips, but I averted my eyes.

The Baron did nothing but smile in silence as the old pervert examined me like he was checking the quality of a gem. Disgust crawled up my skin like a million ants were gnawing on my body.

"And you've grown even more beautiful.. yes, yes, I can already see the making of a beauty.. just like how your mother was…"

"Thank you… for your praises," I interrupted with a polite smile that was incessantly twitching at the corners.

"Father, will you stop doing that? You're making Miss Feiya very uncomfortable," the young, silver-haired man who I had almost forgotten spoke up. My eyes were naturally drawn to his eye-catching hair color.

Almond-shaped, azure colored eyes which were a shade lighter than Caroline's, a tall nose bridge and soft eyebrows that turned upwards at the very tips. He resembled a lily that swayed back and forth on the top of a snowy mountain. He donned a light-blue suit that resembled the same color of his eyes. His hair was reminiscent of a diamond that had been rubbed until it glimmered iridescently. When our eyes clashed together, that was when it struck me.

How could I forget? This was one of the many fishes that was recruited into Caroline's fish bowl. Well, the earliest to appear. He was Feiya's fiancé but only in name. In reality, they couldn't be any more than friends. Feiya and him had been friends since childhood and they practically grew up with each other. It was safe to say Feiya was also the magpie bridge for these two characters. Of course, it was always one-sided since Caroline's real love was revenge.

But, he was one of those soft-hearted and sentimental male leads that would hide their feelings inside of their hearts to "make the object of their affection happy."

The corners of his eyes crinkled into three folds. "Feiya, it's really been a long time."

"Ah yes, well, 10 years?" I said half-heartedly. If he noticed my unenthusiastic behavior, his smile didn't even falter.

"Actually, it's been six," he rubbed the back of his head bashfully. Such a handsome face acting so shy… if I were attracted to males, my heart would've certainly moved, but as of now, I didn't feel anything when I looked upon that flushed and freshly white face.

Compared to him… our Caroline was much prettier, wasn't she? My eyes unconsciously flickered to the blond girl and I could sense an aura of gloominess surround her. I gave her forearm a rub and she perked up. All that icy sheen over her face melted as soon as she saw my face and she cracked a small smile. Her blinding visuals cleansed my eyes and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why don't you come take a seat beside Erwin?" Baron Poloro suggested in a crisp tone. It was obvious he disliked the sight of Caroline clinging onto me, especially due to the rumors that were surrounding Feiya Poloro even before I transmigrated into her body.

Nevertheless, it wasn't as though I could defy him. Until when did I have to bow my head down to these clearly undeserving and arrogant men? Even in my past life, even as Feiya Poloro.

"Actually, I was thinking that Feiya and I could take a walk. It's been a long time since I've been to the Poloro estate. I would like to take my time to catch up with my fiancée." There was a semblance of a smile within Erwin's words. If I hadn't read the novel beforehand, I would've expected that he was really attracted to this character named Feiya Poloro.

"Ah… is that so?" Erwin's father of whom I had forgotten the name of glanced back-and-forth between the two of us, a knowing smile plastered on his hardened face. "That works out well then. Have fun you two love birds."

Love birds? A shudder ran up my spine, unconsciously forming goosebumps along my skin. I rubbed my arm and swiveled around since I no longer wished to communicate any further with the men lest I wanted to lose my remaining brain cells.

The second I turned my back to them, cool, long fingers entwined with my own. I tipped my head up to see Erwin who was smiling down at me. His pointed eyebrows seemed to have slanted downwards ever so slightly and his eyes now reflected a mischievous spark in them.

"What are you…" I started, offended.

Erwin placed a finger against his lips, his cerulean eyes twinkling. "Let's go, Feiya."

Perhaps, he was giving me the leeway from spending a suffocating time with the two men. Even though I was against with maintaining skin-contact with me, I didn't wish to cause a scene. However, as I turned my head every so slightly, I was met with a pair of narrowed eyes, like a wolf that was about to tear into someone's throat. Those pair of ferocious eyes belonged to Caroline.

"Caroline?" I whispered, somewhat out of shock. My voice immediately made the girl perk her head up. As if she hadn't been glaring so ominously at the intertwined hands of Erwin and I, she beamed at me. "Let's go."

She bowed her head. And Erwin gently tugged me out of the room. As soon as we beyond the door, I wrenched my hand away from Erwin's loose grip, clutching onto my wrist which tingled with the aftermath of warmth.

"Grabbing a lady's hand with no warning prior… you're being really inconsiderate, Sir Erwin," I spoke with a fake smile.

Erwin mirrored my expression and his eyebrows curved. "Well, I didn't expect for the lady to act so hostile towards me. I heard that you hit your head. Does it hurt?"

He raised his hand, about to touch the back of my head when Caroline stepped in between us. She was tall enough to cover my whole body, but even she had to crane her neck up to face Erwin directly. A breath was caught in my throat. Was this the part where Erwin were to fall for Caroline? Even though I had expected it, there was a bitter taste on my tongue.

"The lady clearly does not like being touched without permission. Why do you insist on doing what she has stated she doesn't appreciate?" Caroline inquired. Her tone was light as if this were nothing out of the blue, but from her words, one could tell she meant animosity, but it was spoken in a way that was so eloquent one couldn't find themself to be offended by Caroline's words.

Erwin's eyelashes trembled as he swept his gaze downwards. There was no particular emotion being reflected within the blue irises, but I still kept a close watch on the minuscule shift in expression.

"But, aren't you the one who's touching her without her permission? I am Feiya Poloro's fiancé," Erwin smirked. "But, what are you?"

A question mark formed on top of my head. Wasn't this pair supposed to be fighting with their lips and tongues, and not with their words? Could it be that I am the factor to why these changes kept occurring throughout the story? I had never really thought I'd make much impact. Hope fluttered in my chest and I grabbed the top of my dress. Did this mean that I actually had a chance of altering the storyline to save myself?

"I am…" Caroline started, but faltered. She couldn't rebuke the man's words.

I understood her struggle and I had a softer spot for Caroline than this white-haired man. I clutched Caroline's forearm and pulled her behind me, glowering up at Erwin who was like a looming skyscraper compared to me.

"Since when did you like to interrogate maids now? Caroline's my person. The only connection between us is that we were engaged years ago. You have no right to talk to my person like that."

Erwin's lips thinned and he merely stared at me as if that would convince me to change my words. I stared back even harder and after a few seconds, he released a sigh, rubbing the back of his nape. When he lifted his chin, a sheepish expression dotted his face.

"I'm sorry, Feiya, that was uncalled for. I didn't mean to make you upset. Can you forgive me?" His almond-shaped eyes reflected sincerity like a puppy that had been kicked to the curb. As for me, I disliked that face of his. To me, Caroline was the OG puppy.

"You shouldn't be asking me for forgiveness," I scoffed. "Anyhow, I'll let this slide because you're my fiancé. However, if you ever disrespect my familiar like that… we will have problems, Mr Erwin."

"Erwin. Call me Erwin.. just like you used to, Feiya."

Look at this shameless scoundrel. The reason why I disliked Erwin so immensely was because he was the reason why Feiya Poloro was sent to the old man in the first place. Since he had fallen in love with Caroline, he didn't wish to stay in a relationship with Feiya. I thought Feiya was a pushover especially in this moment. Both parties were her friends, so Caroline's happiness was hers. If she had broken up with Erwin, would the two have been happy together?

That was probably the foolish girl's thought process. I couldn't criticize her enough for it. Even though Feiya had technically approved of the engagement breaking off herself, her family was eminently displeased.

Although Erwin wouldn't know it, he had caused Feiya's death indirectly. Perhaps, it was because I despised men from the beginning, but I couldn't stand the sight of Erwin knowing he was the reason why Feiya Poloro was buried alive.

"I'll make it clear, Mr Erwin," I stressed on the last part. "We may be engaged, but it doesn't mean that we're in love. We may have known each other since childhood, but that doesn't mean we'll be as close as we were. The two of us have changed far too much and I hate how you're trying to rekindle our friendship. That's why I'm making it clear so you don't embarrass yourself any further."

I stepped forth, trying to intimidate him. He backtracked by a margin but there was no more space for him to escape.

"Stay engaged to me for one more year."

"I don't believe I'm catching up with what you're saying, Feiya," his voice was sweet and accommodating even though I was technically threatening him.

"Y.. Young lady?" Caroline's shaky voice chimed in from the side. This time, unfortunately, I had to ignore her.

"Be my fiancé for just one more year then we can break it off. I know that you're highly sought after, so staying in this engagement can ward off the girls.. for now."

Erwin plunged into silence. He pressed his lips into a straight line and I continued to stare at him intently.

"It's agreeable…" Erwin trailed off. I didn't stay to wait for his next words. I swiveled around and grasped Caroline's wrist, but she only gazed at me with a complex emotion, rooted to the spot. I furrowed my eyebrows at her and her lips paled. She clamped a hand over my own before gently peeling my fingers off her sleeve. I gaped at her in disbelief.

"Caroline?" I whispered, looking to her face for any sign of fluster, but there was nothing akin to that emotion on her blanched face.

She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and lowered her head as a formal bow before scuttling away like a rat that had been caught nibbling on cheese.

"Caroline!" I yelled after her quickly disappearing back. My scream reverberated throughout the long hallway, yet Caroline did not stop to look back. A feeling akin to woe seized my heart. It was quite painful. I clutched my chest, digging my nails into the fabric of my dress.

"Shit!" I hissed under my breath. After all the favor I was trying to carry with her… how could this happen? She was being too unreasonable!

I was just… I was just trying to preserve my life? What right did she have to get mad at me for using desperate measures?

"I can see that she's not satisfied with the arrangement," Erwin's disembodied voice sounded behind me. I swiveled back to glare at him, knowing that it wasn't his fault, but I desperately wanted someone to pin all the blame onto. Erwin bore the brute of my glare with a gentle smile that I wanted to rip from his face with my nails.

"I know that," I snapped back subconsciously, subsequently releasing the top of my dress.

"That maid… she likes you, doesn't she? She's quite pretty. Do you like her?"

I looked at Erwin skeptically.

"You really have changed," Erwin droned on. From the steps he had taken back, he suddenly stepped forth, making me flinch. I tipped my head back to gaze into his curved azure eyes. He casted a long shadow over my face and I couldn't determine what sort of expression he was making.

"Isn't that bound to happen since we haven't seen each other for, what, ten years?"

"Six years." His voice suddenly deepened meaningfully. "Six years that we haven't seen each other. Not even once, but it's as though you became a completely different person."

Erwin wasn't so much of a gentleman now. I peered at him vigilantly.

"If we have nothing more to discuss, then I shall be taking my leave."

I turned around, walking forward. His sonorous voice made me pause momentarily.

"Do you like Caroline?"

"…." I resumed walking; the clicks of my heels louder than life itself.

Me liking Caroline? That was quite preposterous. I had only ever thought of her as my golden thigh, the key to my survival, and nothing more than that. Because my heart already belonged to another person that probably didn't even remember me now.

I think I disappeared for like 7 or 8 months? Don't worry, the updates will only get worse and worse. Haha, I'm kidding. Maybe..?

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