
Medieval Steel

Two young adventurers set out to explore the world, oblivious to the hardships and challenges that await them. They are asked to fend for themselves in an unforgiving world, but discover that this journey is worth every penny Chapter Length: about 1000 words Ok umm.. sowwy for not updating for a while. I thought I'd drop the novel, I had no confidence in my writing, but I took some semesters in creative writing in university, and I think I can deliver. Cover art is by Caspar David Friedrich, an old German romanticist. Stay tuned, and don't be shy, drop a review down below ^^

NessoftheSNES · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Swords and Tequila

With Dave's ability to read and write, as well as solving simple math problems, finding a comfy and well paying job was easy. Eddie and Asher on the other hand would probably only be able to find manual labour jobs they did before, performing the same menial tasks, in the same way they had done before.

Dave, in just under a day found work as an assistant bookkeeper in a public library, only requiring minimal training and being surrounded by all the books he could ever read, with subjects ranging from human anatomy to political works.

The pay was pretty hefty, so at least for now, the other two wouldn't have to work. Instead, they took up the time to learn swordsmanship under a trainer the armourer had recommended them. They would also need to learn to read and write, as well as basic arithmetic at some point, but they decided to put that off for a later time, as it wasn't as exciting.

The training school was located pretty far from the inn, about three quarters of an hour by foot, so they simply enjoyed their time walking through the sunny, crowded streets and conversing.

"So I take it your friend isn't much for talking?", Asher asked, half jokingly.

"I don't know what's gotten into him lately. Usually he likes to put up the facade of a mysterious guy, but that wears off after a pint of good ale or a good joke", Eddie replied, with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Do you think it's because he doesn't like me? I think I'm seriously getting on his nerves". Asher had been worried about that since the day she escaped from the mines.

"I don't want to step between the two of you", she added, after taking a few moments to think.

"I don't really believe it's that. I think helping you escape from that hell, even if you weren't a long time friend of his, has made him reevaluate some things", Eddie said, in a reassuring tone.

"I don't want anyone else to suffer through what the two of us had to. I know it's probably wishful thinking, but this is something I want to change in the world", Asher said, stealing the words right out Eddie's mouth.

They walked in complete silence after that exchange, simply enjoying their walk through the city.

When Asher and Eddie first stepped in the training room, they found it crowded with other aspiring swordsmen, their ages ranging from ten to forty. It was a huge, well lit hall made of grey stone, with training equipment, like dummies and protective armour placed in an orderly fashion, with swords, spears and various other weapons decorating the walls.

The pair probably expected a warm welcome, and maybe an introduction to the ways of the sword, but instead, the trainer, a bulky man of about thirty-five simply threw them two wooden training swords, and pitted them against each other, to "gauge at their skills", as he said.

Their skills, having been proven more than depressing, prompted the bulky man to instruct Eddie in some basic strikes, slices and blocks, while he sent one of his more experienced students to instruct Asher.

"Don't hold your sword like that! What are you, a girl?", he said, in a rough voice.

"Uhh no offence", he hurriedly added, turning back to look at Asher.

"This is obviously a two-handed sword. Here, this is the correct way to hold one", he said, correcting his stance and grip.

Despite the man's coarse mannerisms and rude attitude, he was pretty effective at teaching Eddie the basics.

Asher, in contrast with her friend, was more of a natural. Her physique and stature were small compared to almost everyone else in the room, and her strength was nothing too spectacular, but despite all that, she could follow the students instructions perfectly, and her form was almost impeccable, rarely needing corrections.

After an hour of instructions, the swordmaster felt they were ready to spar again, and the results of just an hour of good training showed through.

Through sheer skill, Asher was able to win most of the fights, losing only a few because of her clearly inferior strength. Her reactions were clearly much faster than Eddie's, and she was careful enough to leave as few openings as she could. Eddie on the other hand relied more on the strength of his arms than his instincts and reactions, and reacted far too slow to most of his opponent's strikes and slashes.

Even after an hour of good training, her knack for the sword showed through. After a good hour of sparring, and after they were completely drenched in sweat, they went ahead and washed up in the locker room. After paying the trainer, they took their leave and went on to their inn.

Their earlier thoughts and worries had been completely forgotten, replaced by thoughts of themselves, clad in shining armour and heroically fending off hordes of enemies. The conversation went along a similar route, with a lot of embarrassing sound effects and descriptive fights that took place in their heads.

When they finally reached their room, Dave still hadn't come home from the library. They went down to the bar, and ordered a lavish, celebratory meal, ordering some wine and a few beers as well. In contrast with Eddie's learned ways, it was Asher's first time drinking alcohol, and after a few drinks, she found herself completely hammered.

"WE WULL BE INVIN - INV - BLE!! What we drunkin? This -", Asher exclaimed, in a not so coherent way.

She had been going like that for a few minutes, and it had stopped being fun for Eddie some time ago. He had to somehow put her to sleep. How, he did not know.

Eddie now had to drag a laughing, drunk Asher through a flight of stairs, in front of the judgemental gazes of every single person at the bar. When they finally reached their room, he laid her down on her bed, and tried going to sleep himself, despite the girl's loud, drunken protests.

When Dave finally stepped into the room, he found Eddie lying face down, drooling all over the bed, while Asher was lying on the floor, muttering incoherently. He decided to inquire about their training the next day.