
Chapter 5: A Cripple

Luo Divine Doctor stared intensely at the seventh needle Qin Chuan had placed in Qin Nian's body, his face full of shock.

It wasn't that he understood the Seven Extremes Divine Needles technique Qin Chuan was using, but rather, Qin Chuan's precision and control of strength when administering the needles were simply perfect.

As Jiangcheng City's number one Divine Doctor, he couldn't even compare.

The onlookers around them, who couldn't possibly understand the Seven Extremes Divine Needles, simply thought Qin Chuan was wasting time. They sighed and shook their heads, faces full of sympathy.

Qin Chuan paid no attention to the crowd and stared intently at Qin Nian— he believed that the method in his mind for treating Qin Nian would definitely work!

"Beep~ Beep~ Beep~"

At that moment, a rhythmic beeping sound began.

Suddenly, Qin Nian's originally pale complexion visibly regained its color at a noticeable pace.

Luo Divine Doctor's pupils shrank, his face shocked as he exclaimed, "How is this possible?"

The previously lifeless Qin Nian, all vital signs began to quickly recover.

Suddenly, Qin Nian opened her eyes and called out in a hoarse voice, "Brother!"


The medical staff and onlookers, as if struck by lightning, stood frozen in place.

"Nian Nian!"

Seeing Qin Nian with her eyes open, Qin Chuan was overjoyed to tears, unable to control his emotions any longer, and hugged Qin Nian tightly.

"Holy shit! Is this her coming back from the dead?"

"I participated in the earlier resuscitation efforts, and I'm very certain that Qin Nian had died."

"I don't believe it! How can someone who was clearly dead be revived? I must be dreaming!"


The medical staff were full of disbelief; in their many years of practice, it was their first time encountering such an event.

Luo Divine Doctor's eyes sparkled as he gazed unwaveringly at Qin Chuan, as if admiring a unique and unparalleled treasure, the more he watched, the more he admired.

"Mr. Qin, may I ask, what was the needle technique you just used?"

It was only after the siblings' emotions had somewhat settled that Luo Divine Doctor walked up with a smile and asked.

Qin Chuan looked gratefully at Luo Divine Doctor. Although he had been focused on the rescue, he was fully aware of what had occurred in the meantime.

If Luo Divine Doctor hadn't intervened, he might have been kicked out by the hospital security before he even had a chance to treat Qin Nian.

Qin Chuan, while retrieving the Silver Needles from Qin Nian, replied, "That was the Seven Extremes Divine Needles!"

"Seven Extremes Divine Needles?"

Luo Divine Doctor frowned. With his knowledge, he might not know all superior acupuncture techniques, but he had heard of them. However, he was hearing about the Seven Extremes Divine Needles from Qin Chuan's mouth for the first time.

"The medical history of Shen Zhou is long and profound, truly not something that can be learned overnight. There is still so much I do not know!" lamented Luo Divine Doctor. He then turned and scolded the crowd of medical staff, "What, you have nothing better to do?"

The medical staff hurriedly dispersed.

"Mr. Qin, may I examine your sister?"

In front of Qin Chuan, Luo Divine Doctor was like a student hungry for knowledge.

If outsiders saw this scene, their jaws would drop. The famed Luo Divine Doctor of Jiangcheng, showing such cautious reverence.

With Qin Chuan's permission, Luo Divine Doctor extended his finger and placed it on Qin Nian's wrist.

As he examined Qin Nian's vital signs, the shock in Luo Divine Doctor's heart deepened.

After a full three minutes, he finished taking her pulse.

When he looked back at Qin Chuan, there was a new tint of awe in his gaze; the fact that Qin Chuan had revived the already declared dead Qin Nian meant his medical skills were above his own.

Qin Chuan asked urgently, "Divine Doctor Luo, how is my sister's condition?"

Even though he had revived Qin Nian, it was based on the methods from his mind, and even now, he felt like he was dreaming. The memories that had suddenly appeared felt so unreal.

"Mr. Qin, you can just call me Luo Changsheng. In front of you, how dare I claim to be a Divine Doctor?" Luo Divine Doctor replied with a wry smile, then continued, "Your sister's condition is very good. Aside from being a bit weak, all her vital signs have returned to normal levels. It's just..."

He paused there, looked at Qin Nian's legs, and then sighed, "Her legs have suffered severe trauma, the bones crushed into powder, with extensive nerve death throughout her legs. These injuries are irreversible, and I'm afraid she won't be able to stand again."

Despite his admiration for Qin Chuan's medical skills, he still found it hard to believe that Qin Chuan could cure a patient with irreversible severe injuries to both legs—there was no precedent for such a recovery in the entire history of medicine.

Hearing Luo Changsheng's words, Qin Chuan's fists clenched tightly, and the hatred in his heart for Liu Fei and Wang Song also reached its peak.

Qin Nian showed a strained smile and said softly, "Brother, it's okay, you don't need to worry about me. Even if I can't stand up for the rest of my life, I will live well because I want to be with you for a lifetime!"

After hearing Qin Nian's words, Qin Chuan suddenly felt an urge to cry. If it wasn't for his own involvement, how would Qin Nian have suffered such hardship?

"Jade Muscle Continuation Ointment!"

Suddenly, a prescription appeared in Qin Chuan's mind, along with detailed information about this ointment.

The efficacy of the Jade Muscle Continuation Ointment was exactly what was needed for Qin Nian's leg injury.

Qin Chuan was immediately overjoyed. Although he had no idea why these strange memories appeared in his mind, he knew that they were real.

That is to say, as long as he could concoct the Jade Muscle Continuation Ointment, he would be able to make Qin Nian stand up again.

Qin Chuan said earnestly, "Nian Nian, don't worry, your brother will definitely cure your legs!"

Qin Nian took Qin Chuan's words as comfort because she feared she would not be able to cope, and with a sweet smile, she replied, "Brother, I believe you!"

Luo Changsheng naturally did not believe this, but he did not make any sarcastic remarks. Instead, he said, "Mr. Qin, could you step into my office for a talk?"

Qin Chuan happened to need Luo Changsheng's help with something, so he followed Luo to his office.

Luo Changsheng began by praising Qin Chuan's medical skills, then asked, "Mr. Qin, with your superb medical skills, you must have had a great master guiding you. May I know who your teacher is?"

Qin Chuan fell silent. He himself could not understand the memories that emerged in his mind to this day.

About his medical knowledge, he only knew that in a place called Kunlun Divine Prison, he used his medical skills to defeat the guardians of medicine in Kunlun Divine Prison.

Also, his medical knowledge seemed to come from an ancient book called "The Ancient Medical Treasure".

These memories were incomplete, just fragments, and all of them were very vague.

"Your teacher must be a hermit with extraordinary abilities. I was just curious and asked casually, Mr. Qin, please don't mind."

Seeing Qin Chuan's silence, Luo Changsheng thought Qin Chuan was unwilling to speak and then said, "By the way, I called you over here because there is something I need your help with..."

Meanwhile, in the director's office.

Wang Song spoke angrily, "Dad, this old bastard Luo Changsheng has actually allowed a waste who knows nothing about medicine to treat patients in our hospital. Can he really afford it if something goes wrong? How is someone like that suitable to stay in our hospital?"

Wang Song's father, Wang Jiancheng, frowned, "Is that so?"

Wang Song hurriedly recounted the recently occurred events, exaggerating as he spoke.

After finishing, he emphasized, "Dad, I know this Qin Chuan; he's trash picked up by an old junk collector and couldn't possibly know medical techniques."

"It's bad enough that Luo Changsheng doesn't stop him, but when I tried to intervene, that old bastard slapped me publicly, even saying that he would dare to slap you if you were in his way."

"He also said that our Ren Kang Hospital gained its current reputation thanks to him. Dad, just fire this overconfident old bastard..."


Wang Jiancheng's face darkened to its limits, and with a backhanded slap, he rebuked, "You fool, do you know how much it cost me to bring Luo Changsheng to our hospital?"

"He is our cash cow. If we fire him, will you take his place? Get out of here!"

After leaving the director's office, Wang Song's face twisted with fury as he said, "Qin Chuan, if I can't touch Luo Changsheng, can't I still touch you? You got me slapped, so I'll make you taste the pain of seeing your loved ones' bodies thrown out."

At that moment, Qin Nian lay on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the ceiling with red eyes, evidently having just cried.

She had appeared very strong in front of Qin Chuan, only because she didn't want her brother to worry about her. Thinking that she might never stand again, she suddenly felt an urge not to live anymore.

Could her brother bear it if she died?

As she was lost in thought, Wang Song barged in.

"You... you're still alive!"

Seeing Qin Nian awake, Wang Song's eyes widened in disbelief, but it was only for a moment. His expression turned sinister again, and through clenched teeth, he said, "It must be that old bastard Luo Changsheng who stepped in and saved this woman's life."

After saying that, he walked towards Qin Nian with a menacing presence.


As Qin Nian stared at the ceiling, her hair was suddenly pulled by a strong force, and she let out a piercing scream.

It was only then that she saw Wang Song's face, and she said in terror, "It's you! You're the one who hit me with your car! What do you want to do?"

Her body shook violently, like a frightened little rabbit, and as Wang Song moved closer, she pushed herself back with her hands, dragging her body backward on the bed.

"Hahaha... So you've become a cripple!"

There was not a trace of pity in Wang Song's eyes as he grabbed Qin Nian by her long hair and viciously dragged her towards the outside, her screams of agony echoing down the hallway.