
Megalomaniacs Multiversal Chat Group[Currently moved]

What Happens When a Boy dies and gets reborn as chara dreemur with all seven fallen souls and also has a Multiversal Groupchat,Follow The Adventures of Chara and his Multiversal Group Currently invited Characters: Madoka Magicia: Akame Homura OverLord: Ainz ooal gown JJK: Itadori Yuji/Ryomen Sukuna Marvel:Nick Fury DC:Bruce Wayne/BatMan Main World:OPM

Ender_Child · Anime & Comics
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Acessing The Mainframe only to end up in A Anti Void

I've been wondering, ever since becoming chara, I wanted to know if I could make contact with the mainframe or 'It's' other Name Reality 6, For all I know if I did time may either move faster or slower, My goal well it is of course to gain more power by accessing the code of other Au's bu I doubt that will be easy.

"Hey guys im going to meditate I may not wake up honestly depends if either time is slower or faster if I did go in" I said not really explaining where I'm going.

"Uhm okay What do you mean by not waking up" Itadori asked while tilting his head to the side. While blinking his eyes.

"Somewhere dangerous, and I may probably be kicked out the moment I do enter." I said not truly sure if the mainframe will let me, The mainframe an endless supply of code and power, Think of the codes as pillars that hold up a piece of reality, The mainframe can manipulate the codes to change the very fabric of reality itself and create new 'info' with its codes, it contains every mathematical structure possible due to its code, The mainframe is so powerful it created cardinality for itself, it basically sees everything as a player would see a game.

"Ok well good luck, if you are done we will be here" Homura said Nonchalantly.

"Oh well then, Khaos Where is my room" I said as Khaos made a path way showing me where it is, So I followed it and I saw a door with a hand scanner near the door, it scanned my hand and opened the door.

When I enters it was just a simple room with the walls painted light red, and a simple blue bed, There was also a desk with a computer there.

I closed the door and sat crossed leg on the bed.

I don't know how to go about this but let's see, if I were a player and this body is the character, there must be a 'file' I can access.

I closed my eyes and decided to enter, My consciousness it was relatively easy with, the quiet environment and also the fact that I can manipulate the soul determination.

After entering my consciousness, it was an endless dark purgatory where no light shined Except for a faint red light in the distance, I followed where the light was and the true knife seemed to be embedded on a Lectern.

I grabbed it and then…



[Acessing Save Files]

[Save Files Found]:None

[List Of The Current Files Aus And Dimensions Available]:

1. Undertale


3. HorrorTale



Hmm well that's strange HorroTale? Is it because I ripped that Villains head off, Well maybe.

But now it's time to enter the mainframe, I know it's a stupid idea but how would you know if you don't try.

[Acessing File; Mainframe]

[Asking Permission From THE Moderator]

[Acess Granted]

[Acess denied by Error.]



[Error!404 has denied all access to the Mainframe]

[Finding Alternative]

[Entering The AntiVoid].

Sigh…Yeah as I expected Either Error404 Or Loading would have denied me Acess.

Oh well I just hope I do not appear in a NullVod where Ink Or Error Sans are. It'll be annoying dealing with Error if I can beat him that is, And Ink I'm pretty sure he'd be chill with it.

As I was contemplating I found myself, in an Empty White Space that seemed to be spammed endlessly.

[You have Found an Empty Anti Void]

[Do you want To Claim it Y/N]

Well opportunities only come once, So of course I'm gonna claim it

[You have Claimed ownership of An Anti Void, You can enter the Anti Void with your physical body By opening a portal from your reality To this Anti Void].

As soon as that happened, I felt like I was in tune with everything here, I feel like I can change the very fabric of reality,

"Meaning I can do this" I said snapping my fingers and then the white scenery changed, into a field of yellow Flowers, a Shattered moon and A Bright sun appeared in the sky creating a breathtaking scenery.

And then in the middle I made a simple canopie with two chairs and a table.

Now this is what I call Having control Over Everything, too bad I couldn't enter the mainframe. Looks like I'm still too weak…hehehe once I become stronger, Not even Error!404 could stop me, But I need to be patient.

I created a throne Near one of those chairs and decided to go sit on it, and then I went out of my consciousness, Finding myself back in the real world Aka MHA.

I wonder how long I was in there, hmm I was in there for an hour huh, Strange it felt like a day though.

But after coming out of the AntiVoid, I felt a connection to it, if I wanted I could probably summon a portal the size of a big State, but that would take half of my energy. And I don't see a need to do that though.

"Now let's see what the others have been up to for an hour" I said quietly before going out of the room and entered the main hall, Where I saw Nero and Itadori Creating some kind of…Thing using her thread/Webs.

I could see Homura who was sitting on a couch and reading a book while eating a plate of freshly baked cookies.

And I don't see Ainz Anywhere.

"I'm back" I said waving my hand.

"Oh hey Cha- Nero Focus we're Almost there just a few more threads?!" Itadori said hurriedly to Nero.

"Hey" Homura said then she returned back to her book.

"Do you guys know where Ainz is" I asked her

"He's…Trying to help our prisoners condition" She said in a weird tone.

I just shrugged my shoulders, And then entered the dungeon, in the first cell I see Ainz Bounded the Nomu in the Air with a spell.

"Hey Ainz What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Oh hey chara I see you didn't sleep forever, I'm trying some basic healing spells on this Nomu…but it seems to regenerate whenever it is about to turn into a human or something closely resembling that" he explained to me.

"Thays why I'm testing low level spells to try and see which one is more effective, but even if I did turn it back it'll be tedious to bring back its Sanity" He continued.

"Well then, Good luck with your experiment and I hope you succeed" I said waving my hands and leaving the cells….


Some UnderVerse Lore for you guys.