
virgin no more

I woke with a start covered in sweat and shaking. Alex was in my dreams and we were having sex... I stand up and leave the room to look for him. "Master?" I say as I knock on his office door. "Come in, love." He calls out to me and I open the door and walk in. "I want you." I speak softly and he looks up at me. I am wearing a silk nightgown that barely covers me a at all. I walk to him and crawl into his lap and lean into his warm chest, moving my hips against him in the process. "Baby what can I do for you?" He asks his eyes traveling down my body."I want you Master. I want your hands on me." I say and he pulls me closer his hands on my hips. "Are you sure?" He asks me and I nod, he stand up holding me to him and kisses me softly. He walks us back to bed still kissing me everywhere he can reach, my lips, throat and chest. I shiver and hold him tightly as he lays me down laying on top of me, he rubs one hand down my body and pulls my legs open and rubs up my inner thighs and I moan softly. He slides his other hand up my night gown and rubs my nipple with his finger tips causing me to moan again, I feel him roll his hips into me before he places his hand in between my p*ssy lips and he sarts rubing my clit. My moans gradually get louder and I pull his shirt off before he goes back to rubbing me. I start to shake as he pushes against my soaking clit and moves his fingers faster, "Come for me baby I want to hear you moan my name." He commands and I fall apart as his words and cry out. "Master!" I scream as I cum and he smiles pulling my night gown off before he slides down and licks my sensitive clit softly and he moans. "You taste so good babe." He says and pulls off his pants and lays on top of my kissing me as he pulls on a condom. "Are you ready, my love?" He asks making sure. "Yes, Master, I'm ready to be all yours body, mind, and soul" I say and pull him closer, he rubs himself against my opening and I moan again rolling my hips. He slowly pushes himself in me and then stops as he waits for me to become accustomed to his size and at my moan he moves again. He pulls himself onto his knees and starts moving inside me as he looks down at me with love and possessiveness. I rolls my hips against him and he moans with me as he moves faster and harder. "Master, please , harder!" I beg and he smiles and slams into me hard, over and over again, my eyes roll back and I cry out. He pulls out and flips me onto my stomach and pushes himself back in as he pulls my hand back and handcuffs them together.