
Chapter 1001 A Thousand Year-Old Family

The other party looked like an old man, but Luca had never seen him after being in the Marsh Family for so many years.

When he greeted Luca, he smiled amiably and said, "Mr. Luca?"

For a moment, Luca was stunned and thought that he had never seen him before. Unless, Rowan had replaced his subordinate?

However, he only dared to ponder it in his heart and did not dare to ask any questions.

With a nod, he answered, "Yes."

"My boss has been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with me."

The man took him all the way to the manor on the island.

Because it was late at night, Luca couldn't remember the directions either. He only vaguely felt that he had made a lot of turns, just like walking in a maze, which was different from the road he took when he came to see Rowan last time.

Obviously, his doubts grew deeper, but he held them back and didn't ask about it.