
So this is where I live

Everyone sat down to eat, there was steak, salad and sauce, all of Kai's least favorite foods. Cora tapped Kai on the foot "Kai just eat a little bit of it, PLEASE," Kai ate bit's of the food on her plate. As she finished eating, she got up, got her bag and said "mom, dad I will be taking my leave now I still have work tomorrow." Cora and Kai got up "bye aunt and uncle" she said and followed Kai.

After 15 minutes of walking Kai asked Cora "so where is the apartment you picked for me?" Cora's eye's started to sparkle "OH MY GOD, the apartment I got you is so…good, and it is so close to my house." Kai had a smile of fear and awkwardness, "this girl, I wonder what my apartment looks like?" Cora put her hand out, a taxi parked 19 minutes after, they entered the taxi and Cora gave him a piece of paper, he drove and they reached the apartment shortly after. It was tall with blueish green windows, Kai's apartment was on the 7th floor, they walked up to the receptionist and Cora gave her a sheet of paper from Cora's bag. The receptionist took a look for about 4 minutes and she gave Cora a pair of keys; it was silver with the numbers of 5463.

As they walked up to the elevator they were stopped by a man who had black hair and a pair of sunglasses, he wore baggy clothing and a cross earring. "Well I see you found us" Kai said, Cora hid behind Kai, "so what can I pay for this visit of yours Jordan?" "Well you're as feisty as ever!" He replied, Cora started running, Jordan ran after her and caught her, "to be honest I'm looking for her and happened to remember that she helped you pick out an apartment." "And why would you be looking for her?" Kai replied, "oh she hasn't told you yet" Kai looked confused for a minute then Jordan said " we're dating" Cora looked down and Kai was shocked for a minute then said " well i'm not that surprised, I mean it was going to happen sooner or later." Both their jaws dropped, then Jordan pointed at Kai slowly "What do you mean it was going to happen sooner or later!" " I already foresaw this," Kai answered. Cora put her hand on her forehead "as expected" she said with a *sigh* As they catched up with each other they reached the apartment 5463.

"So this is my apartment, not bad" Kai thought, when you entered there was a white couch right beside was a thin but tall tree plant on the other side of the couch was a lamp. In front of the couch was a big screen TV. They entered Kai's bedroom, it had a big bed with black sheets and the bathroom was connected to her room. Kai said "not bad Cora, now tell me how did you and Jordan start dating after I was away for 2 years?" Cora laughed "HEHEHEHE" She explained that after Kai left Jordan confessed and they got together. Kai put her hand on her head and *sighed* "you said yes that easily!"