
Chapter 1: Birth

Aggh! My head throbs with pain as I slowly regain consciousness. I find myself lying on a bed in a strange room, struggling to sit up and make sense of my surroundings. The absence of restraints suggests that I haven't been kidnapped, but confusion and dizziness cloud my thoughts.

To my dismay, I realize that I am completely naked, and my clothes are nowhere to be found. I hurriedly search the room, relieved to find a shirt and pants that fit me, even though they are unfamiliar. I quickly cover my naked body, determined to gather more information about this perplexing situation.

A family photo catches my attention, depicting a loving trio of two males and a female. The realization that I am in their house raises a multitude of questions. Why am I here, and where is everybody? Was someone taking care of me when I woke up? The lack of answers deepens the mystery.

Driven by hunger, I head to the kitchen and discover cup noodles, which I eagerly prepare and devour. However, the silence and emptiness of the house unnerve me. The locked doors raise suspicions of a prank, but my pleas for someone to reveal themselves go unanswered.

I spot an empty cup of cup noodles, suggesting recent activity. Holding a knife for protection, I demand the presence of anyone hiding, but silence persists. The sight of a slightly ajar closet door piques my curiosity, leading me to discover neatly arranged clothes and more unanswered questions.

A photograph on the desk depicts the smiling family, intensifying my confusion. How did I end up here? Why is my memory blank? As I explore each room, the absence of recent activity and the locked door amplify my unease. Panic sets in as my pleas for release yield no response.

Exhausted and overwhelmed, I decide to rest, hoping that clarity will greet me upon awakening. I surrender to sleep's embrace, yearning for answers and a resolution to this enigmatic predicament.