
Mega gene

In this story, sanctuary becomes upgraded and becomes plasma sanctuary and genogenics become more powerful and humans don't able to kill them now because Ordinary changes into common, primary changes into basic, mutant changes into distorted, sacred-blood changes into holy-blood and Super changes into legendary.All the relationship between sanctuary and xeno universe has lost and xeno universe is collapsed and all are killed there. A normal boy is sent to plasma sanctuary. He rises widely and become the most powerful humans of the Earth. In this Story, we will see the journey of that normal boy.

rebel_knight_ · Sci-fi
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48 Chs

Purple-flame phoenix

Mark sees that a black flame Phoenix approaches that bug. That phoenix's body is burning in a purple flame and he looks like an evil bird that can destroy anything with a single flamethrower. That golden bug is now looking in fear. That bug starts running away. But the speed of that phoenix was more than that bug. Mark sees that purple-flame  Phoenix suddenly teleports behind that bug and makes a forceful attack on his shell. Because of that attack, that bug inflicted a huge wound on its shell and blood started coming out from it. Mark knew that bug was a very weak upper class creature. That's why he doesn't have enough power to even harm that phoenix. That bug throws a shockwave but that phoenix doesn't even scratch. The Phoenix fires a flamethrower  but the Bug is easily dodged. Mark is now again confused because the speed of the bug suddenly increases, which is more than that phoenix. That phoenix starts throwing flames but that bug is easily dodged. That bug starts producing a loud supersonic sound. That affects both Mark and that phoenix. After some time Mark sees that purple blood starts coming out from that phoenix's ear. Mark is in shock but he remembered that during training he learnt that loud sound can affect any type of creature. Low class creatures can deal damage to high class creatures. That phoenix was in pain. That's why that phoenix starts throwing flamethrower everywhere around him. The stone behind which Mark was hidden is collided by a flamethrower and within a second that stone melts into a lava. Mark is now exposed and seen by that purple flame phoenix. Mark is now regretting his decision to stay there and observe that upper class creatures fight. Mark is now sure that he will be roasted by that phoenix's flamethrower. After some time Mark felt that something was coming out of his ear. He touches it and sees that it is blood. After that Mark thinks that I will later be roasted by that phoenix's flamethrower. But before that I will be blown away by that bug's loud supersonic sound. That phoenix roars and throws a flamethrower towards Mark. Mark knew that he was not too fast to dodge it. Mark was not one to give up, so he makes an attempt to dodge. Before Mark dodges, he sees the flamethrower land in front of him instead of hitting him. Mark looks on the ground to see that the phoenix made a picture.There was a big circle in that picture and a smaller circle in the middle and the whole picture was cut out with a big cross mark. Seeing that picture, Mark could not understand what Phoenix wanted to say. Mark looks at the phoenix pointing at the bug. Mark couldn't understand what Phoenix wanted to speak. Mark carefully looks at that picture and then he understands what Phoenix wants to say through that picture. The bigger circle represented the body of that bug and the smaller circle represented the eye of that bug. After much thought, Mark learns that the cross means that Phoenix wants my help to kill that bug. Mark then thinks that none of his weapons is powerful enough to even scratch that bug. That bug was emitting supersonic sound, due to which the condition of both Phoenix and Mark was getting worse. Phoenix was throwing gusts of fire and the bug was dodgeing easily. Mark knew that any plasma soul he had was useless in front of that bug. That's why Mark decides to use his bow and arrow. Mark launches his Hyper Gno Art "Diamond Flex" and fires multiple arrows at the bug.Mark wanted to use his second hyper Geno art "Blood power" which was highly destructive but he was limited until close combat before opening the geno lock. That's why he was forced to use "Diamond-Flex". One of the arrows fired by Mark penetrates slightly into the bug's wound and breaks and the bug starts walking in pain. Taking advantage of this, that phoenix starts throwing fireballs which hit the bug directly, due to which that bug get stuck in a stone nearby. Due to the gust of fire, some shell of that bug was melted and its meat was exposed. For this reason, Mark fires four arrows continuously, two of which enter the exposed meat of that bug and a scream comes out of that bug's mouth. That phoenix starts to roar, which scares Mark too. But Mark sees that the phoenix is ​​roaring due to his happiness. But Mark and that Phoenix's happiness doesn't last long. Mark is thrown some distance by a terrible noise. Blood starts coming out of Mark's mouth because he was hit by a stone. Mark wakes up and sees that the stone in which the bug was stuck was broken by the shock wave of that bug. That bug comes out and starts shining with a golden light due to which Mark could not see anything. After some time Mark sees that that bug was now looking different. Spikes suddenly appeared on the remaining shell of that bug and it seemed more powerful than before. Before Mark can do anything, the bug comes fast towards Mark and hits him. Mark collides with those stones and starts bleeding more from his mouth. Some spikes of that bug resolved into Mark's chest, due to which blood was coming out. It seemed to Mark that he would be killed in a short time because that bug had also wounded that phoenix. Mark starts thinking of running away but only then he sees that a flamethrower from Phoenix directly hits the bug, due to which some more part of his shell melts. Mark gets up after a lot of effort and with full force goes towards that bug with five more arrows, one of which directly enters that bug's eye. Blood starts coming out of that bug's eyes and it becomes completely blind. In this blindness, he start firing shockwave around him. Mark knew that this will happens. That's why he hides behind a big stone before that bug can fire shockwave. Phoenix, who was not affected by the shockwave, approaches the bug and cuts that bug into two pieces. One piece was small and the other was big. But that bug was not dead. Mark had four arrows left, which he shoots with all his power towards the big piece of that bug. The phoenix also throws a flamethrower at him, and both attacks completely hit the big chunk of the bug. Finally the bug is shot dead. Mark thinks that he will use crossbow and bolts in place of bow and arrow. Finally, the notification he's been waiting for pops up on Mark's powerscreen.