
8. Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Ever since his talk with Mr. Grouse that afternoon, Lincoln thought about what he said. While he did like them, he still wasn't comfortable telling them about his past. As the day dragged on, Lincoln spent the majority of his time in his room with Charles. As he played with Charles, he heard a knock on his door.

"Who is it?" Lincoln asked.

"Hey Linc. It's Luan. Can I come in please?" came the reply from the other side.

"Um, sure." As soon as she heard the answer, Luan walked into the room with one hand behind her back and a smile on her face.

"Hey Lincoln." Luan greeted. "How you doing?"

"Fine I guess." Lincoln said with uncertainty. Luan could only frown when he said that. Ever since the incident at the mall, Lincoln would isolate himself in his room which worried the sisters. Luan could tell the Lincoln wasn't happy, and she decided to make it her mission to get him to smile. So, she grabbed her unicycle and went out to get him something that she thought Lincoln might like.

"So, I went out and got you something today." Luan said with a smile. Now this caught Lincoln's attention.

"What did you get me?" Lincoln asked with curiosity.

"This." Luan answered pulling out the item that she hiding behind her back. The item was a comic book. As Lincoln grabbed the comic, he stared at the hero on the cover curiously.

"Ace Savvy." Lincoln read. "He looks pretty cool. Thanks."

"No problem Linc." Luan told. "Also, mom says dinner will be ready soon. So comic when you are ready. Hahaha! Get it?" Lincoln just gave the young comedian a blank look. He didn't quite know how to react to the pun.

As Luan left the room, Lincoln decided to take a look at the comic and the minute he turned the cover page, he instantly fell in love. He was swept in to the action, the adventure, suspense and drama that the comic offered. As he was reading the comic, he heard the dinner call from Rita.

"Kids! Dinner time!" Rita called. And if on cue, the ten girls ran out of their rooms and down the stairs with Lincoln following slowly. As Lincoln made his way to the kitchen, he took a look at the small table that sat there and then looked at the dining room table. As he looked back and forth between the two tables, Lincoln thought back to what Mr. Grouse said about closing himself off from the family.

"Don't close yourself off. That family in there are doing whatever they can to help you. They are good people with good intentions. You can't let your fear of your past hold you back from getting close to other people." The words echoed through Lincoln's mind as he thought about where he was going to sit. After thinking it over, he finally made his decision.

Rita and Lynn Sr. were dishing out dinner for the kids. As Rita was dishing out Lisa's food, she felt a small tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Lincoln standing behind her rubbing his arm nervously.

"Yes Lincoln? What is it?" Rita asked. Lincoln looked up at her with an uncertain look on his face.

"Um, does this table have room for one more?" Lincoln asked with uncertainty. That got everyone's attention. They all looked up from their food and stared at the young eleven year old with shock.

"Of course honey." Rita said with a smile. "There's a spot at the end of the table in between Luna and Lily." With that, Lincoln grabbed his food and sat between the infant and the rocker. Luna flashed him a kind smile as he sat down which Lincoln returned. While Lincoln's decision to sit with the seemed strange, the family decided not to question it. They were just happy that Lincoln finally decided to join them.

Later that night, everyone was in their rooms relaxing before it was time to go to bed. Lincoln was in his room reading the Ace Savvy comic that Luan gave him. As he continued to read, he suddenly heard a commotion coming from one of the nearby rooms. Lincoln considered ignoring it, but the commotion was very distracting. So Lincoln decided to investigate. As Lincoln stepped out of his room, he discovered that the commotion was coming from the twins' room. As Lincoln peeked in, he saw Lana and Lola arguing.

"How many times do I have to tell you to keep your animals on your side of the room?!" Lola shouted.

"Well how many times do I have to tell you to keep your stupid girly pink stuff on your side of the room?!" Lana countered. "I don't want your glittery pink trash touching my stuff!"

"Well I don't want your muddy tools and animals touching my dresses!" Lola yelled. As the twins continued to argue, Lincoln watched with silence. He could tell that if someone didn't get involved soon, this argument would get worse. As Lincoln looked around, he realized that no one was exiting their room to deal with this. With a sigh, Lincoln realized that he was the only one that could break this up.

"Uh, guys?" Lincoln said nervously. The twins stopped arguing when they heard Lincoln's voice. They looked over and saw Lincoln standing in their door way.

"Oh. Hi Lincoln." Lana greeted awkwardly. "What can we do for you?"

"I heard a commotion and decided to investigate." Lincoln answered nervously.

"Oh. Sorry if we disturbed you." Lola apologized.

"That's ok." Lincoln said. "Why are you guys fighting?"

"Lana's animals keep tracking mud to my side of the room." Lola complained.

"Well Lola keeps leaving her glitter on my side of the room." Lana retorted.

"Ok. I get that. But why are you guys fighting about it?" Lincoln asked. Now this confused the twins.

"What do you mean?" the asked in unison.

"Well, you guys are twins." Lincoln started. "You guys are supposed to be there for each other. You guys are supposed to support one another." The twins shared a glance as Lincoln continued. "Having a twin means that you will always have someone that will have your back. That you will always have someone that loves you no matter what. It means that when everyone else turns their back on you, your twin will always stand by your side. And you should enjoy every moment that you with your twin. Because one day they won't be around anymore and then you lose your best friend and the one person that you know will always have your back. You know how I know this?" Lana and Lola, who were starting to get teary-eyed, shook their heads. "I know because I used to have a twin sister. She was someone who I could always count on no matter what. She was my best friend."

"What happened to her?" Lola asked. As soon as she asked that, Lincoln started to shake a little. The twins knew what this meant. It meant that he was trying to fight back tears. However, Lana and Lola couldn't fight back the tears anymore.

"I'm so sorry Lola!" Lana cried.

"I'm sorry too Lana!" Lola said crying. The girls turned back to Lincoln and saw that he was still fighting back tears. The twins quickly went up to him and gave their brother a hug. As the three children did their mini group hug, none of them noticed a certain rocker watching the scene with a small smile on her face.

He's starting to open up. Luna thought. I promise you Lincoln, I will do whatever I can to help you. Because you are my little bro and want to do whatever I can to help you. You have my word.

So. There you have it. Lincoln bonding with the twins. Now I always felt that Lincoln and the twins had a good relationship. I don't care what people say, the twins trust Lincoln and Lincoln trust them. Plus, Lincoln is always the one that fixes their problems. Just look at Project Loud House. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Now, the next chapter will be really important. So stay tuned for that. Until next time, peace!