
Meeting Mr Ice

Jane walked towards the forbidden building with a clenched fist. She looked scared at first but that didn't stop her curiosity about looking into the building she had been forbidden to reach. She looked back to see if any of the men were around to know of her sudden disappearance but nobody seemed to know since the alarm bells hadn't rung. She breathed out heavily and touched the doorknob but before she could twist it open, her hand was yanked off it and she was pushed backward. She looked up only to meet the face of one person she had been trying to avoid. Allen stared coldly at the woman in front of him and stepped forward like a lion trying to stalk its prey. Jane looked terrified and gulped down with uneasiness. " What are you doing here? " Allen asked with his usual cold tone. " I was...uhm...just... " " Haven't I warned you not to step closer to this building huh? But it seems you are the stubborn pet. " Allen interrupted while continuing his walk towards her. " No...no, I was just being curious, that's all. " Jane replied as her back hit the wall. Allen trapped her in between. " Have you ever heard that curiosity kills the cat? " Allen smirked dangerously and Jane knew that she was in a long torture for the night. ______________ Don't miss out on this book. You will love it.

IJE_5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The day's work had gotten poor Jane tired as she sat on one of the chairs a customer had sat on earlier before leaving the restaurant. She wiped the beads of sweat that were now forming on her forehead and exhaled heavily. She was punished for her so-called offense of not being in the shop for four days.

The workers were told to stay at home while she was assigned to serve all customers that came to the shop. She lifted her beautiful rounded face that had its parts in the right proportion, her well-shaped lips, nose, eyes, and eyebrows were outstanding. If not because of her current situation, she would have been a good model.

She stood up and dropped the dirty napkin in its place before removing the apron she tied around her and hanging it on the wall. She switched off the lights and picked up her tattered bag before making her way out of the restaurant. She locked the door and walked on the lane beside the street, deep in thought when the aggressive nature of someone grabbing her bag brought her back to life. She twirled and her first instinct was to give the person a blow which she landed perfectly. The person stumbled backward before regaining his stand.

He smiled roguishly at her and gently rubbed where he was hit earlier by Jane. Jane took a step backward when she realized who she had hit, she looked scared just by the person's appearance. Caleb was one of the notorious criminals in the neighborhood. He was arrested for stealing, attempted rape, and killing but for some reasons best known to the cops, he was always released. Jane had been avoiding him ever since the man asked her out, she didn't want any trouble in her life and Caleb appeared to be one.

She started walking in a haste but was pulled back by Caleb whose silly smile had now turned to a grin.

" Where do you think you are going? " He asked.

" Please, let go of me. I need to... "

" Calm down, Jane. Do I look like a monster? Just follow me, and I will take very good care of you. I will pay your brother's hospital bills, I will make sure you live a healthy life. Consider all these while I am still being nice. " He pulled her along with him but Jane tried to free herself from his grasp, pleading to him.

" Caleb please, let me go, I... "

" You heard the lady right when she said you should let go of her, did you not? " A man's cold voice sounded behind her and Caleb released her from his grip.

He looked at the man standing in front of him and he moved closer to him.

" And who are you? " Caleb asked but was pushed a bit by the stranger.

" Stay back. You have bad breath. " He said and Caleb's face burned with anger.

" If you don't want any trouble for your life then slowly back away when I am being nice to you. " The stranger said with a tone of warning.

Caleb moved closer and gritted his teeth.

" You look like a rich dude but don't you dare try me... "

He received a punch from the stranger.

" Damn it! " Caleb cursed out loud as his lips started bleeding. Jane gasped and quickly hid behind the man. Caleb glared at both of them but he didn't say anything else, instead, he walked away from them after giving Jane a death signal.

" Sorry, miss. My boss wanted me to help you so do you need the assistance? Where are you going to? " The stranger asked with a smile, seeing his present look no one would have imagined that he acted tough just a few minutes ago.

Jane didn't want to stay a minute for the fear of Caleb returning to her.

" Of course. Please drop me at the City's hospital but may I know your name? " Jane asked.

" My name is Bert. Please come with me, Miss... " He left the gap for her to fill in.

" Jane. " She replied quickly.

" Of course, Miss Jane. Come with me. " He led her into a black car perhaps a Jeep. He opened the door for her and she entered but she felt the chilly aura that welcomed her inside the car. She turned to face the man beside her and she was struck by the man's gorgeousness, his look had it all in. He was seated like a god whose mission was to assign work to his servants.

His face and every part of him was glorious in her eyes that Jane couldn't even take her eyes off him until the man raised his head to look at her and she quickly averted her gaze.