
If Y/N and Mario were in Splatoon 2, and Confessions

Prologue: You, SMG4 and Mario have been best friends for a long time, since 2011, you've been on many adventures together, and even met new friends like Mario's brother, Luigi and others like Fishy Boopkins and Bob, Shroomy, Tari, Saiko and Axol.

You've also met Meggy, after following Mario down the inkopolis pipe, you emerged in the world of splatoon, and met Meggy. Meggy and You quickly became great friends and were practically inseparable, she would always help you with your anxiety and poor mental health when you needed it, or just be there when you needed a friend to talk to, and you would always make sure she was happy and worked tirelessly to assist her in the Splatsquad and her dream of becoming Splatfest champion.

Y/N, Meggy and Mario were training for an upcoming turf war in inkopolis, and things were going well.

Meggy was destroying everyone as usual, but Y/N and Mario weren't that bad, they were on the same level as most of the inklings around inkopolis, it was a very heated battle, but Meggy ended up winning.

Meggy: Thanks for helping me train again guys!

Y/N: Well we're on your team, and after all, that's what friends are for!

Mario: Yeah, We'll always help you Me-

He gets cut off as a shot of purple ink comes into view and hits Mario in the pingas, sending him flying away.

Y/N runs to check on and help Mario whilst Meggy sees who the assailant was

Meggy: Who are you? Are you looking for a fight?!?!

???: Says the girl who lost in the first round of splatfest

Hearing that, Y/N remembers when he and Mario first came to inkopolis, when they first encountered the girl he immediately got a crush over and adored, and how Mario accidentally killed one of Meggy's team members, forcing her to put him on the team, outraged by this, her other team members left and Y/N were put on the team, Meggy convinced one team member to stay until the end of splatfest but he quickly left after their loss. Y/N remembers Meggy's sadness and how he quickly cheered her up, making them become great friends.

Y/N and Mario return to Meggy's side, but Y/N slightly hides behind Meggy.

Meggy: Again, Who even are you?

Desti: Don't you know? It's me! DESTI! Leader of the Octoposse!

Meggy: Doesn't ring a bell.....

Desti looks dumbfounded at this statement

Mario: You guys are Octoroks? Like from the zorldo game?

Desti shoots mario again

Desti: Anyways, Good luck training, i can't wait to beat you!

Shortly after Desti leaves, Mario returns from lying on the ground and Y/N stops hiding


(Queue training montage bc im too lazy to write it)

Mario seems really tired from training, Y/N is just slightly out of breath

Mario: Meggggggy, can we take a break? Imma hungry!

Meggy: Sorry Mario but we've gotta train extra hard if we want to beat Desti

Mario: But Meggy imma hungry, and tired, can we please take a break?

Y/N: Meggy i completely understand why we gotta train but everyone needs to take a break every once in a while, it helps keep them from being tired and allows you to relax a bit.

Meggy: Look guys, if you aren't gonna take this seriously, then you should just go home....

Meggy turns around and walks away, already regretting saying that to Y/N,



Mario grabs your arm and walks off, pulling you away.

A Few Minutes Later,

Y/N and Mario arrive at the pipe to the castle, however Y/N quickly finds its blocked

Mario: What the Hell?! Marios gotta get home for his spaghetti date!

Y/N: I wonder what is wrong? It was fine when we came this way earlier...

Suddenly Pearl comes over

Pearl: Sorry boys, but the sewers are blocked until we figure out a way to get rid of these weird eels that have infested it


Mario kicks pearl into the sewers, as Y/N hear her screaming from below,

Y/N: MARIO WHAT THE HELL- Ugh, lets just find another way home,

Y/N and Mario stumble upon a subway, and decide to take a train home, They hop on a train and after a few minutes, the train screeches to a halt

Mario: Huh, this isn't mario's stop

Y/N: OUR stop

Mario: Whatever,

Suddenly, Desti appears causing Y/N to yelp and back away, as Mario gets in a fighting stance,

Mario: Stay Back! Or imma turn you into sushi!

Desti: Oh calm down you two, I'm just here to talk, Y/N and marie? Mayro? Maria? Ah whatever


Desti: Anyway, im hear to say that you should join the octoposse, i've seen your guys' skills in the last splatfest, you'd be very valuable assets on team, plus you would get to be on a team way better than that orange losers one, what do you say?

Mario: Uh NO, Imma tired, and your team name sounds stupid anyway,

Y/N: As if i'd ever leave Meggy!, So the answers a giant HELL NO

Desti: I seriously suggest you reconsider

Desti pulls out her gun

Mario: Buzz look! an alien!

Desti gets distracted, allowing Y/N and Mario to run

Desti: *Pulls out phone* UGH

Y/N and Mario run through the subway, avoiding or tricking the Octoposse along the way, As they think they're save, one member appears behind them with what looks like a washing machine,

Mario: OOH thank you so much! Mario needed to wash his clothes!

Mario proceeds to strip, making Y/N's eyes burn, and the Octoposse member throws up as Mario gets dressed again.

Y/N: What the fuck was that, Never do that infront of me ever again, Please.

They continue running til they get to a dead end.

Y/N: oh shit, we're screwed

Mario: Mama Miaaaaa

Desti appears around the corner

Desti: Just join already! Seriously, when has that girl done anything skillfu-

Desti gets shot in the face with orange ink, by Meggy

Y/N: .... So like that then?

Meggy: Y/N, Mario! I'm really sorry for what i said, i was angry and-

Y/N:Hey, it's alright, i had a lot of fun doing that stuff, especially with you there!

Meggy started to blush hard, but Y/N blushed harder, his whole face went red


Meggy: Oh it's on, asshole.

Y/N quickly ran to a safe area to watch and support Meggy,

The fight was intense, Meggy quickly learning how to combat Desti and vice versa, each person kept throwing skilled attacks but never hitting, Meggy caught Desti by surprise and was about to shoot her before Desti picked up Mario and used him as a shield, and shot Meggy's splattershot away

Desti: Looks like i win~

Meggy quickly found a solution

Meggy: Hey Mario, Desti gonna force you to exercise~

Mario started squirming, causing Desti to drop her splattershot and fall to the ground, in a flash, both Meggy and Desti quickly picked up their guns and pointed them at each other, it was tense, both waiting to point the trigger-

Y/N: Hey... Uh.... Where did Mario go?

Y/N and Meggy looked around and spotted Mario leaving

Meggy: MARIO! Where are you going?

Mario: imma tired, you have fun shooting with your friend

Meggy: But what team are you gonna be on?

Mario: Imma be on team....... Mario

Y/N and Meggy started laughing

Y/N: Lets go get lunch


Mario runs ahead while Meggy stops Y/N for a second

Meggy: And what team are you on?

Y/N: What do you think? The SplatSquad silly, as if i'd leave you

Meggy hugs Y/N, making him blush

Meggy: Thanks Bestie...... Hey, um, can i meet you on the roof of my apartment block later? Like this evening?

Y/N: Sure, whatever you want.

That Evening:

Y/N opened the door to the rooftop with a slight creak, and sees Meggy sat on the edge,

Y/N: Meggy? I'm here just like you asked

Meggy: Hi Y/N, come sit here

Y/N, confused, sits next to Meggy, She grasps his hand

Meggy: Remember when you first came here? All those years ago? And We sat up here before. Well I'm doing this now for memories sake, because i feel like this would be a good place to tell you.

Y/N: Whats up?

Meggy: Y/N, i've known you for years, you are my best friend, and since i've known you, you've always been there for me, when i feel sad or angry, you're always there to help, and because of that..... I've had this crush on you, you're so kind and smart, and pretty handsome too, and i asked to come here so i could say i like- No, i love you Y/N.

Y/N was stunned, he was blushing hard, as was Meggy

Y/N: M-Meggy, I-I-I Love you too, i may not b-be good with w-words but i hope you understand what i'm trying t-to s-s-say, you've b-been there for m-me countless times too, y-y-you know that, and i'm the s-same as you, i've l-liked you for the longest t-time, b-but, because its m-me, i never had the courage to say it, i was a-also scared of losing o-our friendship.

Meggy: Y/N, You feel the same?

Y/N: O-of C-course i do

Meggy: *Giggles* You are sooo cute when you stutter

Y/N goes as red a tomato, as Meggy grabs his collar and pulls him in for a kiss. It lasts a minute, afterwards, both gasp for air.

Y/N: That was nice, especially since its you

Meggy: *Giggles* Come on, let's go to my apartment.

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