
23. I am sorry

It has been a week since the fight with Alexander and Lillie had been trying her best not to think that she was living with Supernatural creatures. They had never treated her badly or differently, in any way.

Today she had just woken up with Alex beside her. His hand was wrapped securely around her waist with his head on her neck breathing in her unique scent. She was trying to get used to sleeping and waking up with a man beside her. She never imagined even for once that when she turns eighteen they will be with a man next to her in bed. He hadn't done anything to her or touched her inappropriately though. Aside from kissing her, he has done nothing else. He was...a gentleman.

She gently took his hand off her and move slowly and off the bed trying not to wake him. She gave him her pillow since she had realized in the past week that her scent helps him sleep soundly.