
Mediterranean hegemon

It was an era of the rise of the greats: the vast Persia, the Sparta which was founded on martial arts, the Athens which dominated in trade and commerce, the Thebes which was a rising star, the ambitious Macedonian, the twin heroes of the Western Mediterranean, and the newly-emerged Rome. ...... It was an era of brilliant generals: Agesilaus, the last king of Sparta, Epaminonda, the famous general of Thebes, Philip, the founding king of Macedonia, Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, and Camillus, the dictator who saved Rome ...... It was a time of a hundred schools of thought: Plato, the great philosopher; Antisthenes, the founder of Cynicism; Pythagoras, who made number his god; Democritus, the encyclopedic scholar; Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; Aristophanes, the great dramatist ...... The protagonist crosses over and is reborn as a lowly mercenary in this era, what will he bring to the world?

Rumngsuy · Fantasy
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60 Chs

To Magna Graecia

 "At first I didn't know what 'the western part of the Mediterranean' referred to either. But today, when the Turii came to me, I understood that the dream was fulfilled!" Slightly excited, Davos gave a brief account of the Burkos.

 "Turi'i wants to hire us to fight the natives?" Capps asked.

 "Yes, I've heard that the entire region of Magna Graecia is now threatened by the natives, and Turii is just one of the city-states that has suffered the most." Davos explained.

 While the people were still pondering whether to accept the invitation, Antonius stood up and said, "But Persia is far away from us, and Turii is equally far away. Going to war in Turii is no different from being in Persia!"

 Davos covertly casts an appreciative glance at Antonios, as his apparent questioning actually facilitates Davos' further clarification. Davos said seriously, "We follow Sparta to fight against Persia. When we win, Sparta profits, and we are only paid a meager salary; when we are defeated, we fall on a foreign land and cannot even return our souls to hell. And going to Magna Graecia is different--"

 Davos looked around at the crowd and said in a slightly agitated manner, "Firstly, as I said earlier, Tourii is paying us two dalic gold coins a month per person, which is quite a bit more than what we were given by Cyrus the Younger at the time; secondly, the region of Magna Graecia is full of Greeks like us, and by helping to fight for them in the land of the same race, we will not be lacking in support, and we will also be cared for and attended to ; and again, Magna Graecia is different from barren Greece proper, where there are many rivers and fertile land, and every city-state is rich. Does anyone know how many people there were in Athens at the time of Pericles?" Davos asked, but his eyes went to Alexis, for the heavy infantry squadron leader from Megara had studied in Athens for two years in his youth.

 Sure enough he lived up to Davos' expectations, and after a little thought, said, "About 300,000 men."

 "Yes, 300,000 people, a staggering number! But do you know what? Syracuse in Magna Graecia had the same 300,000 people a few decades ago! And Turii, Crotone, Lockeri, Tarentum, Lygium, Agrigento, and so on were all big city-states just like Syracuse (all this information Davos learned from Kristoia)! So we're not going to a remote and backward area, but a prosperous piece of city, where there are quite a few opportunities, waiting for us!" Davos highly praised the prosperity of Greater Greece.

 "Chief Davos, what is this opportunity you speak of? Defeat the Lu ... Lucarians and get a generous reward, or something else?!" The quick-witted Epithenes sensed the mystery in the words and pursued the question.

 "Good question! This is the last and greatest advantage of going to Turii that I was about to mention--" said Davos, holding up a finger in a spirited manner, "The messenger said, 'As a result of the Lucanians, the Bruttians, the great invasions, there are small towns in Greater Greece, especially in Southern Italy, that have been captured by the natives.' What does this mean for us?!"

 Davos turned his fingers into fists and waved them in the air with all his might, "Meaning that when we get a foothold in Magna Graecia and recapture a small city, we'll have the chance to become the owners of that city! We will no longer be the despised landless freeloaders, we will be citizens of a city-state that owns land! We would no longer be mercenaries at the beck and call of others, unable to decide our own fate, but masters of the city-state! I think this is the mission that the 'Dreamer' told me about! Regardless of your decisions, I have decided to go to Magna Graecia and fulfill my mission!!!"

 A strange silence fell over the meeting hall, the only sound was the sound of rapid breathing, and the eyes of the crowd were fixed on Davos's raised fist, filled with extreme longing. For thousands of years, the Greeks of the various city-states had fought with each other over the barren land of Greece, which was not very large and full of sand and gravel, not for the sake of land! The Greeks became a seafaring people, and that too was the result of the compulsion of having too many people and too little land! The mercenaries were forced by the lack of land, and the mercenaries were forced by the lack of roots to live! Now, a hope of owning land is in front of them, how can they not be surprised, lest the flame of hope blow out!

 In the momentary loneliness, it was Tzipit who weakly spoke first: "But there are so many strong natives there that the men of Magna Graecia can't hold them back, and we--"

 "We're not those losers in Magna Graecia! And the Lucanians will never be stronger than the Duccians or the Caldans! If you're afraid, just don't go!" Amyntas shouted disdainfully.

 "Who said I won't go! Chief Dyvers, since it's a mission given to you by Hades, I'll assist you in accomplishing it even if I dedicate my life to it!" Tzipit opened his palms and performed a sacred kneeling salute towards Davos with extreme devotion.

 "Davos, I am your stalwart shield, how can you go to Turii without me!" Xellos raised his right fist high and stood up.

 "And I, Amyntas, am your bayonet, and a shield without a spear won't do!" Another fist was raised.

 "Chieftain, please let me continue to help you with your military duties so you have more time to think about how to win the war!" Felicius stood up.

 "Chieftain, it's natural to go to Tului without me as a pioneer!" Antonios stood up.

 "Chieftain, let me remain in charge of the center for you!" Capps stood up as well.

 "And I, Alexis, will always be your backup in a pinch!" Another fist was raised high in the air.

 "How can we go to Turii without our light shields who can fight and throw!" Epithenes grinned and stood up.

 "Davos, don't forget, you're still missing an important supply officer!" A chubby fist was raised.

 "My esteemed teacher, I will continue to learn medical theory from you, so I will follow you wherever you go!" Helps stood up solemnly.

 "I'm your crier, you can't leave me behind! Acistus hurriedly stood up.


 As Davos watched the forty or so fists reach straight up into the sky, as if they were rising up into a small grove of trees, ready for the wash of the coming storm, he couldn't help but feel his blood boil, and his right hand snapped forward, "Brothers follow me, and together we will go to the West in search of our 'Elysian Paradise.' "

 ............... ...

 When Davos had received an enthusiastic response from the officers of the corps, he conferred with them: they were told to keep secret the real purpose of going to Tourii, or else there would be much obstruction.

 The people immediately swore to the god of the underworld.

 Then, Davos told them to go back and use every possible means to persuade the soldiers to go forward. And also let them secretly go to other barracks, secretly persuade the soldiers to join, these combat experienced veterans, and once fought together, Dyvers did not want to give up the drop.

 Then Davos led Marigi back to the army tent, and before he could speak, Marigi said, "I'm willing to go with you to Turii."

 Davos turned and laughed, "That's very clever of you."

 "Isn't that why you asked me to sit in?" Marij said indignantly, "What would you have done if I hadn't agreed? Kill me?"

 Davos shook his head and said, "I'll just tie you hand and foot, throw you in the hold, and let you out when we get to Tului."

 "Davos, I always thought of you as a cultivated, knowledgeable and trustworthy Greek, but I never thought you were still a bandit like them!" Marigi said through clenched teeth.

 "That's what a slave says to a master who has saved his life?" Davos said in mock surprise.

 "Slave?" Marigold had a shocked look on his face, a look of having misjudged Davos.

 Note: Elysium Paradise (elyseeparadise): In Greek legend, after the death of human souls after the trial of the three judges of hell, innocent people will be allowed to enter the Elysium Paradise, where the beautiful and peaceful, food and clothing, it still belongs to the area in charge of the Hades, there was a saying: Christianity's paradise is born out of the Elysium.
