
Meeting you from the Start

Gu Yanqing, Xu Jinyi’s elementary school crush. After graduating, she lost contact with him. And like what happen to most crushes, they soon fade out and another one starts. Over the period of her life, Xu Jinyi only experiences one sided love. No true love yet. Until one day she saw him again.

JJ_XU · Urban
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6 Chs

Who's that handsome?

A knock came through the door and the sleeping Xu Jinyi put the cover over her head.

"Jinyi, don't sleep anymore. It's already 10 AM." Her mom walks in and opens the blind. But Xu Jinyi didn't seem like she'll wake up anytime soon.

"It's time to get up. Don't forget to pick up Qianyu later from her art class. She finishes at 1 PM. Do you hear me?" she asks again before leaving.

Jinyi puts an okay hand signal and continues sleeping. Her mom shakes her head and leaves home for work.

Two hours later, Jinyi finally woke up from the licks and ruffles of her dog, Money. "Did my mom send you to do this to me?" she said to Money while scratching his head.

It's been two weeks since she graduated from college, but haven't found a job yet. Xu Jingyi majored in veterinary, and interned for a few months at a vet clinic before. But she quit for different reasons. The Main reason is that she's lazy.

Jinyi got dressed and biked to Qianyu's art class to pick her up.

As she was biking to pick up Qianyu, she bypassed the deli and saw *50% off all ice-cream! ONLY TODAY*

… it's 1 PM and Qianyu finished class, but didn't see Jinyi anywhere. Knowing how her sister is always late, Qianyu has no hope but to wait by the door under the shade. A text message came through Qianyu's kid watch.

"Did Jinyi pick you up yet?" her eldest sister Xu Ruoxuan asks.

"I don't know where she went again! I've been waiting for five minutes already and I haven't seen her yet." Just as Qianyu was about to send the message, Jinyi came flying by with her bike and a popsicle in her mouth.

"Qianyu! I'm here," she calls out to her younger sister. From far away Jinyi already saw how Qianyu was about to text their older sister. She quickly pedaled her bike before Qianyu could do it.

Qianyu sighs and slightly shakes her head. "Couldn't you come early for once?" She complains to Jinyi.

Jinyi takes out the other bike helmet in her bag and hands it over to Qianyu. "I'll try. But look where I got. Ice cream! It was 50% off and of course I have to get it, and I just sorta lost track of the time while picking them out."

Qianyu looks at her 21 years old sister and shakes her head. How come her sister acts more like a child than she is? But Qianyu took the ice cream from her and hopped on the bike.

"No one is home today. What lunch do you want to eat?" Jinyi asks while biking.

"Let's go to the new cafe that just opened down two blocks," Qianyu said.

"How do you know there's a new cafe that opened?" Jinyi questions her 13 years old sister. They barely come to this area unless it was for her art class.

Qianyu gives her sister a 'are you stupid' side eye. "We bike here every week. I'm not blind," she said to Jinyi. If Jinyi could turn around and hit her head, she would, but she can't since they're on the road.

They arrived at the new cafe called Orange.

It just opened last week and there's still so many people. They didn't wait for too long and got a table.

"Let's save the money and get boba later." Jinyi said and Qianyu nodded her head.

"Hi, I want to order now," Jinyi said to one of the waitresses.

After ordering their food, Jinyi noticed a group of guys coming into the cafe. From the angle she saw, all three of the guys are at least 6 ft or above. It was very her type. Qianyu sees her sister fangirling and waves her hand at her. "You're drooling," she calls out to Jinyi.

"I'm not," Jinyi denies and looks away.

The food quickly came and both of them finished their lunch.

They left the cafe and since there was a boba tea shop three streets away, they decided to walk over. But once they arrived at the shop, it's crowded as the cafe.

"Why are there so many people?" Both Jinyi and Qianyu have never seen this many people waiting in line before, especially when it's not even a grand opening or any promotions.

"Excuse me, do you know why there's a long line today?" Qianyu asks one of the girls waiting in front of them.

"Yesterday, there was a viral video going around that this boba tea shop hired some cute, handsome men. So we're all here to see them," the girl said and her face was all written 'fangirl.'

Qianyu then noticed her sister's expression after hearing handsome men. She knew right away that they're going to have to wait in line now.

Ten minutes into waiting, a sudden commotion came from the front and the line seemed to all pack together in the front.

"What happened?" Jinyi asks with confusion. She didn't expect seeing some handsome cute men would cause a huge commotion like this.

But no one can answer them because they're all rushed to the front of the door. Out of curiosity, Jinyi also went up to see. Dragging Qianyu with her.

Besides the tall handsome cute workers, another man stood out of the crowd. Jinyi has never seen any guy like him. 'Where have you been hiding this whole time!?'

Zhuo Nanzhi looks at the women that are going crazy for his brother and regrets coming here. The boba tea shop was opened by one of their friends, so they decided to pay a visit. Never have they expected this to happen.

"Brother, let's go," Zhuo Nanzhi said while pulling on Gu Yanqing's shirt.

Gu Yanqing eyebrow furrows and nods. He takes the boba from the counter and gives it to Zhuo Nanzhi.

"Excuse me," he said. Even though those girls didn't want him to leave, they did what he said.

Finally, Jinyi could have a better view of what he looks like. "Did he walk out of an anime? How could he be so handsome?" she said while daydreaming. Eventhough Qianyu has seen this so many times, this time she can't really stand it.

"Sister, can you try to act normal for once?" Qianyu wipes the invisible drools off her sister's chin and closes her mouth for her, "...he's right in front of you."

Jinyi snapped back into reality and realized what Qianyu just said.

Gu Yanqing is 6ft 3 and Jinyi is only 5ft 4. The way he looks down at Jinyin makes her face start heating up with embarrassment.

"Xu Jinyi, long time no see." He said and then walked away.

Jinyi looks up at him, but he has already left. "He knows me?" Even both Qianyu and Nanzhi look confused and shocked.

'When did his brother have interest in any girl?' Zhuo Nanzhi shockingly looks at Gu Yanqing, but he didn't show any expression about this.

'This must be a dream' Jinyi thought. There is no way she could forget someone as breathtaking as him entering her life.

Qianyu took out her phone to search and confirmed her thoughts.

"He is Gu Yanqing. The new rising swimmer that won the 400 meters freestyle swimming."

"So talented," Jinyi said with an admiring face as she pictured him swimming. Just then something hit her, "Gu Yanqing?!? Gu Yanqing from elementary school?!!!"