
Medusa and a Magical School

“Congratulations, you have just been admitted. Welcome to All Supernaturals College!” —— Medusa has always lived life on her own terms, but when she's suddenly transported to a magical realm, she finds herself facing challenges she never could have imagined. As she adjusts to life at All Supernatural's world of magical schools, she finds herself entangled in a difficult love trial. The magical realm is filled with danger and intrigue, and Medusa must use all her wit and cunning to gain alliances and fight off challenges that threaten to tear her world apart. —— Follow me on Instagram; @_Heesha_TA Discord; @HeeSha_TA #7559

HeeSha_TA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
331 Chs

Chapter 43_ Forget what happened


I got restless for a while. Who is Wylow? I asked in my head. I was expecting second annoying jerk to reply me or say something but it was mute. Maybe I made a mistake in my wording. So, I rephrased.

What is Wyllow?

No answer still. I guess the second annoying jerk only knows how to tease me not add clarity to my confusion. Yet again, another useless being who only knows how to tease and annoy me and also doesn't know how to be useful. I withdrew to curl up on the bed and tried to waft to sleep but the voice wouldn't let me.


It kept on murmuring.

" Oh, would you shut up!" I yelled out loud and forgot to say it in my head.

" Medusa"

"We're trying to have a peaceful nap here" 

"I think you are the one who needs to shut up girl." The others reprimanded me.

" You guys please, I wasn't referring to any of you" I rolled my eyes.

"Then who else" Mia asked in wonder " Are you talking to yourself now?" "Mia please leave me alone.." I whispered harshly. I don't know why she likes to get on my nerves and my business.

Something hit me, I coud ask senior Eira about Wyllow. She might know something. " Serior Eira?" I called. The cranky senior hummed a 'yes'. Still on her bed and still facing the wall.

" What do you know about Wyllow?" I asked in a low tone. It was as if I was forced to ask the question or maybe I was worrying that perhaps Wyllow could represent a bad omen or a dark force or something other than good generally.

"Who is Wyllow?" Was senior Eira's clueless answer. Oh good, she just answered my question with another one.

It got serious, second annoying jerk wouldn't leave me alone. It kept on murmuring Wyllow in my head. " I don't know if it was maybe someone from the school? Or is there a willow tree around the school?" I interrogated with a little ferocity. My cluelessness and pressure was getting the better part of me.

"I don't know!" she met my harsh tone with yet another. " You don't expect me to know everyone in the school, do you?" she hollered with sarcasm. She was right, I do not expect her to know everyone in the school. I needed to talk to someone, I have to talk to someone. I don't know what second annoying is, no idea what or who Wyllow is. My brain?... Always in readiness to push out ambiguous information, it wouldn't allow me think well. I cannot even think straight. It was already dark now, I heaved a sigh of relief. All we needed to do was sleep and endure one more day then we would be out of this unnecessary curfew. It has been quiet lately and we've not heard of the virus anymore. We even went out with ease, no sign of any infected. The school has been quiet and clean. I think the virus is gone, the school has handled curbing it quite well.

" Good night guys," Mackenzie said generally to all of us. It was a usual routine every night.

"Good night girl" I replied.

" Good night " Mia also added.

Senior Eira was not replying the greetings. I had to point it out to her personally. " Senior Eira, goodnight to you too. We are greeting all" I said but still, she did not utter a sound.

She is such a snub ! One more day and we're out of here. That alone made me smile. The smile remained on my face as I slowly traveled to dreamland....


Wake up!

Wake up! I heard the voice that was now getting familiar shout me out of sleep. I groaned shortly and sat up lazily. I made a yawning sound and raised up my head. Mia was still sound asleep beside me snoring lightly. I believe it was still kind of dark outside because no ray of sunlight shone between the curtains. Why did second annoying jerk wake me so early? I punch the air with my fist and legs as I made my face turned bitter, I wanted to cry for goodness sake.I carefreely traveled my gaze to Mackenzie's bed, it was empty. Where was she? I glanced at senior Eira's bed too, she was also missing.

Where are they? I wondered.

I stretched my body a bit, I was not used to morning exercises but my body did feel a little sore so the stretching was necessary. I went to the window side, that was where senior Eira's bed was and I stepped on the bed to gaze outside. I was right, it was barely daybreak. I continued to yawn and went to the toilet to pee. I opened the toilet door and what I saw made every fiber in my body freeze. My lips were shaking as they parted and they closed back almost immediately.

"Mackenzie?" I called.

My voice startled her and she jumped. She seemed surprised to see me staring at her intensely.

Senior Eira sat on the toilet sink while Mackenzie was standing above her. I noticed the dilated pupils of the senior and I knew Mackenzie was using her powers on her. But why was she doing that again? What was it that she wanted to know that she couldn't ask the seniordirectly? I think it was not agreeable for her to be using her powers on the senior and ask her confidential questions that the senior wasn't ready to share.

To me, Mackenzie was treading on an unholy path. If she continued this way, she might lose herself totally. Powers can be scary and they tend to make us do things we would never do in our proper minds. They were temptations.

That was why the school has created magical ethics class to guide us on that. Even after listening to teacher Hadleigh, why was Mackenzie still being this way? I pushed her shoulders, " Why are you doing that again" I almost shouted. My eyes were red now, it really pained me she was doing that to senior Eira. Take it or leave it, the senior hadn't been such a good person. Giving us hints on what to wary of and what to not. Without her, we might have been dead by now. I was sure if it were just us when that girl who got chased by an infected knocked, we would have finally decided to open the door for her. And in the end, if she was infected, we might have died. Even if though I haven't really gotten the reason she said we should avoid being tested, at least if it later happened to be real or should I say, if her claims were true, we might have landed ourselves in trouble and the idea about the kitchen, it was all thanks to her even if she was the one who got us into the mess in the first place. Again, thanks to her, we know there is a villain amongst the teachers. I could go on and on about how Mackenzie's action was wrong on the senior part. Just because she's gotten a powerful and cool ability doesn't mean she has the right to misuse it. Even if she wanted to use it, she shouldn't use it on people who were close to her. At this pace, in the later future, I fear she might use her powers on either me or Mia whenever she wanted to know about any information from us.

Worst, she can read our minds if she wanted to. She could even be reading my mind now. She might be hearing all it is that I'm thinking now.

Why do I suddenly fear her?

Fearing her was absurd though. There were others in the school who were more powerful than her. Take the annoying jerk for instance, even though he was so powerful, he didn't use it against any of the students, did he? That is because he's got a good heart. There were others who were also powerful in the school and had misused their powers.

'Don't forget what senior Eira told you.The school is mainly survival of the fittest. Don't underestimate students harming students' second annoying Jerk scolded me. If students could harm others, Mackenzie would never harm us. Someone only needed to tell her she was going down the wrong path,I was certain she would change.

"Medusa shush" Mackenzie hushed me.

I gave a stern scolding look. " Why should I?What you're doing is wrong. Why compel her again ? She told already told us about the teachers what more are you looking for?!" I glanced over at the senior Eira that was still binded to Mackenzie's control.

"I felt... she.. didn't tell me enough about the mind maze game that was why... I had to do it" she explained stammering.

" Oh my, Mackenzie please you don't find out information from friends that way. If the senior doesn't want to share the information with you, you go and find it yourself. Moreover, the competition is still far away there is still enough time to make research!" I pounced on her with my tongue. She needed some serious scolding. This was getting out of hand and I was so infuriated at her. She brought her two hands close to her face and shook them. " Ok, ok fine. You win" her voice was tensed. I wasn't even sure she felt remorseful. Since she wasn't taking my words serious, maybe I can break her control and allow the senior punish her with her hands. " I'm breaking your bond on her. I will ask her a question so she comes to her senses like I did before " I wanted to move closer to senior Erica but MacKenzie blocked my way.

" Leave the way." I yelled then I brought up my face to meet her eyes and the look I saw in them, oh yeah yeah the look in them was..

Was this the Mackenzie I know? " You made me do this and I'm not sorry" she grabbed my neck. It was a move I wasn't anticipating and it caught me completely off-guard.

For some reason, the force to look her in the eye overwhelmed me and I did. My hands held her wrist as her hand was still on my neck, gently strangling it. She gazed at my eyes directly and I saw a dark hole in her irises. " Go back to bed, wake up twenty minutes later and forget what happened" she instructed.

I nodded like a puppet and headed straight to bed.