
MEHJABEEN ( Forbidden Is Always Chocolaty )

Sleep well?" Edwie yelped and grabbed the luxurious blankets around her breasts. The sexy Blonde lounged on the foot of the bed, back against one of the banisters. He had on a huntsman's leather breeches and top, unlaced and careless, with enough of his chest exposed to show his blinding physics. His feet were bare and pointed in her direction. "What are you doing!" Edwie demanded. "Keeping an eye on our new captive" he stretched with pure contentment and raised one knee to rest his wrist on it. "Where would I go?" Edwie shifted the blankets and scrunched them up closer against her. Dim light crept around the heavy curtains drawn across the massive windows. "Have you been there all night?" Edwie did see the watch guard retire to his nest of stones after dinner. This Blonde Beast who played on her foot had a nest on the other side of the room, although she assumed he shared something a bit more comfortable with his girlfriend in another room. Perhaps not. "I'd had to get past the watch guard, " Edwie said, annoyed. The sexy beast smiled, a wicked glint in those eyes of his. "So you did contemplate your escape." "Naughty, naughty. Do we need to put you on a leash?" "Stop it," Edwie demanded, although something about the threat promised her this happy boyish side isn't his daily routine. The beast shifted off the bed, and said, "It's time to get dressed. We have somewhere to go."

Somvanshiya · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Beauty Fly

The first things she acknowledged around here with her silver orbs were the variation of COLORS, SOFT SOUNDS, LOUD SOUNDS, and ACTION happening, A DIVINITY-POOL around herself was the TEXTURE Of CHILL surface in which she's been lying, SMELL, TASTE, and altogether makes a unique sensation to pour all at once. Making herself presentable for the journey, Edwina ambled along the mountain pathway early in the dawn to find the secret falls behind the forbidden valley.

But a hidden saying is left behind the soul reason for her adventure calls was the crescent Moon-she used to dream of which is one of the things so special when an elf started being in love. Dreaming about a sweetheart and believing it all true is something every elf lover has done. Now is Edwina's time to imagine her love- the prince on the moon and invite it to come down from the skies for her. Beautiful right... It's the most sacred period of clocking that happens in every Elf's agenda.

But here is an unspoken promise left unsaid in Edwina's heart. It's been quite a season since she saw her prince charming. It's not usual for a newly budding couple to stay apart. But it's Edwina we are speaking about.

Here is her living she has so many unquestioned lines left trails behind her. So like one, she shrugs her mind out to stay on her prior purpose to walk around in this Woody mountain range in these unlikely hours. Little did she know that a rail of surprise awaits her search.

Skipping stones one after one, Edwina heard an unusual humming sound vibrating in the air. She thought it must be the early birds, buzzing around. But it sounded like a swarm of bees. Then the buzzing transferred to the rock beneath her feet. It traveled all through her body thus making her feel a tingle that ran up to her fingertips. She rounded the corner and the source of the sound revealed itself.

It was a whirring waterfall hidden in the restriction zone.

"Aww... the forbidden is always chocolaty!" Whispered Edwina. And even at this distance, the trails in it looked like silver tear tracks on the wrinkled face of the mountain. To her eyes, it looks as if a loom of liquid silver was pouring down the rocks. But the sound was cacophonous now to let her mind drift back to the running reality. The spout was hitting the cavernous hollow of the pool like a thunderclap. An unknown smile reached her lips on seeing the widespread falls and the various slimmer threads rushed down the mountain, roiling and bubbling, boiling and churning.

The gathered-up waters in the pool fed two other smaller waterfalls, but they were not as deafening as the older falls.

The younger and budding falls were icy-blue with a mixture of magical solutions. It was gushing and swishing over the rocks joyfully in rhythmic beats. At its widest point, it was surging and plunging down the mountain making a beautiful serenity pool at the bottom.

Though the elder falls get thundered down into the pool like a gigantic water spout at the very end of the running it was tiered and plunged into the depths like a paradise-blue pool. As Edwina began to get closer, the noise of the cataract increased. The nearer she goes she could hear the growls and rumbles in a high-pitched tone. And when it toppled into another ecstasy pool, layered below the former pool it foamed all of it at the bottom. The ground-level pool lays as clear as it was veneer compared to the pool laying upside.

The waterfall flowed as smoothly as syrup enabling Edwina to see down to the rocky bottom. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in the depths. In a few words, it looks like a sheet of blue velour as it swishes down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped-white lines. But the atmosphere here was so cold that she started shuddering. It's pretty early though, but it got a shivering sensation in this place.

Serene yet slightly off the comfort.

But the living spirit controlling nature here somehow got her discomfort and raised the volume to play the background effects by allowing the frogs to croak nearby which is an add-on to the wonderful sounds therefore successfully distracting Edwina from the chilly breeze grazing on her flawless feature.

Alongside a gaggle of geese can be seen grazing by the bank and the flowers next to it were nodding and smiling gently at the arrival of the guest. With all the scenery happening around, on short notice it is picture perfect. But no picture is perfect without a wild sign in it.

And here comes a group of wild animals edged with saw's teeth and statue still, adding a tropical flavor. Overwhelmed by the beautiful part going on, Edwina slowly as molten lava without her concise strolls down the rocks and stood under the thread of younger falls to cool down, forgetting the living coldness resides in it and got the answer when she plopped in it. And realize It does feel catacomb cold.

It gave her goosebumps immediately. So she ended up quivering and shivering on the bank. On the contrary, the flowers growing nearby filled her senses with a honey-sweet smell causing her to lick her lips.

" Am I only the one who got all the awakening?" Questioned Edwina to herself. But duh! The nectar sweet smell of the spring flowers perked up all the magical spirits around the valley. This serene climate makes Edwina yearn for a cup full of chocolates after all the moments of madness come around in this early daylight.

So, whatever the witchery this unique falls spelled on her, it's working its magic just right. Among all the things happening Edwina forgets her prior source for the journey.

Just when her senses awakened, the sun came out like a spell revoker. Its rays caught the watery slide, giving it a trance-like quality. It turned into glitter, like a shred of silky silver.

The airy sparkling of its spray was magical. It looked like a spritz of fairy dust, flickering in the slanted light. It had the dreamy and illusory façade of an ancient painting and the same shimmering sorcery the atmosphere is bringing. The drizzling spray created a filmy mystique above the pool, dazzling her with its beauty which gurgled from the depths and tinkled on the surface, swishing with a serene-like melody.

Just when she was to look ahead on the gem's studded blanket, a silver dusting butterfly caught her gaze hypnotized. Edwina's eyes followed the little actions the butterfly did. It circled thrice before her hand and flew back in the direction of the kingdom to follow along as if beckoning so, she did. But the living sound subsided as our sweet Edwina walked slowly away. It became a distant humming again which made Edwina pop out from the trance and venture a look back over her shoulder in search of the crescent Moon but got a blanket of nothing but the usual sky filled with multiple layers of hues.

As much as she was feeling happier to find the legendary secret place which no one has ever dared to walk in, deep down in her heart she is saddened for not finding the one thing her heart yearned for.

" Think the fly was giving me a heads up to follow it so I don't have to add yet another disappointment in my row of sadness. Silly me." Murmured Edwina, under her nose. The willowy waterfall flashed its silver one more time making her beam at the beauty for the last time before she started her way back home but right then the waterfalls soul-swelling magical aura whichsoever held her captive all longer start following the naive Edwina with her concise to her home which lays in the other end of the kingdom in the middle of the lotus waterbeds.

On her way back she saw her fellow neighbors running errands and prepping their kids for the early classes. 'The kids at least had someone dear to them to lean on in their childhood, unlike HER!' Edwina thought to herself as she reached her colony.

The willowy glimmers adore her home roof reminding her of the concealed agendas of the falls back in the Ally.

Just when she was about to enter her pathway a buzz of bees marched towards her. She stood her ground waiting for the arrival of the mini messenger.

A chill blows her senses thus signaling the Beauty-fly's arrival.

Bowing a little the fly opens the scroll and delivers the carried message to Edwina from its commander.

And it spoke in its tiny cute buzzing sound,

"To, Effly.

Walk ahead the garden street,

And wait till the unusual pops.

Wait for my command, not so long,

Till then close your bubble eyes,

Just for a while.

So, follow my lead, to let get going,

I know you have questions to ask.

Now my love do as I say for this once,

And crack thy bubble apart,

When you feel the magic in you,

Cause now I'll be in your bubble,

devoted to you forever!

" Yet another heart-melting letter from Quentin. My prince. But this ain't his usual words. It's quite....-- Oh my Moon! He's back at last! " Edwina squealed in utter disbelief at the change of events happening around her. Subsequently thanked a million moons adorning their sacred valley for blessing her with goodness at last. Edwina caresses the Beauty-fly which holds a scroll in its hands (aka), a fly resembling a butterfly but has wings placed above its head, and rather than flapping, it spins like a spin wheel to fly high. Which looks like holding an umbrella with its legs. Cute right!?

And the Beauty fly itself reads the message in the scroll as well as also conveys whatever emotional state the opposite party felt at the moment of conveying.

Though the fly can't stimulate the voice like the sender it does give vibes of the emotion held in the message through the waves of its buzzing chirps.

She is a little ticklish whenever the beauty fly starts speaking in circles around her ear to ear. And that may be the reason why Quen uses this way to tease her. Either way, it's teasing her emotionally, and yet his never-ending charms are working the way he used to on seeing her blushing cheeks.

And with short notice, she sends the restlessly roaming beauty fly to redeliver the message to her prince who is the upcoming throne prince of the Kingdom-Elffenda.

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