
Meeting Mr Ice

Jane walked towards the forbidden building with a clenched fist. She looked scared at first but that didn't stop her curiosity about looking into the building she had been forbidden to reach. She looked back to see if any of the men were around to know of her sudden disappearance but nobody seemed to know since the alarm bells hadn't rung. She breathed out heavily and touched the doorknob but before she could twist it open, her hand was yanked off it and she was pushed backward. She looked up only to meet the face of one person she had been trying to avoid. Allen stared coldly at the woman in front of him and stepped forward like a lion trying to stalk its prey. Jane looked terrified and gulped down with uneasiness. " What are you doing here? " Allen asked with his usual cold tone. " I was...uhm...just... " " Haven't I warned you not to step closer to this building huh? But it seems you are the stubborn pet. " Allen interrupted while continuing his walk towards her. " No...no, I was just being curious, that's all. " Jane replied as her back hit the wall. Allen trapped her in between. " Have you ever heard that curiosity kills the cat? " Allen smirked dangerously and Jane knew that she was in a long torture for the night. ______________ Don't miss out on this book. You will love it.

IJE_5 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


The ray of sunlight that pierced through the light curtains in the room woke Jane from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She looked around and her eyes fell on her brother who had woken up. She smiled at him.

" Hey Bruno, how was your night? " She asked while he only gave a sign of replying by blinking his eyes like he always did and she was used to knowing that sign.

" That's good. Very soon you will be back on your feet and you will start talking. I am so happy for you, Bruno." Jane's stare was sincere.

Bruno looked at his sister with utmost joy in his heart because she wasn't crying or smiling bitterly as she would in the past but where could she have found such a huge amount of money? This served as a mystery to him and he hoped that she had not done something stupid that could ruin both of their lives, mostly hers.

" I will go home and prepare beef soup for you. It will have all the appropriate nutrients that will help you recover rapidly, okay? "

In the middle of their talk, Blake knocked before entering the room with Joy behind him. He had solely taken up the responsibility of taking care of Bruno so he would check up on him at the appointed time with Joy.

" Good morning, doctor. " Jane greeted.

" Good morning. How is your mood today? " Blake asked.

" Great doctor. Hello Joy. "

" Hey. I can see how great it is. " Joy teased and they all smiled. Blake moved closer and puts his stethoscope into action. He checked his pulse and other necessary body parts.

" Joy, administer the treatment while I talk to Jane privately. "

" Of course, doctor."

Jane followed Blake out to discuss with him. The hall was crowded with people especially the patients and the nurses that were moving up and down.

" Doctor, I hope no problem. "

" Everything is fine. I just want to give you some medical tips about your brother's health. " The doctor replied and Jane nodded.

" Alright doctor, please go ahead. " She said.

" As you know that the surgery was successful, and there is a need that you to follow the tips given to you by me. For now, he won't be able to talk and walk due to the surgery but make sure that you never miss a day without giving him his pills so it doesn't harm him later. "

" Alright, doctor. "

" I will recommend the pills and send them to you with Joy's help. "

He didn't want to ask where she got the money from because Joy had already given him a headstart on the issue so he could only pray that from henceforth, the siblings would live a happy and healthy life.

Jane went back into the room and met Jog cleaning the syringe she had used earlier on Bruno. She looked serious about her job and that had been her characteristic.

" Thank you so much, Joy for everything. " Jane appreciated and Joy looked at her with a smile on her face.

" Jane, I really love your persistent effort, and now look at the result but I am not sure of what type of life you would be living from now because of your action. " Joy carried the steel tray delicately and stared at Jane.

" I know but as I have said earlier, I am ready for anything. Let's forget about that, I need to go home and change, maybe prepare a special watery soup...a beef soup to be precise for Bruno."

" No problem. Don't come too late. " Joy left. Jane looked at her brother who was staring at the two women intensely.

" Bruno, I will be back very shortly. Hit the emergency button if you need anything as usual. See you soon. " She kissed his forehead and left. On her way to the apartment she lived in, the cab passed right in front of her working place and she turned dull. It's been a few days since she came there and no one even cared to look for her or even ask after her.

" This world is indeed a cruel place to be in."