
Mechanics Of Magic

A compilation of different stories about magic in modern society

ToastyQuail · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The Magic Within Us I

As the sun rose over the city, a young woman named Ava sat alone in her apartment, trying to shake off the strange dreams that had plagued her all night. In the dreams, she had felt an inexplicable power coursing through her veins, and she had used it to perform incredible feats of magic. But when she woke up, she was just an ordinary person once again.

Ava was used to strange dreams. Ever since she was a child, she had been plagued by vivid and often terrifying nightmares. But this felt different. There was something real about the magic in her dreams, something that she couldn't shake off.

As she got ready for work, Ava tried to push the dreams out of her mind. She had a job to do, bills to pay, and no time for flights of fancy. But as she stepped out into the street, she felt a strange tingling in her fingertips, as if something deep within her was trying to break free.

Suddenly, she heard a voice in her head, clear and urgent. "Ava, you have to come with us. Your life is in danger."

Ava spun around, looking for the source of the voice, but there was no one there. She shook her head, trying to clear it. She must be going crazy. But the voice came again, more insistent this time.

"You have to trust us. We can explain everything. But you have to come with us now."

Ava hesitated for a moment, but something in the voice made her feel like she could trust it. With a sense of apprehension, she followed the direction of the voice, her feet moving almost of their own accord.

As she turned the corner, she saw a group of people waiting for her. They looked normal enough, but there was something different about them. Something that told her they were like her, that they had the same strange power that she had felt in her dreams.

One of them stepped forward, a tall man with piercing blue eyes. "Ava, we've been waiting for you. You're one of us. You have magic within you."

Ava's head spun. This was impossible. Magic wasn't real. Was it?

"Do you remember your dreams?" the man asked.

Ava nodded, her heart racing.

"That was real magic. And you can use it too."

Ava didn't know what to believe anymore. But she knew one thing for certain: her life was about to change forever.

I am fianlly back after a long time, ive been going through some rough events in my life and as it began to cooldown i decided to pick this series up. Check out my other series that i recently posted i will be active from now on

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