
Meeting April in the Fall; Futanari falls in love

Ace moves to a new town and meets his new room mate, April. They hit it off and they become fast friends. Ace learns about Aprils secret and finds her fascinating as they begin a new fruitful relationship

SlyRoads · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Experimenting (explicit)

Chapter 4

Ace rolled over, resting his arm across April's waist. The sunlight filtering through the window cast a golden glow on their bodies, adding a warmth to the morning air. They lay silently, lost in their thoughts. With a smile, Ace brushed away a strand of April's dark locks, tracing his fingers through her tousled curls. "Good morning," he murmured softly.

"Morning," April returned sleepily, cracking one eye open. "Did we?" looking down at her still sticky body remembered what happened. "You were wonderful last night," April replied, her eyes dancing mischievously. "Especially right before we went to bed..."

"Ah, yes! My first attempt at giving a blowjob" Ace laughed sheepishly, recalling the moment vividly. "But it seems you quite enjoyed it."

"Let's just say I appreciate your enthusiasm," April teased playfully. "By the way, did you take a picture of me covered in cum?."

"Maybe," Ace grinned, reaching over to stroke her cheek affectionately. 

"We can revisit that later, if you want." Despite their recent activities, he felt no shame or embarrassment talking candidly about such matters. Instead, he found it liberating to discuss sex freely without judgment.

April laughed lightly, appreciative of Ace's openness. "Definitely," she agreed, stretching luxuriantly. "If your getting naughty pictures of me then I think it would only be fair if I got some of you was well"

They sat up, facing each other on the edge of the bed. 

Taking a deep breath, April looked steadfastly into Ace's eyes. "Listen... I Really have to pee!" and jumps out of bed racing to the bathroom. Ace chases her down as they run naked into the bathroom. Seeing her gorgeous ass bounce and jiggle.

Ace followed closely behind, marveling at April's athletic physique as she raced towards the bathroom. As April hurriedly relieved herself, he playfully saddled up beside her bumping her with his hips knocking her slightly off balance.

"Hey!, Watch it I'm gonna get pee everywhere." She says laughing as she steadies herself and aims her stream into the toilet. Ace looks down at her and does the same.

April gets a wicked thought as she reaches over and grabs Ace's hand and directs it to her soft cock. "We can aim for each other." She says giggling like an immature child.

After Ace has her secure and steady she takes a hold of his dick. She playfully crosses the streams and aims it from the rim to the middle of the water. The sight as ridiculous as it sounded was actually wholesome. A couple playing with each other's dicks while they stood to pee in the morning.

Talk about starting your day with something interesting. This wasn't a typical thing either but since Ace started exploring his sexuality it opened doors for unique things like this. While standing there, sharing a unique experience, they bonded further. Each action, whether playful or intimate, brought them closer. After finishing their respective business, shook each other's soft dicks to make sure all the urine was out. Before leaving the bathroom, April turned around to face Ace, pulling him into another tender embrace.

Kissing him on the lips she says "You smell like cum. or is it me that I'm smelling?" she playfully backs away from him looking at her body. "Oh it's definitely me, I reek of dried cum and sweat." She laughs at her ridiculous state. "I have to go take a shower, stat. It's going to take forever to get this dried cum off me."

"Well we are in a bathroom." Ace points out.

Smiling, April runs her finger up Ace's abdomen to his chest and playfully pushes him back. "As amazing as that sounds, there are 3 problems with that. 1 I want to get clean, not dirtier. 2 Our water bill is going to go through the roof if we keep taking "those kinds of showers" and 3 I'm starving. We should go get breakfast."

Ace agrees, hungry himself. He also wants to give April time to cool down and get dressed properly. There's plenty of opportunity to continue experimenting later;"Breakfast sounds great, any suggestions?"

"Well there's a cute little cafe downtown, I hear they have the best pancakes." She says bouncing cutely, her naked breast jiggling with her. "Plus I need Carbs." she says in a mock growl.

"Sounds great." Ace says kissing her lips "No go take a shower you dirty little cumslut." he says jokingly as he turns her around and starts pushing her out of his bathroom. Smacking her ass as she goes.

April yelps a little from the smack on her ass. She stumbles over and turns to face Ace with a mock angry look. "Don't spank my bare bottom!" she says playfully, trying to maintain a level of innocence despite the fact that she actually enjoyed it. She then spins around and continues down the hall.

Her ass bounces and shimmers from residual wetness as she walks towards the other bathroom. Closing the door behind her, she steps into the steaming hot shower. Tilting her head to allow water droplets to cascade onto her face, she closes her eyes, feeling the refreshing sensation as it cleanses every part of her body.

With the water running at full force, April stands underneath it, allowing gravity to do its work, removing all traces of her and Ace from her skin.

Meanwhile Ace climbs into his own shower. Washing himself clean. Planning out some naughty things for April today. Once he is good and clean he goes to his closet deciding what to wear for their breakfast date.

Picking out a simple button-up and jeans, he begins dressing. Grabbing his phone, he checks the time—not even 9 AM yet. He quickly messages April to confirm where exactly the cafe is located. Minutes pass as he patiently waits for her reply. Finally, April sends him the address along with a suggestive message saying, "I Can't decide what to wear!" along with a selfie of her naked with loads of clothes scattered across her bed. She is positioned so that you can see anything naughty.

"Can I suggest a skirt, because I think you look cute in one." Ace messaged her back.

'Skirt. .' Adding a heart emoji at the end of his text. He loved watching April in skirts, seeing her powerful legs wrapped snugly beneath the fabric. And knowing that beneath those garments lies a hidden surprise made everything more exciting.

Less than fifteen minutes later, April emerged from her room, dressed in a puffy, high-waisted patterned skirt. 

It accentuated her curves perfectly. Pairing it with a fitted white blouse that exposed her midriff, which showed off her muscular abs and small tummy roll. Lastly, she wore knee-high boots completing the ensemble. Walking toward Ace confidently, she presented herself for approval. "What do you think?" she asked with a seductive smile.

Ace could hardly contain his admiration upon seeing April's chosen attire. 

"You look absolutely stunning," he said sincerely, his gaze traveling slowly up and down her body. "The skirt fits you perfectly. Just stunning, how will I be able to focus?" he complimented, running his hands smoothly down her arm.

April smiled radiantly, reveling in the praise. 

"Thank you, sweetheart," she purred, moving effortlessly close to Ace. She pressed herself against him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and drawing him into a tight embrace. Their hearts beat in sync, matching the rhythm of their passion. It seemed almost magical - two people drawn together, united by mutual desire and undeniable chemistry.

Soon enough, though, the familiar buzz of hunger stirred within them again. Ace broke the quiet with an invitation. "Shall we go eat now?"

April eagerly nodded, still clutching onto Ace firmly. They held eye contact for a few more seconds, until finally, they decided to disengage from their embrace. With heavy hearts, they released each other and stepped apart.

Wrapping her fingers delicately around Ace's, she led him towards the entrance. Hand in hand, they headed towards Ace's car and headed downtown.

Upon arriving at the quaint coffee shop recommended by April, they took seats near the window, enjoying the view of pedestrians passing by. Sunlight filtered in through the glass panels, casting warm golden patterns on the floorboards below. The ambiance inside was just right – comfortable and relaxed. 

April ordered the Pancakes topped with fruit and whipped cream. Ace ordered a cheesy omelet. They sat and talked while their food was being prepared. Once it arrived they dug in, April complimenting on how good the pancakes were offering Ace a bite. She reaches across the table holding out a bite of pancake on her fork. Ace opens wide and goes to take it. April moves it up just slightly, getting whip cream on his face.

April breaks out in a giggling fit. "If I didn't know better, I would think you like having white stuff all over your face." she says with an implying wink.

"Oh you got jokes, huh? Laugh it up now doll. I will get you back." He says laughing as he wipes his face.

"You really have no idea what you're asking for." He teased, setting the stage for future retaliation. Ace sipped his coffee and continued eating his meal, occasionally glancing at April across the table. She had already finished her portion of the pancakes, and was sipping her coffee.

Suddenly April's phone buzzed. She pulls it out of her purse to look at it. "Ah man, a co-worker forgot her keys and needs to get into the school to get some papers she forgot. She's asking if I can help her. I don't want this date to end so quickly." She explains with genuine concern that she is messing up.

"If a friend asks for help you help them. We will have plenty of time to hang out later. I do know where you live." Ace says with a chuckle. "Besides there's a couple of errands I need to run anyway." Ace mentioned casually. "Do you need a ride?"

"Oh She says she's close and will just pick me up. I have my keys on me." April answers by putting her phone down. "Want to wait with me till she gets here?" asking wanting to have more time with Ace.

Ace agrees, getting up and paying the bill on their way out. They hold hands waiting for her friend to arrive. Light conversation back and forth goes on for a few mins before a car pulls up to the curb. Ace kisses April quickly before she gets into the car. She waves bye to Ace. Her coworker begins to talk to her as they drive away. Ace could only assume they were talking about him.

As April drove away, he watched her until her car disappeared from sight. Standing alone outside the coffee shop. Ace heads towards where he parked and climbs into his car and looks up some shops on his phone. He has a big grin on his face. Set the GPS and start driving.

After doing some shopping, Ace gets a text from April, asking what he was doing.

I was on my way home. Getting kind of hungry. -Ace responds.

Oh me too. Want to get a late lunch? - April asks.

Sure, Meet me at home?-Ace

Be there shortly-April

Arriving back at home he brings in the bags of the things he went to purchase. He places them intentionally on his bed. A wicked grin creeping across his face.

He hears the front door open so he sneaks down the hall in order to get the drop on April. When she comes around the corner He jumps out to scare her.

Startled, April jumped backward, letting out a loud gasp. "Jeez! Ace, you scared me half to death." she exclaimed, breathless from fright. But there was also something else — excitement mixed with adrenaline rushing through her veins. It wasn't often someone managed to catch her off guard like that. She couldn't resist giving him a playful shove in response.

Ace laughed, rubbing his shoulder lightly where she hit him. 

"Hey, careful with that thing," he teased, pretending to be hurt. His grin turned devilish when he noticed April's reaction to his words. The gleam in her eyes told him she knew precisely what he meant by that comment.

She bit her lip, trying to hide her amusement but failing miserably. "So how have you managed to get by without me all morning," she taunted softly, reaching forward to poke him once more in his ribcage. 

This time, however, instead of pulling away, she allowed her finger to slide downwards, deliberately grazing the edge of his growing erection pressing against his jeans. Ace swallowed hard, pulling her closer. "It was dreadful, I barely made it," he replied, attempting to sound desperate. "I'm so glad you're here now so I can recharge in your radiance..." He smirked, stepping closer to her.

She Blushes and leans in to kiss Ace. "My breakfast has worn off, otherwise I would just eat you right now." She gives him a sultry look.

"Well that sounds great but first I bought you a little something." Ace says taking her hand leading her towards his bedroom.

As they entered the room, April's curiosity piqued even further as she looked around. Everything seemed meticulously arranged—from the stack of books neatly placed beside the bed to the pillows carefully fluffed under the covers. There was even a subtle scent lingering in the air that evoked feelings of comfort and safety. She followed Ace to the center of the room, allowing her senses to fully immerse themselves in the experience.

Ace then leads her towards the bag he brought earlier. 

"So what did you buy?" she questions excitedly.

"Let's start unwrapping these presents, shall we?" Ace says teasingly, lifting one package at a time from the bag. Each item revealed proved to be equally tantalizing, leaving both Ace and April increasingly aroused by each thing he brought out of the bag.

"Are you down for some dom play? Ace asks April.

"What do you have in mind?" April asks timidly.

"So I'm going to make you wear these items on our date. I will only push you towards greater ecstasy than you could ever dream. But you will have to follow every command I give you. Understood?" Ace asks April in a serious tone.

April swallowed deeply

, feeling her heart race faster. "Yes, sir," she answered without hesitation, surprised by her own submission. This was not just another game to her anymore; it felt like a true connection with a man she was quickly falling for. 

Smiling proudly, Ace reached behind him and pulled out a small sexy see-thru pair of panties. The ass was exposed just a string that sat on her large cheeks. "Put these on." he instructed, handing her the piece of lingerie. As April slowly slid on the garment, Ace's gaze fixed upon her movements, admiring the gentle curves of her body, visible beneath the almost transparent fabric. A sense of anticipation coursed through her veins, fueling a fire that burned deep within her soul. Taking his time, Ace stood close, observing his lover's transformation as she became lost in the moment. His heart raced with excitement. 

Their eyes locked as she nervously awaited his approval.

He pulled out a small bottle of lube and what appeared to be a buttplug. April tensed up and started to protest but Ace put his finger over her lips, Shushing her. "Remember you can't refuse me." Ace says softly.

"Remember sweetie, you agreed to obey my commands tonight."

Her heart racing, April nodded hesitantly, submitting herself fully to Ace.

Trembling with anticipation , she looked at the butt plug offered by Ace. Slowly, she positioned herself on her knees, presenting her rear to him. She closed her eyes tightly, bracing herself for what was to come.

Feeling her vulnerability, Ace tenderly cupped her face, brushing his thumb over her lips in an effort to calm her nerves. 

With a gentle smile, he whispered, "Relax, baby girl, I won't let anything happen that you aren't ready for." He ran his hand down her arm, offering support. Nodding in acknowledgment, April surrendered herself entirely to Ace.

As he knelt behind her, Ace began lubricating the plug and pouring some onto her tight hole. He worked a finger into the hole to help loosen her up a bit. When he felt she was finally ready. With the gentlest touch possible, he inserted the butt plug inside her, filling her with warmth and anticipation. Pausing briefly to allow her body to adjust, he ensured her complete satisfaction throughout the process. As he held her securely, he marveled at the trust she displayed, knowing that whatever transpired was part of a shared journey filled with passion and devotion.

April squirmed slightly, finding herself enjoying the foreign object lodged within her rear. The intensity of desire surging through her veins heightened her awareness of everything surrounding her. She realized she had never experienced such an intense level of sexual gratification.

Desperate from her initial discomfort, she found solace in Ace's guidance, seeking refuge in his embrace. Her eyes conveyed a mix of apprehension and anticipation. Despite her doubts, she knew that the bond forming between them was unbreakable, strengthening with each passing moment.

Ace reaches back into the bag and pulls out another item. "Stand up baby girl." he says in the same soft but demanding tone.

April feels a wave of excitement wash over her, as she obeys Ace's instruction and stands up. Her chest heaves rapidly, partially due to the exertion required to stand after being bent over, but mostly because of the anticipation building within her.

Looking down, April sees Ace raising her skirt. Even though she can't see what he is doing she can feel him pulling her panties down and pulling her cock free. This sends a surge through her whole body. Not expecting that touch she lets out a ragged breath trying to calm herself down. The next thing she felt was a snug silicon ring constricting on the base of her shaft. She lets out a small yelp.

"Do you know what this is, baby?" Ace asks.

April looks puzzled, clearly unsure."No, what is it?" she answers tentatively.

"That's called a cock ring, sweetheart." Ace explains matter-of-factly.

Realization dawned on April as understanding spread through her. "But..but why do I need this?" she asked nervously.

Ace smiled warmly, showing sympathy towards her confusion. "Because, sweetie, this particular one, along with the plug in your butt in combination with the special panties you are wearing are going to let me literally push your buttons."

Feeling embarrassed yet curious, April accepted her fate.

Ace now holds up a small remote. and push a button on it. *brrrrrrr* a faint humming sound could be heard in the quiet bedroom.

April's Eyes went wide as all the sudden vibrations went off in her asshole simultaneously as another set of vibrations started up against her balls and base of her cock.

She moaned loudly and stumbled backwards onto the bed gripping the sheets for dear life.Ace's eyes darken with dominance watching his submissive react to the controls. It becomes clear to Ace how much power he truly possesses over April in this situation. The rumbling waves pulsing against her sensitive areas sent shockwaves of pleasure crashing through her system, rendering her helpless against the onslaught of bliss bombarding her.

He then stops the vibrators.

With a hint of amusement, he watches April regain composure. Seeing her struggle to find balance amidst her overwhelming physical response, he takes advantage of the opportunity presented before him. Smirking mischievously, he pressed another button on the remote. The steady thrum returned, stronger than before. April cried out in surprise, succumbing once more to the powerful sensations wracking her body.

"So the panties are special as well, the front will stretch no matter how hard you get." Ace says with a smooth tone. "Now are you ready to go to dinner?" He asks with a grin on his face.

Feeling embarrassed yet eager, April consents. As they head out for dinner, Ace relishes the sight of April walking ahead of him. Knowing that he is in total control of this beauty and she loves it.

Ace uses the remote for the vibrators hidden under April's clothes. She reacts slightly as they walk out in public trying to suppress the sensations. She turns to glare at Ace, her face says that this is not fair and she has a bit of a pout on her lips as she slows down and takes Ace's arm, leaning in close and saying, "You're killing me!, I'm gonna pop a boner out here in the street." April growls half jokingly, half seriously. The heat of the conversation coupled with the erotic stimulation is becoming difficult to ignore.

"Well, I guess we should hurry up then!" Ace replies, his voice low and confident. He gives her a wicked grin, which ignites something fiery within April. Feeling cornered, yet strangely invigorated, she hastens her steps alongside Ace, stealthily maneuvering around pedestrians unaware of the electrifying tension between them.

Their pace quickens until they reach a dimly lit restaurant where they settle comfortably in a booth near the back. A delicious smell permeates the air, tickling April's nose.

The waitress walks up and takes their drink orders and leaves them to look over the menus.

The tension between Ace and April continues to simmer as they quietly examine the menu offerings. Both are aware of the spark between them, and neither attempts to quash it.

"So what are you going to order?" Ace asks, looking over the menu.

"Hmm... I think I'll have the seared scallops," April responds thoughtfully, taking note of her choice. Her fingers flick idly across the tablecloth, exhibiting a mixture of nervousness and curiosity as she contemplates the remainder of her evening.

Ace follows suit, scanning the assortment of dishes on display. Glancing up occasionally, he catches April watching him intently, leaving no doubt that she craves further indulgence in the sensual games he has planned for later. 

Satisfied with her response, Ace subtly switches the vibration settings on the remote to a rhythm less likely to draw attention in public spaces. He smiles deviously, thinking how easily he has manipulated April into submission - her eagerness proving just how far she would go to please him.

As the waitress came back to take their orders Ace turned the vibrations up. not loud enough to be heard but enough to make April lose her composure a little bit and begin coughing trying to get a catch out of her throat to order. As the waitress leaves she glares at Ace. Slightly annoyed at having been made to appear frantic when ordering.

Ace then pulls out a condom and holds it up to April. "You know how messy you can be." He says with a wink. "Maybe we should prevent them from having to bring out a mop."

April takes the condom from Ace. "What should I do with this?" April asks about the condom. "Should I put it on my..." she trailed off. Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and arousal. The thought of placing the condom on her shaft excited her beyond belief. 

Taking a deep breath, she summoned every ounce of courage she possessed. Carefully, she reached down and positioned the tip of the condom over the bulbous head of her erection. Slowly, she rolled it down the length of her member, feeling the latex glide effortlessly over its surface. Once fully encased, she looked up at Ace, her expression a mix of pride and vulnerability.

Ace watched her wiggle under the table. Although he couldn't actually see her do this his imagination filled in all the blanks.

Ace continued playing with the remote while sitting opposite April. Each time he switched the setting, April couldn't help but squirm in her seat. The growing pressure inside her, combined with the constant teasing from Ace, pushed her closer to the edge. With increasing frequency, April caught herself adjusting her clothing to hide her growing arousal. However, there seemed to be a certain satisfaction derived from knowing she had lost complete control over her sensual impulses.

Finally, their meals arrived, and the two enjoyed savoring the flavors of the carefully prepared dishes. 

Throughout the entirety of the meal, April struggled to maintain her dignity beneath the merciless assault of the vibrator embedded within her garments. Ace paid careful attention to these subtleties – witnessing firsthand the extent of his influence upon her.

Ace decided it was time and turned the Vibrators up as high as they would go and just sat back to watch the show.

As April struggles underneath the intense sensation, she feels her resolve crumble further. Her cheeks turn scarlet, and sweat forms on her brow.

April shifted uncomfortably in her chair, attempting to conceal her mounting arousal from the public. The persistent vibrations threatened to consume her entirely, eliciting involuntary reactions that left her mortified. Yet somehow, she found solace in the knowledge that surrendering wholly to Ace's commands only intensified her own ecstatic release.

Her heart raced, fueled by anticipation and desire. She wondered if he knew exactly how enticing it was for her to submit completely to someone else's desires? This sense of powerlessness only served to heighten her own self-awareness, amplifying the intensity of her arousal.

Taking a sip of wine, she attempted to divert her focus away from the unrelenting force ravaging her insides. But try as she might, April found herself unable to escape the torrent of pleasurable disarray swamping her consciousness. Until it became too much to bear any longer.

A wave of pleasure flooded her being like nothing she ever felt before. Unable to hold back any longer, April bit her lip. Grasping the table clothe her for support she let out a series of quiet moans and groans as her orgasm took full effect. Hot liquid began to fill the condom she had on. Embarrassed and mortified she looks towards Ace expecting judgment but instead finds approval and lust reflected in his gaze. Surprised, she locks eyes with him as she finishes filling her condom. Finally able to exhale from holding her breath.

April stutters and gasps for air. Looking around her embarrassment hit her again, fearful people noticed what happened. But she quickly remembers Ace's taunting smile after turning the vibrator higher. Despite her shame she also feels excitement and desire toward Ace.

"Please.... Stop, I'm too sensitive right now." she breathed, finally acknowledging aloud the magnitude of her experience.

Despite her initial misgivings, April realized that her willing submission held immense appeal.

"I want you to take it off, tie it off and put it on the table for everyone to see." Ace says looking her dead in the eyes.

April hesitates briefly, her body still trembling from the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. With an almost imperceptible nod, she confirms her decision, signaling her readiness to embrace the taboo act. She knows that submitting to Ace's demands demonstrates her trust in him—an essential component of their budding relationship. 

Unwavering determination guided her decision, solidifying her resolve to prove herself worthy of such a bold undertaking. Swallowing hard, April retrieves the bloated condom from her dick, determined to fulfill her obligation. She grabs around the base of the condom then ties a knot to secure it firmly. Trembling hands slowly rise, revealing the evidence of her tryst to any that would walk by and look.

Facing Ace once more, she meets his piercing gaze without faltering.

Ace stairs in amazement at the condom that is easily the size of a grapefruit. It looks like a water balloon full of white liquid.

Hearing footsteps approaching from behind, she resists the urge to duck below the table. Instead, she stands resolute, exposing the telltale evidence of her transgression to anyone passing by.

Her skin pricks with awareness as the waitress comes up to the table to ask how everything was and to bring the check. As she goes to sit the check down. Her eyes roam from April's crimson face to the conspicuous, bulging condom on the tabletop. The weight of their silent assessment adds fuel to the fire burning within her.

The Waitress's face begins to beam bright red, as she turns and walks away from the table.

Ace then takes out a pen and writes something on the check, then sliding cash into the black folder. He points at the condom and says. "You should bring that with you."

Ace murmurs softly, pointing towards the condom on the table. There was a hint of triumph in his voice, and his hand brushing against hers reinforced their connection. April hesitated, then gathered the balloon

Walking together past various tables, they received curious looks and whispers, feeding April's anxiety yet simultaneously spurring her onward. 

They then exited the restaurant heading outside to feel the cool evening air hit their flush faces.

"I can't contain myself any more." Ace breathed into her ears. "Let's sneak off to a hidden spot," said Ace, his voice low and seductive. With renewed confidence stemming from the recent events, April eagerly agreed, following Ace into the dimly lit alleyway adjacent to the bustling main street. Shadows played across their bodies as they approached a small alcove nestled between the brick walls. Its seclusion was pretty good but if someone turned just a bit they could have been seen.

Ace began to passionately make out with April. His fingers caressed her neck and shoulders, trailing down her chest until reaching her nipple which he gently pinched between his thumb and index finger. Meanwhile, April's tongue delved deeper into Ace's mouth, exploring the crevices and corners. Their lips intertwined, locking together in a fervent exchange of energy.

With one swift movement, Ace managed to lift April's skirt free her still throbbing cock and began to put another condom on her. He made April hold her skirt up so he could have access to her protruding dick.

She stood obediently, her heart pounding wildly as he expertly wrapped the condom snugly around her shaft. Feeling both empowered and submissive, April marveled at the level of trust implicit in their dynamic. As Ace pulled the latex tight over her glans, he admired the sight of her perfectly formed penis.

Finished, he removed his hand, leaving April standing tall and proud despite her quivering legs. They shared a fleeting glance, conveying mutual understanding and appreciation.

"Ok." He said pulling the remote out of his pocket and turning up the vibrations.

April begins to undulate with every escalating pulse, finding herself at the precipice of bliss once more. Desperate not to give in to temptation again, she tried her best to remain composed. Nonetheless, she grew flushed with anticipation, unable to resist the irresistible allure of Ace's dominance.

Feeling helpless against his tantalizing powers, April gave in to her instincts.

Ace then reaches down and takes her cock in his hands

starting to stroke it while whispering dirty things into her ear. The words were like velvet, smoothly flowing in her ear, teasing and exciting her beyond measure. He spoke sweetly about how incredibly horny she looked. His touch was gentle yet firm, causing surges of pleasure to radiate throughout her body. Sweat poured down her forehead, mixing with the perspiration already there, as her breath came faster and faster. Her muscles started to twitch and writhe with need, begging for satisfaction.

Then Ace stops what he was doing and turns the vibrations down. "Do you trust me?" Ace whispers into her ear.

'Yes, I do trust you.' She responds confidently, feeling emboldened by her faith in him.

"Ok I just had another really naughty idea. Will you try it?" Ace asks.

April looks at him quizzically, trying to discern whether this was indeed a trick question. After confirming his sincerity, she answers wholeheartedly, "Of course!"

Ok I'm gonna make you cum really hard. He then turns the vibrators up super high again and grabs her cock again and begins stroking furiously. He was also kissing her neck and nibbling on her ears.

All these sensations were building inside April, sending electrifying signals straight to her core. Her entire being seemed to yearn for release, screaming for the euphoria promised by the intense waves of ecstasy that threatened to consume her. Her knees buckled slightly under the onslaught of sensory input, but she remained steadfast, relying upon the strength borne from her trust in Ace.

Emboldened by his tenderness, April allowed herself to fully surrender to his domination. 

Her head fell back onto his shoulder, and her body relaxed, giving way to the powerful currents of desire sweeping through her system. Each passing moment heightened her arousal, culminating in a palpable sense of desperation. Beads of sweat broke out across her brow, attesting to the intensity of her aroused state.

As they continued to lose themselves in the vortex of passion, their minds became entwined, creating a singular consciousness bound by lust and trust. 

April relinquished her remaining inhibitions, allowing herself to succumb entirely to Ace's masterful guidance.

In those moments, time ceased to exist. Ace's nimble fingers found the tender flesh beneath her hemline, tickling and teasing its vulnerability. 

As April squirmed and giggled at his merciless ministrations, her pent-up excitement built into an unbearable crescendo. Her entire body felt alive with anticipation, humming with an electric energy that begged to be released.

As the last remnants of restraint crumbled under the onslaught of erotic stimuli, April finally reached the zenith of desire. Gripping Ace tightly, she cried out loud, her orgasm rippling through her body, leaving her weak and trembling in his arms. Her cock firing loads and loads of semen into the condom. It began to sag down as if under a faucet. Once again she let out a huge amount.

Slowly regaining composure, April raised her head to meet Ace's gleaming eyes, reflecting a profound depth of affection.

Ace looked down at the amazing sight of the huge balloon of cum hanging off His beautiful girlfriends still hard cock.

"So about that, "trusting me fully" thing." Ace says with a mischievous tone. "That still applies right?" He asks her.

"It does," April confirms with a nod. "Although my limits might change depending on our experiences tonight." She added, smiling cheekily at him.

He grinned, pleased by her willingness to embrace their evolving dynamics. Then he took her hand and led her toward a nearby bench. Both of them knew the journey was far from over, and that the most thrilling discoveries lay ahead.

Reaching the wooden seat, they carefully lowered themselves onto its cold surface, savoring the familiar comfort that only nature can provide.

April was lost to Aces whims, so much so that she had forgotten she still had a hard on with a condom full of cum still on her dick.

Looking up at Ace, April asked him nervously, "What happens now?". And then she paused, waiting for his answer. 

"You my dear are going to sit here and leave that condom on." Ace states as he begins to adjust her skirt do to that the condom was slightly visible and that there was a tent in her skirt. "Perfect." He states out loud. He then leans down to kiss her. He slips something into her hand. It's the remote for the vibrators.

Ace stroked her hair fondly before instructing her to stay where she was and enjoy the view - referring to the bulge clearly showing through her dress. He walked away, his presence lingering even after he disappeared behind a corner.

April clutched the vibrator controller nervously, her heart pounding within her chest. Despite her initial hesitation, she couldn't help but feel excited about their impending encounter.

After a few minutes of April sitting alone she gets a text from Ace. It says, "don't let that condom come off your dick and stay right there no matter what."

April sat back on the bench, a mix of apprehension and eagerness coursing through her veins. Clutching the vibrator controller closer, she sighed deeply, mentally preparing herself for whatever awaited her.

She noticed her dick start to soften a bit. She panics thinking if she gets too soft the condom will fall off. She had to do something to stay hard. She couldn't stroke herself; it could dislodge the condom. She then realized she had the remote in her hand. Looking at the small pink remote she thought about how good it would feel to turn the power levels up and allow the subtle vibration to bring life back to her erection.

Cautiously, she pressed the buttons on the remote, gradually increasing the intensity of the vibrations. At first, the faint sensation barely registered in her swollen nether regions. However, as she increased the power further, warm waves of energy spread through her pelvis. 

The delicate sensation awakened her engorged sex organ, providing a renewed source of stimulation amidst the precarious situation. With determination and focus, April succeeded in maintaining her growing arousal, determined not to disappoint Ace's expectations. She was walking a tightrope of arousal she would turn the vibrations on long enough to stay hard but not too much that she might cum again. The buttplug could be heard humming against the wooden bench.

Feeling both anxious and turned on, April shifted awkwardly on the bench, struggling to find a comfortable position despite the inconvenient constraints imposed upon her. As the throbbing of her exposed member intensified, so did the pressure mounting within her. She felt utterly exposed, bared for public display without permission – a feeling both exhilarating and distressing simultaneously.

Desire seeped into her limbs, rendering them heavy and unwieldy, making movement difficult.

She could hear someone approaching. She didn't dare look at the sound, afraid to make eye contact. Knowing the stranger would most likely see her exposed self was almost too much to bear. The steps keep getting closer and closer.

She held her breath when she finally heard. "You have done great, baby girl."

She immediately turns to see Ace holding Ice cream cones. Her heart still pounding in her chest, she lets out a sigh of relief that it was only Ace, but thinks of the possibilities of it being another person.

"I brought you a treat for being such a good girl," Ace says, almost talking down to April, even if it seems to turn her on more.

She begins to reach for it and Ace says one thing first. "I want you to take off that condom and dump some of your cum on this ice cream before you eat it."

He says in a soft commanding tone. "But I'm not a total monster. If you absolutely can't stand this you can throw it away and I'll buy you a new one." He says sweetly. "Does that sound fair?"

Ace inquires gently, observing April's conflicted expression. He understands her predicament, yet feels confident that she won't refuse. After all, she agreed to follow his lead during their encounter, however unconventional it may appear.

With her lips pursed, April weighs her options. On one hand, compliance would please Ace and potentially enhance their bond, while refusing might jeopardize their burgeoning relationship. But more importantly, the challenge itself intrigued her, stirring a flame of curiosity deep within her soul. 

Could she endure this surreal demand, pushing past her boundaries and fears, in order to uphold her commitment to complete submission? April mulled these questions anxiously, grappling with her internal conflict. Ultimately, her yearning for acceptance prevailed, guiding her decision. Drawing upon her steely resolve, she resolutely declared, "Yes, I'll do it."

Understanding the gravity of her response, Ace smiled approvingly, appreciative of April's courage. 

Handing her the ice cream cone, he encouraged her to proceed. Trembling with trepidation, April carefully removed the condom and spilled some of her semen onto the dessert. Squeezing her eyes shut, she steeled her resolve, finding solace in Ace's reassuring touch.

Her shaking hands eventually stabilized, allowing her to scoop a generous portion of vanilla gelato like cum onto the ice cream base.

Swallowing her unease, she accepted the challenge from Ace, taking a brave first bite. Surprisingly, the taste wasn't entirely disagreeable, carrying a hint of bitter sweetness which complemented the overall flavor profile. A trace of her own essence infused the ice cream made it uniquely hers, an oddly empowering notion.

Grateful for the respite provided by the frozen delight, April found herself unexpectedly enjoying the treat, marveling at her resilience.

"Well how do you taste?" Ace asks curiously.

April takes a moment to think before responding. "It's quite interesting actually," she admits honestly. "There's a slight bitter edge mixed with the usual sweetness, giving it a unique twist. Almost like having a piece of myself inside the dessert." 

As she spoke, Ace watched intently, silently commending her bravery. Though initially repulsed by the idea, she managed to overcome her instinctual resistance, proving her dedication to fulfilling his desires. 

"Ok I have one more challenge for you." Ace states.

His voice carries a hint of mischief, piquing April's interest. She wonders what he could possibly ask of her next, anticipating yet another trial of fortitude. Nonetheless, she stands firm in her conviction to obey his commands without question, ready to face any challenge that comes her way.

Sensing her readiness, Ace proposes, "Next, you're going to take that condom and you are going to give it to someone."

April raises an eyebrow, puzzled by his request. "Why?" she queries cautiously.

Ace explains patiently, "Because it symbolizes control over yourself and your sexuality. By passing it on, you surrender part of that control to others, embracing vulnerability and trust."

Still unsure, April furrows her brow, deliberating whether she's prepared to entrust her fate to a random passerby. Yet, her innate desire to prove herself capable of meeting Ace's challenges ultimately trumps her reluctance. 

With a steady gaze, she nods affirmatively, accepting the daunting task set forth. Determined to showcase her allegiance, April takes a step outside the comfort zone.

"There's not many people around here." She states looking around.

"I saw some potential while I was getting ice cream. Shall we go?" Ace asks, holding out his arm.

April walks towards Ace, careful not to lose sight of the slippery condom wrapped securely in its transparent envelope. Glancing around once more, she confirms that no prying eyes linger nearby, ensuring privacy throughout their exchange.

Together, they venture deeper into the busy street, navigating past curious glances and stifled whispers. April finds strength in Ace's silent support, bolstering her confidence as they seek the perfect candidate.

April hears a beautiful song coming from around the corner. As her and Ace round the corner they see a pretty young woman singing while playing the g

Ace knew that this was the one April should open up to. "I think you found the person you should share yourself with." Ace says looking down at April.

Ace pulls out a couple large bills and writes something on them. He hands them to April and tells her to put these with the condom. He then gently shoves her towards the siren.

April looks down at the bills and reads what Ace had written. It was her phone number along with the word "Curious" followed by a question mark. She giggled at the absurdity of it.

She walks up to the girl singing. The girl locks eyes with her. There are no other people really close to her, it was like it was just them on that sidewalk. While the girl is singing that song just for her. April places the bills into her guitar case and hesitates a moment. Then pulling the condom balloon out of her pocket she sets it down on the bills. It's so bloated it almost covers the to fifty dollar bills. The girl is still playing her guitar and had stopped singing during a lull in the song. Her eyes watched at the bills then Widened as the tied off bloated condom was set on top of them. April smiled a knowing smile at the girl then spun around and hurried away.

Leaving behind the mystery of the bizarre gift. The girl looked confused but excited by the contents of the guitar case. Upon further inspection, she noticed the note alongside the items, reading it aloud. Puzzlement etched across her features, her bewilderment palpable. Question marks danced through her mind as she contemplated the peculiar offer left behind by April and Ace.

Meanwhile, Ace observed April's departure from afar, satisfied with her performance thus far. 

Grinning broadly, he reflected on the bold move she executed, displaying true submission. Such audacity impressed him deeply - a quality befitting his ideal partner. His heart swelled with pride witnessing her transformation into the perfect submissive.

The girl continued strumming her guitar as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city streets. 

April and Ace reconnected and began strolling through the streets reflecting on the events that had just taken place.

"Why did you pick that girl?" April questioned Ace pondering the encounter.

"Well sweetie I picked her because I thought you would like her." Ace responded smiling. "And besides, she seemed like a free spirit who wouldn't judge us too harshly considering our quirks. Were you nervous?" He asked, analyzing April's demeanor.

"Hell yes I was!" April admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed about being caught off guard. Despite her apprehension, the experience granted her immense satisfaction.

"Well I watch everything and if I'm predicting what will happen correctly, then anytime now." Ace said, looking at his watch.

Bzzzt Bzzzt. April's phone vibrated in her purse. She looked at Ace with a confused look

"Are you going to check that?" Ace asked.

April removed her phone and unlocked it. Her eyes went wide when she read the message. -Hey My name is Lily. You left your number and a gift in my guitar case earlier.

April read the message to Ace, then looked at him. Her eyes pleading to him asking him what she should do next.

"Ask her if she enjoyed the taste of your treat." Ace said in a calm commanding tone.

April hesitated for a moment then with shaky fingers she typed out Ace's message.

Lily- (blushing emoji) It was so tasty.....

Without asking Ace for input she just responded -Would you like some more?

Lily-(blushing emoji x5) ...Yes please.

April then tells Ace what she had written and Ace tells April to message her back, telling her to meet us in the park near the north side of the lake. Make sure you tell her your name this time as well

April smiles thinking of what Ace has planned. She then responds to Lily and tells her the meeting place. She then looks at Ace with excitement bouncing. She said she was one her way. Let's Go!!!