


Noctis was filling out his basic information. The form just had simple questions like what's your name, age, and fighting style. They were all basic like that. Once he was done he waited around a bit as a large amount of adventurers started to come through.

Lucy then said "Okay everyone the new quests are now available!"

Everyone cheered an it was a mad rush to all the new quests. Noctis decided to wait as he was sure not many Porcelain quests would be taken and he also had to give his form to Lucy anyways. He then saw one person to his right. It was the Goblin Slayer himself. He was not even facing the board he was facing the other way standing at a tall table waiting. Noctis was able to recognize him quickly because of his iconic armor and the red feathers coming out the top of his helmet.

Once it started to clear out a bit Noctis saw Goblin Slayer make his way towards Lucy. Noctis decided to follow. Goblin Slayer went up to Lucy an asked "Any Goblin quests?"

Noctis looked the Goblin Slayer over and saw what everyone else was talking about. His armor was in shambles. While it did look cool it had many minor dents and chips. You could tell he cleaned it and took care of it but a replacement armor was in order.

[Image Here]

He then heard Lucy say "A group of rookies took the only Goblin quest."

Goblin Slayer then asked "What was their team?"

Lucy looked through the papers "A fighter, warrior, wizard, an a newly accompanied priest."

Lucy then sighed "I know this may be bold of me but they also seemed overly confident."

Goblin Slayer paused for a moment "I'll check. I need to make sure all the Goblins die anyways."

Noctis took this opportunity to walk up to Lucy "Here is the information you asked for."

He then looked over to Goblin Slayer "Hey do you mind if I go with you. There are no other quests for my rank that involve slaying monsters. Plus being with a bronze like you would be a good gain of experience."

One thing Noctis learned from the survey is that there are ten ranks. That went in this order. Porcelain, Obsidian, Steel, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum.

There was also one more thing it explained that if you take a quest you must do it to completion and that if you fail at all you must report it or you could possibly be banished from the guild. Noctis then understood why Lucy was surprised when she saw the two wolf paws. Because there is usually no need to show proof. After all if someone came back and said the problem was still there they would know the adventurer lied.

So Goblin Slayer was actually pretty high up. There was a couple other reasons as to why he wanted to go with Goblin Slayer. If he was right this would be the first episode. It would be better for Noctis to experience the horrors of this world in a somewhat controlled environment. He would see dead bodies, a girl that goblins forced themselves on, and have the opportunity to see in person how goblins truly are. He was planning to to see if he could plan ahead to make everyone lives easier while getting in his own work as well but it seems he was thrown directly into the start with no time to make a large scale plan.

Noctis did also want to see the Goblin Slayer in action but did not want to be a specialist like the Goblin Slayer but he had to admit the horrors he saw from the Goblins in the anime did help him build up some animosity towards them.

Plus it's not bad to make a good relationship with someone who is ranked higher then you. Even if he is a Goblin specialist.

He would have tried to save the poor group if he had the prior knowledge of his location as well as this being most likely from the first episode. However it was already too late. He would not even know where to go.

Goblin Slayer simply turned around and started to walk away "Follow me."

Noctis smiled under his mask and started to follow him. He turned around and waved at Lucy "See you later Lucy."

Lucy waved back "Be careful."

Noctis nodded and started to follow the Goblin Slayer to the west. After walking for awhile they made it to the forest.They had been walking in silence the whole way so Noctis decided to try to talk to the seemingly mute man.

Noctis asked "So do you have a name?"

Goblin Slayer blankly said "Goblin Slayer."

Noctis nodded "Well I'm Noctis Prince."

Goblin Slayer then asked "Any special abilities or magic?"

Noctis shook his head "Not yet but maybe in the future. I'm proficient with my weapons. I also have great eye sight."

Goblin Slayer then surprisingly said "So you're a half elf with no special abilities."

Noctis was surprised he still had his hood and mask on. "How did you…?"

Goblin Slayer then said "I can see the points of your ears pressing against your hood."

Noctis thought 'Okay this guy is really observant. It's also possible however that he just took a shot in the dark.'

Noctis tried to continue the conversation"So do you really only hunt goblins?"

Goblin Slayer then said "Yes."

Noctis sighed and thought 'Back to short answers.'

With that they kept walking for a half hour. They finally came along a cave with a skull like head on a stick. They then heard a girl scream.

Goblin Slayer lit a torch "Follow my lead."

Noctis nodded his head and kept behind Goblin Slayer. When they entered the cave Noctis new his mask would help him see but he could truly see everything perfectly. He was surprised about the amount of blood on the walls. Seems some villagers might have tried to fight the goblins themselves before making the request.

He then saw some other whiter and murky substances on the walls and it made him want to throw up looking at it. The smell alone was truly horrid. So he quickly started to just look deeper in the cave and tried to focus on what was ahead.

Goblin Slayer made a small comment "It's better to breathe it all in fast an early so you get use to the smell."

Noctis nodded and then before Goblin Slayer could see it he saw the blonde priestess and a Goblin sitting on top of a girl with red hair. The wizard if Noctis remembered correctly. He got low and pulled out his war axe he knew the height of the ceiling and did not want to bang against it. Then like before with the wolf he threw his war axe at the Goblin.

The Goblin Slayer was surprised but then when he heard a thud he said "You really must have good eye sight."

They continued to walk forward. When the room became more lit up with a torch they saw a blonde girl with an arrow in her shoulder an a goblin with a split open head the war axe still embedded in laid over a girl with red hair. Noctis went over and grabbed his war axe and pulled the goblins corpse off the red head girl.

She looked up at Noctis and said "Kill me."

Noctis pulled out his dagger. This was a good experience for him as well. To kill a human. Even if it was a merciful kill it was something he again had to get use to. He bent down in front of her and quickly stabbed her in the heart making sure not to miss. She died immediately.

The blonde girl then said "Why did you do that?"

The Goblin Slayer started explaining it to her and this time instead of a ding he felt his phone vibrate. Noctis pulled it out to the side and looked at the notification.

Mission Complete: Kill your first human

Reward: C Tier Steel Throwing knives, D Tier Proficient Melee Throw.

He did not bother looking at the descriptions because he felt they were self explanatory but he did feel like he was learning more about the system. It seemed the system no matter the mission would give him rewards based on how he fights. So if he were to fight a certain way then he would get rewards based on that style. One thought then entered his mind 'How do I earn magic as a reward if I can not use magic in the first place.?'

Goblin Slayer then pulled out the arrow from the girl who let out a little yelp. Goblin Slayer then handed her an antidote for the poison that goblins commonly use. The blonde girl gulped it down an asked "Who are you two?"

Noctis squatted down in front of her "I'm Noctis Prince and the man behind me is Goblin Slayer."

The girl then said "My name is Ruri."

[Image Here]

Goblin Slayer started to walk forward. Ruri then quickly asked "What are you going to do?"

Goblin Slayer said "Kill more Goblins."

Ruri then asked "May I help you guys?"

Noctis nodded "Yeah follow us. What kind of magic do you have?"

Ruri quickly said "Healing magic and blinding light but I only have two more uses of either."

Goblin Slayer then said "Just do what I say when the moment arises."

With that they kept walking forward until they came across a bigger open area where a dead young man laid. Ruri then weakly said in a confused manor "I just don't understand how they appeared behind us."

Noctis looked over "There is a second passageway right next to where we just came from."

The Goblin Slayer nodded and lit the other passageway up a bit "They use that post right there with some gold to distract people. Then when the party is unaware they come from this passage way and the way forward causing the intruders to be pinched in the middle."

Noctis pulled out two throwing knives and threw them simultaneously. Two goblin bodies dropped into the light. "It seems like two more were waiting just in case. The rest must be up ahead."

Goblin Slayer nodded and started to make a trip wire as he got ready. He then turned to Noctis and Ruri "You two stay here. I'm going to draw them out. When I make it back to you two. Ruri I want you to cast Blinding Light."

Ruri nodded "Got it."

Then Goblin Slayer started to make his way further into the cave. Noctis then looked over to Ruri "Was this your first mission?"

Ruri nodded "Yes we thought it would be easy to take on goblins."

Noctis shook his head "It's okay to act confident but when you get cocky an act like your opponent can not do anything. Well. You might as well kill yourself."

Ruri looked at Noctis and looked at his Porcelain necklace "Is this your first mission as well?"

Noctis nodded "It is however…. How to put it?"

He shrugged "I have seen a lot in my life and have been somewhat trained for what to expect I guess you could say."

Noctis could then see Goblin Slayer coming back "Get ready he is on his way back."

Ruri looked forward "What do you mean I can not see anything?"

In the next moment she saw the light from Goblin Slayers torch. She looked at Noctis wondering how he could have possibly seen him before her. However she also got ready for what she would be told to do.

Noctis saw the hobgoblin chasing Goblin Slayer he was surprised something could be uglier then a regular goblin yet there it was.

Goblin Slayer jumped over his trip wire and told Ruri "Cast the Blinding Light spell."

Ruri started her chant to cast the spell and right when the hobgoblin was near the trip wire the spell was cast. Causing the hobgoblin to trip over. Since Noctis could easily see he decided to slam his war axe down on the fallen hobgoblin splitting its head. Goblin Slayer then quickly reacted and started to pour gasoline on the hobgoblins body. Once the smaller goblins were in view he kicked the hobgoblins body causing it to crash into them and then threw the torch lighting them all on fire. They waited a moment for the flames to calm down a bit and started to head forward.

Noctis cleaned his war axe with the cloth to make sure it was in good condition he did it with the rest of his weapons as well. As they were heading down into the end of the cave Noctis got his throwing knives ready in case there were any still alive. Since he could easily see before they entered the room he threw three throwing knives in different directions. When they fully came into the room and they could see they saw three fresh new bodies of goblins who were not charred on the ground. Each with a knife in between their eyes.

Noctis retrieved his knives as Goblin Slayer made sure the rest were dead. Ruri quickly went up to the girl in the middle of the room. Noctis looked over at her an almost threw up the amount of liquid on her an around her was too much. Noctis thought 'They must be one pump monsters.'

Noctis walked up to the two and squatted down to the girl on the floors level "Do you want to die?"

The girl did not respond or even move but she started to cry. Noctis took that as a no. He then saw Goblin Slayer destroy a throne made out of bones and move a pallet that was behind it. Inside Noctis could see baby goblins. Noctis had a hateful glint in his eyes as he commented "Disgusting creatures."


World 1: Goblin Slayer

Name: Noctis Prince

Age: 18

Race: Half-High Elf

Titles: The Reincarnate

Title Powers: C Tier Athletic Physique (The Reincarnate) S Tier Tongue Knowledge (The Reincarnate) EX Tier Next World Locked (The Reincarnate)

Powers: C Tier Low Grade Weapon Master. D Tier Proficient Melee Throw.

Items: EX Tier Indestructible Phone, A Tier Black Mask C Tier Well Made Leather Armor. C Tier Steel Dagger. C Tier Steel War Axe. D Tier Three days of Rations. C Tier Healing Potion. C Tier Antidote. C Tier Instant Weapon Cleanse Cloth. C Tier Steel Throwing knives.

Word Count: 2455

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