
Indecent (2)

(Since there are a lot of characters perspectives in this chapter, so it will be told in third-person perspective)

Ricardo sat there wide-eyed, staring at Stephen in disbelief. He wondered if Stephan only thought with his lower half! Generally, bonded omegas turn people off, but he is actually excited by the idea of banging one? Despite his disgust, Ricardo managed to keep his face neutral. He didn't care for Tony, but he was just not the type to dirty his hands with such things. Moreover, since Robbie was involved with that omega, he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. The last thing he wanted was Robbie becoming Stephen's target and, for that matter, he won't mind sacrificing Tony. Robbie is still young. He didn't want him to make enemies with such powerful foes. Ricardo cleared his throat audibly before speaking,

"Allow me to remind you, he is bonded to my son."

"All the more reason!! Had you taken care of that omega, I might not have been involved!" Stephen said in a low sly voice and shooting him an angry look.

"Do you think I didn't try?" Ricardo retorted.

"By legal procedure?" Stephen snorted.

"That's the best way to crush Robbie from retaliating with the law," Ricardo replied, unperturbed by Stephen's disdainful snort.

"Huh, spending a fortune over just a cheap whore, and here I thought you're a businessman!" Stephan clicked his tongue with a mock sorrowful expression.

"Well, better than spending a fortune on garbage by evading the law. I don't invest in such risky business with low return rates," Ricardo threw back without phasing.

Stephan couldn't come up with an appropriate reply and instead glared at him, which Ricardo returned. Both were glaring at each other so ferociously as if they were trying to kill one another. If only looks could kill!! Stephen ultimately curled his lips in a twisted smile, saying

"Looks like you have not lost your edge after all. Anyways, you should know, your son brought this upon himself and that personal whore of his! I am just returning the favor," Stephen shrugged before stepping down from the car and walking towards the guest elevator.

Whore? Ricardo snorted 'Pot calling the kettle black! How ironic!'

Ricardo soon followed suit. They saw two front office associates welcoming them near the guest elevator. They guided them to the reception where Tony and Diana were already waiting for them. Naturally, as soon as Ricardo saw Tony, his eyes fixed on him. He scanned him from top to bottom with a cold death glare. No matter how he sees him, he was just a regular average dude without anything that could be categorized as handsome or attractive except his eyes. He didn't have the air of a dignified person, nor did he exude any special feeling. Ricardo just couldn't fathom the reason for Robbie's stubborn pursuit of him. He could only assume it was the strength of bonding. He looked at Tony with a cold unsmiling face, as Tony smiled at them timidly before directing them towards the long hallway.

Beside Ricardo, Stephan noticed him giving a cold glare at the guy they were just introduced by the associates. He looked at him with interest too. He immediately deciphered that this guy must be Robbie's lover, Tony. Even so, he had to admit that Robbie's choice was peculiar. Who in their sane mind would choose this guy who looked like a peasant instead of his daughter? It was like comparing diamonds with pebbles. In fact, all the Omegas he had slept with in the past at least looked beautiful. But he…Stephan shook his head.

Stephan again ran his eyes over Tony, who was walking ahead of them, showing the way to the event hall. He noticed his long brown hair, which was tied, an unhealthy pallor over his thin oval face, pale pink lips, and a skinny build. There was zero attractiveness about the guy. The only eye-catching feature of his was his pair of exquisite almond eyes. They were big, with long, dense black eyelashes under thick bushy eyebrows. When the light fell on his eyes, it appeared to be glowing. They were very pretty indeed. His sexual experience with Omegas has been extremely satisfying. Whether guy or girl, their body just seemed to be begging for a f*ck. He couldn't help wondering if it would be the same with bonded Omegas. He secretly revealed a cruel smile as his eyes indecently fell on Tony's a*s.

Tony instantly felt a chill run down his spine. Why did he feel like someone was looking at him with bad intentions? Then again, it is Robbie's father behind him, who most probably hates his very existence. He was already prepared for the Chairman's glare but to think that the atmosphere would be so chilly. Tony could only sigh sadly.

He tried to make his presence as inconspicuous as possible. The special guest is someone he has previously seen on television. He is a famous politician. He looked really polite and courteous. After seeing him up close, he could finally understand why those women from this afternoon were squealing over him. He was much more handsome than he thought. Even before he came here to welcome them, he heard some of them speaking about him having a daughter of marriageable age. If that's true, then Tony could only admire how well maintained he is.

As they entered the event, Tony took them to the table reserved for them. It was meant for standing guests, high with a round coffee top-type table. Stephen and Ricardo both stood there and ordered their drinks. The moment Tony was about to go get their drinks, Ricardo quietly and unnoticeably stuck his foot out, making Tony almost fall on his face. But Tony was fast to respond as he quickly balanced himself. He bowed to them, apologizing for his clumsiness, and went to get the cocktail drinks.

"How childish!" Stephen sniggered.

"To be fair, he made me stumble first!" Ricardo grunted.

Stephen kept snickering, but Ricardo didn't bother. They saw Tony coming back, but he had no salver or drinks with him. Instead, a lanky boy who looked like he barely graduated came carrying the cocktails and some snacks. Ricardo's mood worsened on seeing this, as he wanted to make him trip over him and let the drink land on him so that he could get an opportunity and reason to humiliate and be mad at him publicly, but just his luck. He hmphed irritably and looked away. Stephen, on the other hand, took a page out of Ricardo's book and silently forwarded his foot towards Tony's arriving step.

Tony was glad that Andrew was free to serve the drinks. After his almost tripping down moment, he knew that the Chairman was just finding opportunities to humiliate him. The lights in the hall were dim, and the guests were still filing in. The music was playing quite loudly in the background. This looked like the perfect setting for people to commit mistakes. Tony decided to be more careful around the Chairman. No matter what, he didn't want to deliberately hand him the opportunity to harass him. But what he didn't expect was to get tripped again, but this time it was not the Chairman who he was holding caution against. He fell dramatically over Mr. Olsen, who immediately stretched his hand out to hold him.

Tony's head hit Mr. Olsen's shoulder. His entire upper body was over Mr. Olsen's torso. Tony was completely taken by surprise. It seemed to him that in his attempt to be extra careful of the Chairman, he became careless of his surroundings. He felt embarrassed to have landed in such an awkward predicament, especially when he is not supposed to make a single mistake, and it is already his second. Now, it appeared as if he is hugging Mr. Olsen. However, soon his embarrassment turned into sheer shock when he found Mr. Olsen, instead of pushing him away, was getting a feel of him. Mr. Olsen's one hand was holding him lightly by the waist so that he could not just push him away, and with the other, he was caressing his waist, running down his hips and reaching for his a*s.