
41. Went somewhere with Mr Ragnar

Lillie woke up early in the morning and began getting ready for school. She had already missed a lot and didn't want to miss any more classes as it will take time to get back on track.

After breakfast, She was ready to leave for school. Saying goodbye to Raal and Kevin, she pecked a kiss on Alex's cheek before running out towards the car where a driver has been waiting.

Soon enough, she arrived at the University and found Amy standing at the University's gate waiting for her. The arrival of the Bugatti caught a lot of attention. The students around the campus all turned and stared at the car waiting to see who comes out of it. Lillie stepped out ignoring all the stares of the many people along the way, she walked over to her friend and they walked in together while the continuous gaze of the other students continued to linger on them until they were out of sight and the car drove away.