
Meeting Mr Ice

Jane walked towards the forbidden building with a clenched fist. She looked scared at first but that didn't stop her curiosity about looking into the building she had been forbidden to reach. She looked back to see if any of the men were around to know of her sudden disappearance but nobody seemed to know since the alarm bells hadn't rung. She breathed out heavily and touched the doorknob but before she could twist it open, her hand was yanked off it and she was pushed backward. She looked up only to meet the face of one person she had been trying to avoid. Allen stared coldly at the woman in front of him and stepped forward like a lion trying to stalk its prey. Jane looked terrified and gulped down with uneasiness. " What are you doing here? " Allen asked with his usual cold tone. " I was...uhm...just... " " Haven't I warned you not to step closer to this building huh? But it seems you are the stubborn pet. " Allen interrupted while continuing his walk towards her. " No...no, I was just being curious, that's all. " Jane replied as her back hit the wall. Allen trapped her in between. " Have you ever heard that curiosity kills the cat? " Allen smirked dangerously and Jane knew that she was in a long torture for the night. ______________ Don't miss out on this book. You will love it.

IJE_5 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


The black Jeep drove into a big compound and was parked beside the other cars. Bert rushed out and opened the car's door for his boss whose face had turned rigid to come out and he shut the door as Allen walked in. Bert, in the full mood for gossip, turned to the man beside him who had removed his suit and had it wrapped around his arm.

" What do you think happened earlier? Do you think the boss knows her? " He asked eagerly.

" What made you formed those questions out of your tiny brain? " The man asked back in a nonchalant manner.

" Xander, since I have been working for the boss, he hardly renders assistance to anyone, his behavior is as cold as his legendary face and stature. " Bert replied while Xander shook his head at the man's talkativeness.

" I have no idea what you are saying and I hope that you keep that unsealed lips of yours sealed before you get your mouth disengaged from your face. " Xander warned.

" Hehe, how is that possible? " Bert smiled, " I am the baby of the house. "

" The baby of the house can be in trouble, you should know that. " Xander replied after snorting. Xander began his walk towards the main building which happened to be a mansion while Bert jogged playfully behind him.

" Why did you smirk at the young lady earlier this evening? Or is it because you are interested in her? " Bert opened his mouth and covered it back with his palms, pretending to be shocked at the sudden twist of event. Xander stopped walking and gave the man a hard glare that made him shut up immediately and the rest of the walk was performed in absolute silence.

Allen made himself naked and stepped into the shower. The cold water from the shower flowed freely from his head to his feet and then he turned the shower off before stepping out of the bathroom half naked. He sat on the chair on his balcony and gently poured himself a glass of thick red drink which he gulped down with a stern look. The face of the girl he met earlier flashed before his eyes and the grip on the glass made a crack on it.

When he realized what he had done, his grip on the glass loosened a bit and he closed his eyes to recap for the day.


Jane walked groggily into the ward where her brother was. She looked tired from the work she had been doing from the start of the day. She pulled the chair that was far away from her brother's bed and sat on it.

She held his hands and soothe it as she stared at her brother's pale face who had his eyes closed. She smiled bitterly as she pats his hand that she was holding.

" Bruno, look your sister is back. I…I went to work today only to…only to…to be given double of it just because I stayed away for days taking care of you. " She wiped her tears that were now fully flowing down on her cheeks and continued,

" But you know what? I was proud and happy because I could work just to raise money for your treatment. I…sobs…I know I promised you that I will be strong for the both of us and that…and that I won't break down but I can't help it, Bruno, I can't. The doctor said if we can't provide the money, you might die. I am scared. "

She bursts into another fresh tears.

" I feel completely useless right now that I can't help you. You don't know how much it pains me to sit and watch you stare at me without being able to speak, it's painful…really…really painful and I wish…I wish everything could just go back to the way it was. You, me and our parents, happy together again again but unfortunately…I don't know…I am confused right now and I don't know where to find a million amount of money for your surgery. " She sobbed bitterly and then sniffed.

" But don't you worry…don't, I promise to find the money by all means, that is my promise to you. " She kissed his hand.

During the moment of her monologue, she didn't notice the presence of someone behind the door listening to her talk. The person watched the two siblings before making his move from the door.

After grieving for some minutes, she stood up from the seat and walked towards the window as she reminisced over the event of the evening. From Caleb's behavior to the strange man in the car, it all felt odd to her for some reason. Yet she couldn't stop thinking about how goodlooking this man was. The breeze gently caressed her soft skin, drying the left tears in her eyes.

The boy on the bed gently twitched, a gentle drop of tears slid from his eyes and wets his pillow but his sister seemed not to have noticed.