

One day after the fight Between kuroe and Vellafor there was nothing but rumors about the new rookie that made a great entrance on his first day in the academy.

There was nothing else in the student's mouth but the past event just to increase the excitement about the winter tournament that was coming to Kaoru and kai it was like a kick to the guts.

They felt they were being left behind, especially Kai whose plan was to become one of the top students and leave her family pride in a high position among everyone.

She decided to become stronger before the tournament; she just had a few months, so it was time to make her move.

Kai was especially good in the use of Katanas and high pace fights, all of Kakiura's Hereditary skill and Technique of their predecessor yet she still had a long way to fully master that expertise.

Back at the end of the day kai was sitting in her classroom but her mind wasn't there she started to think about what she could do.

"I can let the Andrade kid take advantage any further, I can't just admire it from the distance" kai thought.

Kai had her determination ready to go one step further, she went back to the kakiura palace, greet the servants and other fellow family members and start to prepare everything to go train.

With a ferrous look on her face, it was time to face her weakness and overcome her limits.

She took a katana, her armor and provisions for three days and one of the best horses in the palace soon after she head to the Adventurer guild and start to look for missions that fit perfectly for her.

" Lord Kai, have you decided which mission are you going to take," the secretary said.

"The hybrid Chimera one just signs me in, no party" kai replied.

"That a Third Rank mission. I'm afraid I can't allow you to go by yourself, my lord."

Suddenly from a corner, an adventurer came to the front counter.

"Kai, it's you! Are you going somewhere" the man happily said.

Kai looked surprised and cheerful.

"Gon!" Kai replied with excitement.

Kakiura Gon, A tall man with short black hair and a scar on his neck, and one of the members of the clan that specialized in battle a great adventurer of the family and Kai's cousin.

"Kai, the mission you are about to take is too high for you and, furthermore by yourself; what were you thinking."

" Gon... I need to do this; I can't be the shadow of my father anymore, I'm weak..." kai thought about the fight between Kuroe and Rain and feel she was not at that level yet.

Kai had a serious look; Gon could tell how much kai had grown up and look at the young version of himself in her.

" Ms. Secretary, allow me to take the mission I'll go with her" Gon said.

Gon was an adventurer rank quattuor (Four) so he could take the mission with no problems.

Kai thanked Gon; he put his hand on her shoulder and spoke.

"'I count with you, Kai; let me see how much you have grown."

Soon after they start to prepare everything for the mission, the place they were heading was close to Marivella city by Auras Lake in the Northeast of the territory.

Marivella City was a place full of Mountains and hard land with a high number of monsters and unexplored places the main city was created with a long and tall wall that protect them from the adversities of the surrounding, yet the other cities and villages were an easy pray for a monster to attack.

While galloping toward Marivella City, Gon looked at Kai she had a nervous face and a high breathing rate.



"You look agitated, it's alright believe in yourself and the power that has been heired to you, don't worry as long as you are with me everything will be fine"

Kai felt miserable, she was making Gon worry about her; she looks down and held the horse reins tightly.

"There's nothing to be worried about, Gon; I feel fine," Kai said.

After the long trip, they stopped by a river to get some water for the horses and rest before continuing with the mission.

"This river is connected with Auras Lake we are getting closer," Gon said.

From the threes, two Orcs were looking at Kai and Gon resting by the river.

"Kai..." Gon said.

"I know, there are two presences behind us; how should we proceed? Kai murmured.

"As soon as I give you the signal, jump and give me support," Gon said.

"Copy," Kai replied.

Gon Took a stick A threw it into the air, the orcs seemed to be confused looking at the stick soon after Gon jumped.

"Now, kai!" Gon shout.

Gon drew his sword and started running through the orcs.

"Air spirits give me your strength to surpass my enemies and foes that are willing against me."

Gon sword started to vibrate at an incredible speed a compressed air skin was covering Gon's sword.

"Air slash!"

The compressed air that was covering the sword flew through the woods in less than a blink cutting the threes that were in his way and cutting one of the orc's arms in half.

From the left kai rushed and tried to cut the orc's leg with her sword, but the wound wasn't deep enough to make any serious damage.

Kai grinded her teeth and retreated.

The two orcs jumped in from Gon and Kai; the one who lost his arm started to growl a huge growl that made the trees shake.

Gon seemed worried; his experience told him something was off he grabbed kai by the arm and told her.

"We have to get out here; the orc is calling for back up there's something wro.."

Out of nowhere, a storm of arrows was coming at Gon and kai from a distance.

"Kai, get behind me now!"

"Air spirits, bring me your protection don't let my enemies wound my spirit and claim the victory...Air shield! "

A wall made of Air appeared that stopped the arrows.

"That was close...Kai, get the horse! That's too much for both of us at this rate we are going to get ambushed."

Kai started to run took both horses and start galloping towards Gon.

When they start to retrieve from the area more Arrows come into the Sky, Gon looked worried.

"Air shield!" Gon said.

Even though he protected kai with his ability, some of the arrows wounded kai horse.

"Ahhh!" kai screamed.

Gon grabbed her with difficulty and helped her to jump into his horse.

"Here, Hold my hand! Gon said.

"What just happened I did not feel any other presence besides the two orcs," kai said.

"Those were Hibbons; they are a type of monsters that are specialized in hiding their presence, those monsters usually go in groups, but I don't understand what they were doing with orcs there is something we are not seeing here."

"So, what's the plan, Gon? The best thing we can do now is get away and take another route," Kai said.

"You are right, we need to gather information in the closest village, and prepare a plan, I'm afraid this could be a little difficult to handle with just the two of us."

After around an hour of galloping, they saw a small village from the distance; once they reached the village what they saw made them doubt more.

The village was totally empty, they did not see any humans around. Gon stopped the horse and dismounted.

A young boy stepped out and her mother yelled at him to get back inside, apparently, the villagers were hiding from something.

Kai looking at the situation, stopped the mother and spoke.

"it's alright you can trust in us mam; we are adventurers who were called to this zone, we are here to help," Kai said.

The villagers were still aware and didn't go out of their houses.

"...Come inside, I will call the village chief; he can give you better information," the lady said.

Kai and Gon went inside the house and waited; inside was a total mess; the lady gave them bread and water.

"I'm sorry, this is everything we have; for now, the past months have been really roughed; the monsters had attacked the village multiple times, our warriors have been almost eradicated... at this point, we are all going to perish." the lady looked at his son with tears in her eyes.

Kai could notice the lament of the lady; she would not allow those words to become true.

"I came as soon as I heard the news. Are you guys alright?" the village chief said.

"My name is Victor. I'm the village chief; I'm so glad you adventurers came so far as you can see; we are not in good time; another attack could happen anytime we don't have enough warriors for another wave of monsters."

"Victor, could you explain to me what happened here? I need information about the village and the recent attacks," Gon said.

"It happened two months ago...we were having a celebration for the prosperity of the annual harvest then we heard how the ground was shaking...numerous monsters appeared out of nowhere, we tried to fight back but we barely repealed the first attack," Victor said.

"What kind of monsters attacked the village?" Gon replied.

"Orcs...multiple of them I'm not quite sure how many they were, from behind was an enormous monster with a Lion head and a snake coming from his tail, that monsters are the reason why we had suffered so many diseases so far..." Victor explained.

"Gon that's the chimera we are looking for," Kai said.

"No one can defeat that thing, he's too powerful," Victor said with terror in his eyes.

After a long brief with the people from the village Kai reunite all the people that could still fight, they barely have eighteen warriors nine shield women, and twenty-four civilians who were barely able to fight, the number was low, but I was better than anything.

Gon prepared tramps in the main gate, he cut multiple trees with his sword, and with the help of the people they moved the trees to make a barrier; time was against them, with only a few hours before the next wave of monsters appear.

"Kai, are you ready? It's going to be a long night," Gon said.

"It's fine I'm more worried about the people from the village; we are the only ones who stop the monster to massacre them all" kai replied.

Gon took a Mant and cover himself with it; he grabbed his sword and two explosives stones kai gave to him.

"Well, is time to go; stick to the plan you have an important role; use the last explosive stone to give me a signal if anything goes wrong." Gon said.

When the sun started to hide everyone was ready to confront the monsters, they lit up the oil lamps around the city and send the civilians who were going to fight to be ready with spears and hunting bows for those who could use them.

The warriors were divided into two groups and were sent to the left and right sides of the wall, the shield women stayed inside as a vanguard, kai was leading the defense with a bow and her katana in the back.

On the other hand, Gon starts to move into the woods to camouflage with the surroundings, he had the most difficult task to go unnoticed and attack from behind.

Everything was ready; the city was in total silence; you could feel that everyone was nervous; it was so quiet they could hear their own heartbeat, they could feel their sweaty hands and hear every little noise around them; tension was at its highest point, Kai turned her back she felt that they could lose if she couldn't peace those people hearts.

"Everyone listens!" Kai said with a huge scream.

She took her sword and pointed it to the sky.

"Don't be afraid! The terror that this village had gone through ends today! Leave any doubts behind hold your weapons tightly, and protect your people, your children, and your love ones! It's time to confront the adversities that are in front of us don't despair, tonight the victory will be ours!" Kai screamed.

In a unison voice, the whole city growled; with their burning spirits, everyone was ready they would give everything they had on the battlefield.

Gon who was in the woods saw multiple monsters marching towards the village; it was almost time; the wave was almost approaching the village.

One of the guards from the tower noticed the monsters getting closer; soon after he start ringing the bell; kai shouted out to prepare to fight.

The archers were ready, the warriors in position. the non-combatant's villagers took refuge in the village hall.

The monster's peloton was confirmed by fifteen orcs who were a brutish, aggressive, ugly, and malevolent race of monsters, ten hibbons with bows and lances; these monsters are no bigger than one meter and almost no close combat skills; way in the back the Hybrid chimera a three-meter A rank monster with the special ability that allows controlling a vast army of monsters.

The orcs started running toward the gate, the archers were in a position to fire their bows, and kai made a signal with her fist to wait.

When the orcs were almost at the gate, they fell on the tramp Gon placed before. Two big holes near the gate with wood spikes at the bottom.

"Now archers lose!" Kai screamed.

The arrows flew to the orc's heads, killing some of them who were trapped in the holes.

"Not enough! Again loose!" Kai repeated.

More arrows were fired at the orcs, it looked like they were controlling the field; this was possible due to the vast knowledge kai had in battle strategy taught by her clan.

With no delay, two orcs growled and the hibbons started to prepare their bows.

"Archer's cover!" kai crouched into the wall; the enemy arrows killed some of the villagers' archers who couldn't find a place to take cover.

"Warriors now!" kai said while tooking her katana and joining the battlefield; the furious battle started, and the first group of warriors was fighting the orcs while the others were facing the chimera.

One of the orcs growled again and the hibbons prepared the second wave of arrows. From behind, Gon appeared running at an incredible speed.

"Not this time, stupid bastards," Gon said.

He took the two explosive stones and throw them into the hibbons comboy making the ground explode and taking down some of them without hesitating; he ran as fast as he could and slaughtered the remaining hibbons who were still in the ground after the explosion.

Gon knew that the longer he took to finish the fight, the fewer possibilities were to win the fight. He starts to head back to where kai was fighting just to find the worse.

Gon stopped and saw how the chimera was eating alive the group who was sent to fight it and on the other hand, the group that was fighting the remaining orcs were still having trouble taking them down.

Kai was full of blood and wounds, she had to fight the orcs almost by herself trying to protect the warriors and not to die.

It was only four more orcs left, but kai was already exhausted. She took a deep breath a said.

"Five of you get the one on the left, the other two with me!" Kai said.

Gon started to run to help the group but at the same time, the chimera started to move towards kai.

Kai grabbed her sword tightly and spoke the same words Gon said.

"I believed it was like this... air spirits give me your strength to surpass my enemies and foes that are willing against me air slash!" Kai screamed.

A big, compressed air wave came from the kai sword, almost twice bigger than the one Gon made. Killing two orcs in only one single slash.

While running, Gon looked surprised; he couldn't believe was his eyes were sawing, that young girl who used to be prideful and introverted had become a real adventurer. But his excitement didn't last long; soon after kai did the air slash, she fell to the ground.

Gon finally made it to kai and screamed.

"Don't let the two left orcs come near kai and me! Buy me some time to check how she is."

"Hey, hey, hey is me; open your eyes, kai." Gon looks worried.

Kai opened her eyes; she saw Gon and spoke.

"What..what just happened?" kai said.

"You used too much mana on an ability you don't control yet, using the spirit aid is not an easy task, what impresses me more is the fact you haven't done a contract with them and still got their help." Gon said

"I sensed my katana vibrating just like yours before and I give it a try; I'm sorry," Kai said.

"On the contrary, I'm impressed you did a good job over there, can you still stand up?" Gon said.

"Don't think I'm still a little girl, I can still fight" Kai got up with some trouble; the warriors could barely contain the two orcs and were losing the fight.

"Leave it to me to call the shield women; the chimera is almost here." Gon said.

Gon grabbed his sword and made a pose like he was about to throw his sword; he aimed for one of the orcs, his sword started to vibrate, and he closes his eyes and spoke.

"West wind, east breeze wraps my sword, Air shoot!" Gon threw his sword with big impulse; the sword perforated the orc's head instantly.

Then the other warriors killed the last orc remaining, the warriors were celebrating, even Gon smirked a little bit it seemed like a big achievement not soon after he turned around and saw a big monster, the chimera had arrived...

Next Chapter: "Desolation"

Kudos to @Enyoomin for the cover with Miel I love it! As always my music recommendation for this chapter is Free flow Flava- Shinjuku. More chapters soon!

Shikaiyamicreators' thoughts