
6. Chapter 6

Howdy folks. Now first, the answer to the trivia question. Luna was named after one of Chris Savino's dachshunds. And if you got that right, go get a cookie. And if you went on wiki to find the answer, still get a cookie. Now in this chapter, is one you guys have been requesting. so here it is. I own nothing and Chris Savino owns Loud House. No onto the chapter.

Chapter 6

As the kids walked out to the van that they named Vanzilla, they decided to tell Lincoln about all the stores that were there. However, Lincoln didn't say anything as they listed all the stores that were there. While this did concern them, the girls assumed that it was because he was still absorbing all the info that they were giving him. As they were about to enter Vanzilla, Lincoln suddenly stopped walking and just stared at the rundown van. The girls noticed that Lincoln suddenly stopped walking and decided to see what was up.

"Are you coming Lincoln?" Lynn asked. Lincoln just stared at the van with wide eyes. Luna took a look at Lincoln and realized that the look on his face was the same look that he was giving the sauerkraut at lunch earlier.

He's has that same look on his face that he had when he was staring at the sauerkraut. Luna thought. What is up with you dude?

As Lincoln continued to stare at the van, Luan decided it was time to snap him out of it.

"Lincoln? Hey Linc are you still with us?" Luan asked. That seemed to snap Lincoln out of his trance.

"Um, yeah. So where do I sit?" Lincoln asked.

"You can sit wherever you want Lincoln." Lori answered. Lincoln gave a small nod and entered the van. He found his seat and as soon as he sat down, the rest of the girls joined him with Lori taking the driver's seat. As everyone got situated, Lincoln noticed that he was sitting next to Leni, who gave him a huge smile.

"Don't worry Lincoln." Leni told him. "The mall is totes fun and I'm pretty sure I can find you a new outfit." She then let out an excited squeal. "Ooh this is going to be so much fun Linky." Lincoln just stared at the blonde with an uncomfortable expression. Leni however wasn't one for giving up on someone. Especially if that someone really needed help. Then Leni got an idea.

"Hey guys, why don't we take the time to get to know more about Lincoln." Leni suggested.

"You know Leni that isn't a bad idea." Lori said. "Ok. Here is how we are going to do this. We will each ask Lincoln one question. We will go from oldest to youngest. Everyone ok with that."

"Yeah!" the girls said with excitement.

"Ok. I'll go first." Lori said. "So Lincoln, where are you from?"

"Detroit." Lincoln answered quietly.

"What's your favorite color?" Leni asked.


"What type of music you listen to?" Luna asked.

"I don't really listen to music."

"What's your favorite holiday?" Luan inquired.

"Christmas I guess."

"Do you play any sports?" Lynn asked while trying to hide her excitement.

"Not really. I used to play football. But it didn't go well." Lincoln answered much to Lynn's disappointment.

"Do you like vampires or poems?" Lucy asked in her usual monotone.

"Poetry is ok. Not really a fan of vampires."

"Do you like frogs?" Lana asked.

"They're ok, I guess."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Lola asked which caught the attention of the other girls.

"No." answered Lincoln, much to the girls' dismay. The last person to ask a question was Lisa.

"Did you have any siblings at all?" Lisa asked. Now that question caught Lincoln's attention. As well as the rest of the Loud sisters. As the girls waited for Lincoln's answer, they saw him start to shake as he seemed to be trying to fight back tears. Leni, being right next to him, pulled him in for a hug and tried to calm him down.

"It's ok Linky. You don't have to answer." Leni told him gently.

"My apologies dear foster shoppingmode brother. I didn't realize that this was a hard subject for you." Lisa apologized. After a few seconds in Leni's embrace, Lincoln calmed down and went back to looking out the window. The rest of the siblings went back to the silence of the drive as they continued toward the mall.

"I did have a twin sister." Lincoln said suddenly which caught the girls by surprise. "Her name was Liberty." The girls didn't push for more info after that and decided that Lincoln would tell them more when he was ready.

As soon as the kids walked into the mall, you can feel that the girls were extremely excited to take Lincoln shopping. However, the girls were arguing about who would take Lincoln shopping first. As the arguing continued, Lincoln just their jus taking in everything. The mall was huge. One thing that stood out to Lincoln was the big fountain in the middle of the mall. Lincoln decided to walk up to it while the girls were arguing. As Lincoln was starting to walk away he saw that Lily trying to follow him. Not wanting to see the infant get hurt, he put her in her stroller and rolled her over to the fountain and sat down on the one of the benches.

"Wow. This fountain is pretty nice." Lincoln said in awe. "It feels so peaceful. I just wish everything was this peaceful. But I guess that's not gonna happen huh?" Lincoln looked down and saw the infant smiling at him, which brought a small smile to Lincoln's face.

"Lincoln! There you are!" Lincoln looked up and saw the girls running up to him. It was Lori who called out. "What are you doing over here?"

"Um, I saw the fountain and I wanted to take a closer look at it." Lincoln explained nervously. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok Lincoln. Just next time, tell me or Luna if you are going somewhere by yourself. Ok?" Lori told him. Lincoln nodded. "Ok. So after some discussing, we all agreed to let Luna take you first. She said she wants to take you to the toy store so you can get some stuff that you can amuse yourself with. Sound good to you?" Lincoln gave a small shrug which Lori assumed was a yes. "Alrighty then. After you two are done, come to the food court. I'll be over there with Bobby. From there, Leni and Lola will take Lincoln out to get him some clothes. Everyone got it?" Everyone nodded in acceptance of the plan. "Good. I'll be with Bobby Boo-Boo bear." With that she was gone. After she left, everyone went in separate directions. Luna grabbed Lincoln and led him to the toy store.

"Ok dude. Take a look around. I'll wait for you by the register." Luna told him. Lincoln gave her a mall nod and went off to look around. As he walked down each aisle, he saw nothing that seem interesting to him. As he walked down each aisle, he found himself in the stuffed animal section. As Lincoln was about to turn around and walk out, something caught his eye. He saw a white stuffed rabbit with a purple shirt on it. And as Lincoln stared at it, he felt this weird sensation that the stuffed rabbit was calling out to him. Meanwhile, Luna decided to go and see how Lincoln was doing. As she walked down the aisles, she found Lincoln in the stuffed animal aisle. And he seemed to be staring at something in particular.

"Hey Lincoln. Whatcha looking at?" Luna asked. Lincoln just looked at her and then went back to staring at the stuffed rabbit. "Do you want to buy the rabbit?" Lincoln looked down and blushed in embarrassment.

"I know it's for little kids, but still." Lincoln answered. Luna gave Lincoln a gentle smile and grabbed the rabbit of the shelf.

"Well, then. Is this all you want?" Luna asked. Lincoln gave a small nod. "I guess we can go and pay then." Luna led Lincoln to the cash register so that they can pay for the rabbit. After Luna paid for the rabbit, she handed it to Lincoln. As soon as Luna gave Lincoln the rabbit, he stared at it with a giant smile on his face. The biggest that Luna has ever seen the young eleven year old give all day. "Are you going to name it?"

After a few seconds of thought, Lincoln came up with a name. "I think I'll call him Bun Bun." Luna stared at the young boy with bewilderment, but she just smiled at the boy. He was happy. And that's all that mattered.

As Lincoln and Luna made their way to the food court, Lincoln was staring at Bun Bun with pure happiness. However, he wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone and they both were knocked down to the ground.

"Sorry about that. Are you ok?" said a voice. Lincoln looked up and saw a young boy was standing in front of him. The boy was African American with black hair and glasses. He was wearing a striped shirt and blue jeans.

"Uh yeah. I'm fine." Lincoln answered shyly.

"Good. Sorry again for bumping into you." The boy said. "I was trying to look for my girlfriend, but I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"It's ok." Lincoln told him. Suddenly Luna ran up to him.

"Lincoln! Are you ok?" Luna asked him. Lincoln nodded which caused Luna to give a sigh of relief. Luna then looked over at the other boy. "Oh, how's it going Clyde? I haven't seen you in a while. How's Haiku doing?"

"Hey Luna. I've been doing well and so has Haiku." Clyde answered. "So who's your friend?"

"This is Lincoln." Luna answered. "He's a foster kid mom and dad took in. Lincoln, this is Clyde. He lives down the street. Clyde's dads are friends of mom's. In fact, one of Clyde's dads works at the hospital and helped mom give birth to Lynn."

"Yeah. I guess you can say I'm a family friend." Clyde said. Clyde's phone then went off. Clyde took a quick look and then put it away. "Sorry guys but I gotta go. I have to meet up with Haiku at the Darkness Emporium. It was nice meeting you Lincoln." And with that, Clyde was off.

"That Clyde is something else." Luna said with a chuckle. "So what did you think of him Linc?"

"He's a little weird. But he seems alright." Lincoln answered. With that, they continued to the food court to meet up with Lori.

As Luna and Lincoln walked into the food court, they saw Lori talking to a teenager by the register. He was a Hispanic man with black hair. He was also dressed in a work uniform which showed that he worked in the food court. Lori saw them and waved them over.

"Hey guys." Lori greeted. "Lincoln, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend Bobby. Bobby, this is my foster shoppingmode brother Lincoln."

"Hey man. Nice to meet yeah." Bobby said with a smile. "You seem pretty cool. Hey, how about I get you a pretzel. It's on me." Lincoln rubbed his arm and looked at the ground nervously which confused Bobby. "Was it something I said?"

"No Bobby. Lincoln's just a little shy around new people." Lori told him.

"Ah, I see. It's cool." Bobby said. "Yo, Lincoln. If you ever want to hang out, let me know. Alright?" Lincoln gave a small nod and flashed a small smile. A few seconds later, a young Hispanic girl with black hair in a ponytail and a purple sweatshirt walked up to the counter.

"Hey Bobby." the girl greeted. "You got five bucks I can borrow?"

"Yeah sure. Just give a sec." Bobby answered. "Hey Lincoln, this is my younger sister Ronnie Anne. Ronnie Anne, this is Lori and Luna's foster shoppingmode brother, Lincoln."

Ronnie turned to face the boy that her shoppingmode brother was talking about and flashed a smile.

"Sup. Nice to meet you." Ronnie Anne said. Lincoln looked up to look at the girl and his eyes widened. However this time, it wasn't because of fear. Oh no. this time it was in shock. Lincoln couldn't stop staring at her. She was so beautiful. Lincoln couldn't look away. He then heard a clearing of the throat which snapped him out of his trance. He saw everyone staring at him which caused him to get uncomfortable.

"Hi. It's nice to meet me." Lincoln stuttered. "I mean it's nice to meet you. Yeah it's nice to meet you." Ronnie Anne chuckled a little at what Lincoln just said while Luna and Lori shared an amused glance while Bobby just looked on with a smile on his face.

"Hey I have to go. It was nice meeting you Lincoln." Ronnie said. She then swiped Bobby's pen and a napkin and wrote her number on it. "Here's my number. Call me sometime if you ever want to hang out. Well, see ya. See you later Bobby."

"Later sis." Bobby called after her. Lincoln looked at the napkin and the number with a smile on his face.

"So Lincoln, what did you get from the toy store?" Lori asked. Lincoln then went into his bag and pulled out the stuffed rabbit that Luna bought for him and showed it to Lori. "That's a cute little rabbit." Lincoln gave her a small smile. They then decided to take a seat to wait for Leni and Lola so that they could have their turn with taking Lincoln shopping.

I hoped you liked this chapter. Bun Bun, Clyde, Bobby and Ronnie Anne have arrived onto Meeting a Loud. Next time, we will have a time skip. I know that it will seem sudden, but the past three chapters have been on the same day. so you have been warned. Now, don't get used to daily updates. Like I said, I don't have a update schedule. So if you don't see an update, don't hate me. So, until next time, Peace.