
Mega gene

In this story, sanctuary becomes upgraded and becomes plasma sanctuary and genogenics become more powerful and humans don't able to kill them now because Ordinary changes into common, primary changes into basic, mutant changes into distorted, sacred-blood changes into holy-blood and Super changes into legendary.All the relationship between sanctuary and xeno universe has lost and xeno universe is collapsed and all are killed there. A normal boy is sent to plasma sanctuary. He rises widely and become the most powerful humans of the Earth. In this Story, we will see the journey of that normal boy.

rebel_knight_ · Sci-fi
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48 Chs

Brian's job

It was Brian. Brian comes to Mark and hugs him and says that you are still alive, I cannot believe it. Mark laughs and says that you can't run away with my money. Brian starts laughing and says that your monet is ready but you will get it after the Global Divinity bout. Mark says why like this. Brian says that this time amazing betting is going to happen in Global Divinity Bout. Mark says that you will also use my money in betting. Brian says that your money will also increase because I have put all the money on the trade. Mark says that if Trade does not come in the Global Divinity Bout.Brian says say good man, if this happens, I will be poor. Brian says that this time only the top 10 will get the rewards in the Global Divinity Bout. Mark says that last time the top 20 were rewarded. Brian says but this time only top 10 will get it. Mark says leave it all and he takes two and a half golden shells out of his bag and gives them to Brian and says to put the money you got from it in betting but don't press otherwise I will grab your property. Brian says yes and puts those golden shells in his bag. Mark asks when the Global Divinity Bout is going to start. Brian says that it will start after next week. Brian asks Mark are you going to Alliance. Mark says yes. Brian says wait for some time, I will give these golden shells to Sander and then I will also leave. Mark says ok but Come soon. Brian says yes and runs towards shelter and goes inside it. Mark didn't give Brian the Holy Bug's shell because the alliance could have guessed he had hunted an upper class creature. If Mark would ever get time, he could turn that shell into a weapon in the alliance, which would be more powerful than any distorted weapon. This is because Mark can also carry the things of plasma sanctuary to alliance through his bag plasma soul. After a while, Brian comes back and both of them go towards the teleporter and by teleporting they reach the alliance in the Robinson Galaxy building. Brian tells Mark that I have to tell you something and also to ask something. Both sit in the cafeteria of Robinson's Galaxy and Mark says Brian to ask whatever he want to ask. Brian says how did you survive. Mark says did you want to see me dead. Brian says that there is nothing like that, I was just asking for forgiveness. Mark says that I reached the slopes of Butterfly Mountain and that I was hiding among those rocks lying there. Brian takes out a diary and starts writing what Mark said. Mark says what are you doing. Brian says that my job is to take the experience of all those people who are alive after clashing with upper class creatures. This work has been given to me by the President. Ever since I joined Plasma Sanctuary, this is my job and I get many good benefits from it. Mark says that what is there to ask me in this, you were also there. Brian says tell me after he went after you and you were missing for two and a half weeks. Mark says okay I will tell ahead of that. Mark says that after I was trapped between those stones for two weeks, suddenly I started feeling heat all over. After that I came outside and saw a phoenix burning in a purple flame fighting with that bug. Taking advantage of this, I ran away from there and am here. Brian asks what the Phoenix was like. Mark says that his whole body was burning in purple flame and he was raining purple flamethrower everywhere and he used gust of fires towards that bug a time. Brian says what else can you tell. Mark says that he cannot tell. Mark asks how many people have you interviewed before today. Brian says that before today I have interviewed about twenty people in which almost people had seen the upper class creature from a distance. Almost everyone had seen upper class creatures around Butterfly Mountain except him. Mark asks whose. Brian says that he was Mr. Jonathan straut who saw a upper class snake some miles after half kilometre desert. Mark asks who is this Jonathan Straut I've never seen him. Brian says that a month before you came, they won the JADE Shelter and the Mr Jonathan Straut remained in the JADE Shelter. He had a huge contribution in the takeover of JADE Shelter, that is why he has been given 40% stake in JADE Shelter. He has been the most powerful elite ever since the Plasma Sanctuary was upgraded, second is Drake Johnson. This is because he possesses a powerful Hyper Geno Art named "Golden Jade Sutra" and a punching skill named "Golden Punch". He is also President David Augustine's special man and his daughter Evelyn's coach. After hearing so many discussions about Trade, he wants to fight with Trade. Many people are also saying that the Trade is just like a worm in front of them which will be killed in one Golden punch. Mark thinks in his mind that if he is so powerful then it will be fun to fight him. Brian says that our interview is over. As soon as he says this, Brian puts his diary in his bag and starts leaving. Mark stops Brian and says that you are not forgetting anything. Brian checks himself and his bag and says no, I am not forgetting anything. Mark says that when you brought me here, you told me that you are going to tell me something and ask something but you have only asked me but have not told anything. Brian says in despair that sorry man, I have to tell you a very important thing.