
Young Blood, Old Souls

In the Owl House tower, Luz and King opened the door to Cruz's room and watched as he dropped a large metal marble into a bag. He had a cylinder lying next to him on his work table.

"Cruz?" Luz asked as she entered the room as Cruz looked up at her. "King found a book you might want to hear."

King walked over to Cruz before he opened a book titled "The Unauthorized Boiling Isles History". "The Boiling Isles, born from the flesh and bones of a fallen Titan," King began as he opened the book.

"This original magic was so potent, all life on the Isles evolved to wield magic too. For years, we explored those power freely. Until, a mysterious witch appeared who declared that he, andhe alone, could speak to the island. He said that we were using magic all wrong. His teachings took hold, his strength grew, and he became... Emperor Belos."

"Belos said that mixing magic was wrong, that only he had that right. So he created the coven system. And there, our knowledge was restricted, and our potential sealed away. Those who resist are called wild witches, and they face harsh punishment. Emperor Belos has since retreated into his castle. There are whispers that say he's planning something big,"

"I wonder if catching Eda was part of his big plan. What do you think, you Cruz?" King asked before noticing that Cruz wasn't paying attention. "Cruz?"

"Hey, hermano? Are you okay?" Luz asked in concern as Cruz turned to look at her and noticed she was holding two packages with her.

"What's that?" Cruz asked as handed him one of the packages. Cruz looked down to see it was dark blue cape with a note that said "To a young Witch from her proud mentor-Eda". Cruz looked at the cape sadly before a look of determination crossed his eyes.

"It doesn't matter what Belos is planning… we're saving Eda, today!" Cruz said standing up from his desk. "Are you in, Luz?"

Luz looked down at her own cape before putting it on. "Let's get Eda back!"

Luz opened the door to a room full of weapons before stepping in. "Luz, what are you doing?" King asked

"This is serious King," Luz said as she grabbed a large axe far too heavy for her to carry. "Eda is in this situation because of us. If we hadn't taken that stupid Healing Hat then Kikimora never would've used Cruz as bait and Eda wouldn't have had to go to the castle. Just like Lilith said, it didn't even work on her curse a bit."

"And because I wasn't being prepared, my boots didn't have any fuel and Eda was forced to used what little magic she still had left," Cruz said as he hooked the cylinder to his back belt. "Now, she's stuck as the Owl Beast, got caught by Lilith, and is getting taken to the Emperor! We might not know what he's planning to do, but what we do know is that we have to save Eda."

"Haven't either of you been listening to me? He's the Emperor! He's the most powerful witch alive!"

"That doesn't mean we can't try. Like we said, Eda is in this situation because of us. We made the choice to steal that hat. Now we have to make up for it," Luz said.

"But she's in her Owl Beast form! How will she even recognize you?"

The Noceda twins both looked at each other before looking back at King. "I don't know. But we have to try anyway," Luz said with determination

"Well then… I'm going too," King said


"Are you sure…"

"Me and Eda don't always see eye-to-eye, but I do consider her… family. I want her back as much as you do."

Luz and Cruz smiled at him before they steeled their resolve. "Alright. Then we've got no time to lose!" Luz exclaimed.

"Then we'd better not forget these," Cruz said as he pulled out Luz's pair of A.B.S. "We're going to need them this time for sure." Luz put on the gloves before the three ran out of the room. King threw the book onto the ground with the page opening to the photo of Emperor Belos.

In the throne room at the Emperor's Castle, Beast Eda was running around as Lilith chased her. "Eda, stop that this instant!" Lilith chastised as Eda ripped up a tapestry of Belos and started to chew on it.

Lilith created a large spell circle above her before trapping Eda in a bubble. "Don't look at me like that. This is for your own good. Now that you're here, your children will not be in any danger of being taken, Emperor Belos will heal you, and we'll be in his coven together. Isn't that wonderful?" Lilith asked sincerely as Eda blew a raspberry at her.

"I will not fall prey to your childish games," Lilith said as she turned away before turning back to her and sticking her tongue out at Eda.

The doors to the throne room open as six coven guards and Kikimora entered the room. "All kneel before Emperor Belos!" Kikimora announced as she stepped out of the way with a bow.

Lilith kneeled as the glowing blue eyes of Belos entered the throne room. As soon as Eda laid eyes on Belos, she shrieked before bursting out of the bubble and running towards him.

"Eda, no!" Lilith cries out. Before Eda could attack him, Belos seemed to vanish into thin air before reappearing behind Eda and sending her flying into the wall with a flick of his finger. As Eda fell onto the ground, glowing red ropes appeared and held her down.

Lilith ran and stood in between Eda and Belos as he began to approach her. "My Lord, I apologize for my sister's rash behavior. She is still in her cursed form. Once you've healed her, as promised, I am sure she will become a useful asset to the coven."

Belos summoned a mechanical staff that looked similar to Cruz's, the main difference being a large red jewel and a wing on the side. The red jewel began to glow before magic shot out hitting Eda on the head. As the glow of magic ended Eda opened her eyes as they returned to her normal color.

"Ah. Where am I? What is this? Aw farts, I got caught," Eda said in resignation

"Edalyn Clawthorne," Belos began as he stepped towards Eda. "The infamous Owl Lady, the wild witch of Bonesborough. Mentor of Luz and Cruz the humans. Well, it's more appropriate to call him a hybrid now."

"You stay away from them, or so help me, Titan…"

Belos chuckled at Eda's threat. "You've got it all wrong. Your students are safe, for now. I just want the portal they came through."

"Tough, 'cause I ain't telling you nothing!"

"Ugh, pity. Although I suppose I could ask your students themselves," Belos said as he snapped his finger as the guards all begin to drag Eda away.

"Wait! Don't touch them! Lilith, don't let him hurt them! Lilith!" Eda called out as she was dragged out of the room

"Ah, taking her to the healing ceremony?" Lilith asked hopeful

"I will not be healing her," Belos said as Lilith's face fell

"But you… promised… me."

"Don't be so naïve, Lilith. This is the Titan's will," Belos said pointing towards a tapestry of witches revering the Emperor's Coven symbol. "All wild witches must be dealt with with before the Day of Unity. You understand, don't you?"

"Of course…"

"Good." Belos began to walk away before stopping abruptly. "Oh, one more thing." He snapped his finger summoning Owlbert and the bottom half of Eda's staff as they dropped into Lilith's hands.

"Destroy the Owl Lady's staff. She won't be needing it anymore," Belos said as he left with Lilith looking towards him as the doors slammed.

"Perry Porter coming to you live from outside the Emperor's Castle," Perry Porter said on the crystal ball as Luz, Cruz, and King all snuck their way into town. "Edalyn Clawthorne, known commonly as 'Eda the Owl Lady', has been captured and has been brought before the Emperor." The three stopped as they heard this before walking up to the crystal ball displays.

"For the crime of attacking a coven leader and refusing to join a coven, Edalyn Clawthorne's body shall be petrified in stone!" Amity's mouth opened in surprise hearing this. "Today, sundown, at the Conformatorium."

Gus gasped when he heard the declaration before taking out his scroll. "Willow! Are you watching?"

"Yes. We have to do something. I'll call Skara and see if she can help out too," Willow said turning towards the crystal ball.

"Today is a grave day for Bonesborough," Perry said as the news cast ended. The people watching the news muttered to themselves as they walked away. Luz and Cruz walked closer to the crystal balls looking distraught.

"Please tell me that's not as bad as it sounds," Luz said

"Petrification is only done to the worst criminals, and once the spell is complete, it can't be reversed," King explained as Cruz grimaced.

"So it's really bad," Cruz said as the images of multiple petrified witches and demons were shown before an image of Lilith was displayed.

"Lilith. She cursed Eda. She captured her own sister! She is the worst!" Luz said angrily slamming her fist down. "If I ever see her again!" Luz grabbed the crystal ball before throwing it onto the ground shattering it.

Cruz's eyes widened in surprise seeing Luz so angry. "Luz, calm down. We need to think about saving Eda first!" King said as Luz took a deep breath and sighed.

"You're right, but how will we get to the Conformatorium in time?"

They all heard whistling as a guard rounded the corner. "I mean… we could just break a law. But which one?" Cruz questioned

"We'll have to do something so diabolical, so criminally insane, that they'll *have* to send us to the Conformatorium," King said narrowing his eyes.

As the guard continued to whistle he heard Luz call out. "Heeey~!" When he turned he saw Luz, Cruz and King standing on a patch of grass with a sign that said 'DO NOT STEP ON GRASS'.


The guard gasped before throwing the three into a paddy wagon. "Yep. Perfect plan," Luz said as the door slammed shut.

At the Conformatorium, the paddy wagon passed by multiple petrified witches as the three stare at them. Luz gasped as she saw two guards carry out an empty pedestal with the name 'Edalyn Clawthorne' on it.

"There's not going to be a new statue going up today. Right, guys? Guys?" King looked towards the twins and saw that they were glaring at a poster of Lilith. Luz growled as she saw it. They reached the Conformatorium as the gates closed with a banner advertising the petrification above the gates.

"Sir, the Owl Lady's human students have been apprehended," a guard said as the paddy wagon stopped in front of Warden Wrath.

"Very good. Ah, Luz and Cruz the humans. How I've waited to see you again. Now I'll have my revenge and you'll have front row seats to Eda's demise." As Wrath opened the door to the wagon a large torrent of water shot out at him sending him hitting the wall. As the coven guard turned to look at the wagon in confusion, Luz jumped out as she slammed a light blue spell circle on the floor summoning a spike of ice, pinning him to the ceiling.

As Wrath begins to stand up, multiple spikes of ice trap him as Luz walks up him with King on her shoulder.

"Where's Eda?"

"She's in the holding cell in the dungeon," Wrath said quickly

"Draw me a map!" Luz said holding a piece of paper and pencil

"And I'd hurry if I were you!" Cruz said as he held up bits of lightning in his hand.

Outside of the Conformatorium, an audience had gathered to watch the petrification.

"Do you really think Eda deserves a petrification?" One member of the audience asked

"I don't know. This is all happening so fast," another member said as Willow, Gus, and Skara walked into the crowd wearing their cowls up.

"If we know anything about Luz and Cruz, they're going to be here trying to save Eda," Willow said as she, Gus and Skara all pulled down their cowls.

"And we'll be here to save them when they need us," Gus said

"But first we'll have to find them in the crowd," Skara pointed out

"Let's split up and find them. I'll look for Luz, you and Gus try and find Cruz," Willow said as the group split off unaware that Lilith was watching them from above.

"Fools! You let them human and hybrid escape! And you drew them a map!" Kikimora reprimanded Wrath who looked down in shame.

"Worry not, Kikimora. I shall capture those two," Lilith said

"I'm not too certain. What with one of them being your nephew."

Lilith closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. "That boy isn't actually Edalyn's son. There's no reason for concern. As I've said, I'll capture them both."

In the lower parts of the Conformatorium, Luz and Cruz ran towards the holding cell on the map as they knocked out multiple guards using vines, ice, and fire spells. As they made their way closer to the cell, Cruz abruptly stopped surprising Luz and King.

"What's wrong? We're almost there," Luz said

"There's something there," Cruz said as he looked ahead. As Luz and King looked ahead, another coven guard walked in front of them. This one was wearing the same uniform as the guard that tried to arrest the two the first day they'd arrived in the Boiling Isles. The main difference between this guard and all the others they'd faced was the fact that he was holding a staff similar to Cruz's.

"It's just one more guard. No big deal," Luz said, as she was about to prepare a spell circle, Cruz grabbed her hand and brought it down slightly confusing her.

"Let me handle this one. Go on ahead and get to Eda. We don't have time to waste," Cruz said as his eyes bore into the guard.


"Go. He's not going to stop you. Isn't that right, Mr. Guard." The guard simply pointed behind him using his thumb.

"You see. Now go. Eda's over there, and she needs you to save her. Go Luz, please." When Luz looked at Cruz she saw his eyes steeled with determination before nodding towards him.

"You'd better get there as soon as you're done here," Luz said as she ran past the guard.

Cruz and the guard stood facing each other for a moment before Cruz took a deep breath. "Alright. It's just you and me now. So how about you drop the mask so I can see your face again… Obron."

The guard chuckled to himself before removing his mask and dropping it onto the ground. Obron looked at Cruz with a smug look in his eyes. "How did you know it was me?" Obron asked

"Ever since we've made it lower into the Conformatorium, the wound your spear gave me has been acting up. So just call it a hunch," Cruz said as he readied his staff.

Obron smiled at the response. "Then I'll consider it an honor that you could tell where I was. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this to cover my escape. You and your sister have my thanks."

"How'd you even get out of your cell? I'm sure that Lilith said she was going to make sure you rotted in there."

"Oh the cell was definitely quite secure. But they forgot one important thing when locking me up."

"Your eyes," Cruz said in realization

"Exactly! Those idiots forgot about my hypnotic eyes. And they say that members of this coven are the best of the best. The best idiots perhaps," Obron said mockingly.

"But, oh well. It doesn't really matter. I have places to be and plans to remake. Plans that you and your sister ended up foiling. Before I go, I'll have to make sure neither of you can interfere with me again." Obron held up the staff as he pointed it towards Cruz. "And I think I'll start with you."

Cruz readied himself as Obron created a large red spell circle in front of him. As the large fireball shot forward, Cruz created his own spell circle using his staff to create a large pillar of ice to block it. When the spells collided, steam covered the room. Cruz quick I pulled down his goggles and started to search for electrical signals to be able to see through any of Obron's illusions.

As Cruz looked around the room, he saw Obron moving around him trying to flank him from behind. Cruz quickly spun around while spinning his staff as electricity crackled off of it.

Obron stopped dead in his tracks as lightning was fired in front of him before he could get too close. "I almost forgot how insightful you could be, brat," Obron said with a scowl. Obron spun the staff creating a large yellow spell circle as multiple blasts of magic fired out.

Cruz quickly created a shield in front of him as it blocked out most of the blasts with some hitting the wall around him. As Cruz was about to prepare another spell, a stray shot ricochet off of the wall and knocked Cruz's staff out of his hand.

"Too bad, brat. Looks like your luck ran out." Obron created a large spell circle launching a fireball at Cruz.

Cruz's gloves began to glow as he created a large blue spell circle summoning a pillar of ice to block it. Obron was shocked when he saw the pillar of ice appear.

"What?! I thought you couldn't—"

"Some time's passed. I've got some new tricks up my sleeve." Cruz took out a handful of the marbles he'd been working on before throwing them towards Obron. As Obron was about to jump away, he felt his feet being held down. When he looked down, he saw vines wrapping around his legs.

"When did you—" electricity began to shoot out of the marbles when they came close to him rendering him immobile and dropping the staff. Cruz drew a large green spell circle. When he slammed his hands down, vines sprouted up wrapping Obron completely.

As Obron tried to get free, he noticed both of his hands were wrapped up, preventing him from forming any kind of spell circle.

"I see now. The vines hold down my hands and legs while the lightning numbs my muscles. Very clever. Without one, the other would fail. But what will you do now?" Obron asked as Cruz walked up towards him.

"Will you just leave me here hoping that a guard will find me and put me back in my cell?"

"I'm sure that you'll get a fitting punishment down here," Cruz said as he began to walk away. He stopped abruptly when he heard Obron start to laugh.

"Oh you're so naïve, if I haven't been punished yet, what makes you think I will at all? It's the strangest thing, even to me. The Emperor has come down here and ordered his men to make sure I'm still alive and healthy. He seems to be quite interested in my species. Or more specifically, in my ability to drain magic."

"I'm not entirely sure why It's something that piqued his interest, but I do know that it's what has been keeping me alive and quite safe for the meantime. Given enough time I'll have another opportunity to escape. And when I do, I'll drain witch after witch until I've regained all of my power. Once I do… well, you better hope I don't find you," Obron said as he began to cackle.

Cruz clenched his fist as he walked towards the vampire. "You really shouldn't have told me that. I didn't want to do this," Cruz said as he took out a glyph paper from his pocket.

Obron stared at the paper trying to see what was on it, he couldn't see it as Cruz had it facing away from him. "So now what? Are you planning to kill me yourself?"

"I really don't want to, but you're not leaving me much of a choice. I found this glyph combo and I decided to only ever use it in an emergency. Your threat counts as one," Cruz said somberly as he placed the paper on Obron's leg.

Obron looked towards his leg before he felt a spike of magic go into it like a bed of nails causing him to flinch. When he looked towards his leg again, he saw that it had began to turn into stone. Obron's eyes widened in alarm as he began to struggle in a panic.

"You can't do this! Please no! Human, I beg you!"

"I'm sorry, I can't stop the spell once it's started. I never wanted to use this spell if I could've avoided it."

As Obron continued to struggle the electricity crackled around him rendering him immobile. He knew there was nothing he could do as the spell continued as more and more of his body turned to stone.

He looked towards Cruz with what looked like a mixture of pity and hatred before a sad laugh escaped him. "With this spell, you're just like me. A monster," Obron said as the spell was complete and his entire body was petrified. Cracks appeared all over his body as the stone, and Obron, crumbled into dust on the floor.

As the dust settled Cruz took a step as he leaned on the wall before sliding down. "Maldita sea,(damn it). That felt so much worse than I thought it would." Cruz looked at the dust on the floor before sighing. "Magic can be pretty terrifying."

Cruz suddenly heard footsteps approaching him. As he stood back up he saw that Luz was coming towards him with King sitting on her shoulder. Walking behind her was the last person he expected, Lilith.

"What's she doing here?" Cruz asked as he held up his staff defensively.

"It's okay, Lilith is going to help us," Luz said

"How do we know we can trust her?"

"I'll explain later, but for now we have to hurry and get to Eda. Lilith can show us the way to her." As Luz began to move, she saw that Cruz was still hesitant about Lilith going with them.

"Hey, I get it. But right now, we need all the help we can get. Trust me, okay?" Cruz looked at Lilith, who for the most part looked remorseful, before looking back at Luz.

"Alright, but only because you're going to explain everything later," Cruz said as he began to walk away

"You might want these back as well," Lilith said catching Cruz's attention. When he turned around, he saw Lilith holding up his gauntlets in their bracelet forms.

"So you had them?" Cruz asked taking them back

"Yes, I did. Kikimora wanted to destroy them so I told her that I would take care of it. I was planning to return them to you after this was all done with, but I never had the opportunity."

Cruz looked at his bracelets before putting them back on and activating them and attaching his new marble launcher onto them. Cruz smiled while looking back toward Lilith. "Thanks, Lilith. I'm just glad I'm not going to have to make another pair of these. Now, let's go save Eda." Luz and Cruz then began to follow after Lilith as she lead them towards their destination.

Outside in the Conformatorium, multiple drumming guards line the front of a stage as they stood in front of the gathering crowd.

"I don't see Luz anywhere," Willow said with worry

"We couldn't find Cruz either," Skara said as she looked around

"Do you think they were caught?" Gus asked as an alarm sounded. On the top of the platform, Beast Eda was raised up in a cage.

"Well folks, Eda the Owl Lady has appeared on stage, which means the petrification process is about to begin," Perry said as Kikimora walked towards a group of levers. She pulled the one closest to herself causing a large three headed statue to rise up before it began to crackle with green energy. Eda looked at the statue with worry knowing what was going to happen soon.

Inside of the Conformatorium, Lilith, Luz, King, and Cruz passed by multiple statues holding weapons that looked like they were covered in meaty tendrils.

"You can take this up to the stage where they're holding Edalyn," Lilith said as they stood in front of a large platform

"Thank you, Lilith. What will you do now?" Luz asked looking up towards her

"I will stay in the Emperor's coven, but I will make sure nothing like this ever happens again."

"That's good to hear," Luz said

"Hold on, something's not right," Cruz said as he looked around

"You're right. Why are there no guards around?" Luz wondered before a large red tendril grabbed Lilith and suspended her in the air.

"Lilith!" Luz yelled out before another tendril grabbed King

"King!" Both were dragged into the air near the ceiling as a flames ignite flanking a skull-like throne. Belos sat on the throne looking at the Noceda's, Cruz lets out a small growl upon seeing him.

"Ah, Lilith. You chose the wrong side," Belos said as Lilith and King are pulled upwards.

"No!" Luz and Cruz ran towards them but were stopped when tendrils grabbed their legs holding them down.

"Bring them back!" Cruz yelled out with a growl.

"Ah puh-puh. I'd actually like to have a word with you two," Belos said as Luz and Cruz looked at him in contempt.

Up on the platform, Lilith and King were dropped off inside of the cage as guards pushed them in. Lilith looked up to see Eda looking at her angrily. "Hello, Edalyn."

Eda glared at Lilith for a second. "Lilith," Eda said as she began to pace. "You hurt Cruz. You cursed me. Before anything turns me to stone, I'll tear you apart." Eda raised her claw as Lilith began to brace herself. Before Eda could do anything, King jumped in front of the two.

"Wait!" Eda gasped when she saw him. "She was trying to help. She even betrayed the Emperor for you!"


"If I knew something like this would happen… Edalyn, I—" as Lilith tried to cup Eda's face the petrification machine's eyes start to glow from yellow before turning green.

"We gotta do something," Willow said turning to Gus and Skara.

"And in a shocking turn of events, head Coven leader Lilith is now in the holding cage. Escorted by what appears to be a deranged cat," Perry said as he felt someone pull on his sleeve. When he looked down he was shocked to see Gus.

"Augustus? I'm live!"

"Dad, you have to stop!"

"Yeah," Willow grabbed Perry's microphone; "What's happening to Eda isn't right. She might not always follow the rules, but she hasn't done anything worthy of a petrification!"

"She helped me escape jail," the multi eyed demon from the Conformatorium said

"She helped me stay in business!" Morton said happily holding up elixirs

"She helped me love teaching again… after she left," Bump said

"The Emperor should let Eda go!" Willow said pumping a fist into the air

"Let Eda go!" Gus and Skara chanted

"Let Eda go! Let Eda go! Let Eda go! Let Eda go!" The rest of the crowd began to chant

Underneath the platform, Luz and Cruz glared at Belos. "Let my friends go, or else!" Luz slammed down Eda's staff as she pulled herself out of the tendrils. Cruz activated his boots launching himself in the air before taking out his staff.

As the two land, Luz and Cruz slam their staffs on the ground summoning rows of spikes near the Emperor. "Okay." Belos melts down before reappearing behind the two. "I'll play." Belos lifted a finger into the air sending Luz and Cruz flying in opposite directions.

Luz lands at the base of a statue causing a crack to appear on it as the axe it was holding started to fall.

"Luz, move!" Cruz called out as Luz jumped out of the way. As rocks sprouted from the ground, Luz created a fire ball to destroy it before another arm appeared. Cruz used an ice spell to freeze the arm as he made his way to Luz before the two hopped on their staffs to avoid more rock spikes and flying into the air.

As the two flew towards Belos with a flame spell, a large demon worm materialized around him. The two screamed as the worm ate them before they used the fire spell to destroy the demon. After the demon blew up the two land on the ground looking around.

"What's wrong, human? I thought you wanted to fight," Belos said as his words seemed to pulse causing a pain to flare up in Cruz head forcing him to clutch it.

"What's the matter, hybrid? Feeling the pressure?" As Luz and Cruz turn to face where Belos' voice is coming from more tendrils come from the ground grabbing them.

"Had enough?" Belos asked as he looked over the two.

"Not even close," Luz said with a smirk

"You wish," Cruz said as Luz traced a spell circle summoning an ice spike hitting Belos in the mask. As Belos began to reel back, Cruz shot out a marble from his launcher coated in lightning. The marble managed to graze Belos forcing him to stagger more and drop his staff.

Luz looked at a chip of Belos' mask as it fell in front of her while green goop fell in front of Cruz. They both looked up as he chuckled.

"I like your spirits," Belos said as he turned to look at them with his eyes glowing blue. "But try that again and it won't end well for either of you. Now, I'm just a humble messenger for the Titan. In the grand scheme of things, the Owl Lady's life is inconsequential." Belos stood in front of the two as the tendrils retreated.

"But then both of you showed up. If you want to save your mentor, give me the portal to the human realm."

"But that's…" Cruz began in worry

"…Our home," Luz said in concern as she looked up

On the platform, a bolt of green magic was shot towards Lilith and King before Eda jumped in front of the two, protecting them.

"Edalyn!" Lilith yells in concern as Eda screams in pain

Belos chuckled as the three could hear Eda's screams. "You probably think we want to invade the human realm, but the Titan's will is not so boarish. You'll understand soon. Tick tock, human. The Owl Lady doesn't have much time left."

As Eda's screams continued Luz reached out towards the ceiling. "No!" Luz grabbed her cloak as a tear ran down her cheek. "Fine!"

Luz reached into her cloak before pulling out the key to the portal. She pressed on the eye before hiding the key away again. As the portal emerges from the ground, Luz grabs it before clutching it close to herself. "Lo siento, mamá.(I'm sorry, mom)," Luz said sadly as she grabbed Eda's staff.

"Perdónanos, mamá.(forgive us, mom)," Cruz said as he picked up his own staff walking close to Luz as she handed the portal to Belos.

"Here, it's yours," Luz said as Belos took the portal from her.

"The Titan will be pleased." As Belos said that Cruz growled at him knowing that his theory was right.

Luz and Cruz step onto the platform as they pulled the hood up on their cloaks.

"Go on then," Belos said as he tapped his staff on the ground causing the platform to rise up. "Go be heroes."

"We may have lost, but so have you," Luz said as she turned back to Belos before tapping Eda's staff on the ground. Owlbert's eyes began to glow as multiple of the emergency fire glyphs that Luz had brought were activated causing the portal to explode. Belos backed away from the flaming eye as his glowing blue eyes glared at Luz and Cruz, who glared back at him. Both of Cruz's eyes glowed back matching the intensity of the glare.

On the platform, Eda's legs start to turn into stone as Luz and Cruz rose up on the platform in between the cage and the statue. Luz created a large green spell circle and slammed her hand on the platform, causing large vines to erupt around the statue stopping the spell.

Eda screeches before falling onto the ground as most of her body had been turned to stone.

"Wh-what do we do?" King asked in worry

"The spell wasn't completed! Maybe I can help her fight it!" Lilith said in a hurry as she placed her hands on Eda's wing.

"No! What is happening?!" Kikimora yelled before Cruz walked up towards her activating a lightning spell in his hands.

"Free them, you imp! Now!" Kikimora shrank in on herself as she traced a spell circle causing the cage to disappear. Luz and Cruz ran up to Eda as the stone had disappeared.

"Eda! Are you okay?" Luz asked in worry as Eda's eyes open.

"As good as I'll ever be," Eda said as multiple armed guards walk up towards them. As Luz and Cruz prepare to fight them off, Eda flung the two of them and King onto her back.

"Let's fly." Lilith climbs up in front of Luz and Cruz as Eda takes to the air. The guards all throw their spears but none managed to land as the crowd cheers for Eda's escape. Willow, Gus and Skara look on with smiles knowing their friends were safe.

Kikimora glared at them as Belos walked out with his damaged mask and shoulder on display shocking her.

"My liege!" Kikimora said with a gasp at seeing his shoulder, but Belos simply ignores her as he walks towards the edge of the platform.

"Children of the Isles. The Titan has told me to spare the Owl Lady's life, but in return, her curse will strip away all her powers. Let her monstrous form be a lesson about the dangers of wild magic."

At the Owl House, Eda landed on the ground with a thud as she panted heavily. Luz, Cruz, King, and Lilith all quickly dismount.

"Don't worry, Eda. I'll run and get you some elixir and—" Luz began to say before Lilith placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No, Luz. No amount of elixir can heal her now."

"There's got to be something we can do," Cruz said clenching his fists.

"Oh, sister. I should've done this a long time ago," Lilith said as she cupped Eda's face before putting their foreheads together. "With this spell declared, let the pain be shared."

Lilith and Eda were both raised into the air in a blue light as both of their gems glowed. Eda turns back into her usual form as Luz shielded King from the light. As the light fades, both witches land back on the ground softly.

"Eda!" Luz called out as the witches turned to look at her. Both now had one eye with a grey iris. Lilith had a streak of gray in her hair while Eda had a streak of white in hers while her gem was still black.

Eda laughed as Luz, Cruz, and King all hugged her. "Can you still do magic?" Luz asked curiously

Eda traced a spell circle before it disintegrated. "That's a no. It'll take some time to get used to this," Eda said

"I feel that I've been weakened as well," Lilith said as she looked down at her hands

"I'll start working on something that might help," Cruz said

"In the meantime, we can teach you what we know, and what we don't know, we can learn together," Luz said as she placed a light glyph on Eda's hand. Eda activates the glyph and looked at the spell happily as it floats into the air.

"Thanks, kid," Eda said as she ruffled Luz's hair before pulling her into a hug. " I look forward to that."

"And that's how we escaped from the Emperor," Luz said as she laid on her sleeping bag with King sleeping at her feet. "Everyone told me and Cruz that he was the most powerful witch alive! But look at this mom!" Luz held up the piece of Belos mask.

"I chipped off a piece of his mask! And Cruz managed to injure him! We know he's not invincible now," Luz said happily before her expression falls. "It's a strange feeling, having gone through so much and, not having you here to share it with. And I don't know when or how Cruz and I are gonna see you again." Luz looked at the family photo of herself, Camila, and Cruz before looking at the hovering ball of lights outside.

"But we will find our way home to you. I promise. Deja una luz puesta para nosotros. Te quiero.(Leave a light on for us. I love you.) Luz poked the light spell putting it out.

Cruz sat in the living room contemplating the day they had gone through as Lilith and Eda walked in. "Yo, kid. Gonna need the couch for Lilith to sleep on," Eda said snapping Cruz out of his concentration.

"Oh, sorry," Cruz said as he stood up from the couch.

"What's got you so worried? We're safe for now. You should go to sleep. You and your sister have been through a lot," Eda pointed out

"Yeah… it's just… something the Emperor said is really bothering me."

"Don't let whatever that idiot said bother you."

"Yeah you're probably right. It's just that whole will of the Titan thing he kept talking about. Not sure where he's getting that from since he can't even talk to the Titan," Cruz said as the Clawthorne sisters looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean, 'he can't talk to the Titan'? Belos being able to speak to the Titan has been an established fact for years," Lilith said as Cruz turned to look at her.

"But how?" Cruz asked. "Is there any actual proof that he can talk to the Titan. If he's talking to the spirit of the Titan, then why can't every oracle do the same. Or at the very least the oracle coven head?"

"You've got a good point there, Cruz," Eda said as she scratched her chin.

"But, Edalyn. You know it's a well established fact that Belos can speak to the Titan. It's been this way even before either of us have been born. Even before he took up the throne."

"But without any evidence then how can you prove that he can?" Cruz pointed out

"I guess in that case you'd need evidence that he can't talk to the Titan," Eda said

"You've got a point there. It's just turning into a he said he said situation here. All I know for sure is that the Titan didn't seem like he really minded wild magic."

"You say that as if you've spoken to the Titan, yourself," Lilith said with a slight laugh. She noticed that Cruz and Eda were looking at her in confusion before she looked at the two in bewilderment.

"You've spoken to the Titan?!"

"I guess we never really had time to explain that to you. Back in the cave when I was… injured, I tried using a healing glyph on myself after I heard someone tell me to use it. The next thing I knew, I was in some weird place and the Titan was talking to me. It's a little hard to believe, trust me I get it. But he's the one that saved me that day. Not really sure why he saved me, but I do know it was the Titan. I managed to get a good look at him before coming back."

Lilith sat on the couch as she took in everything that Cruz had explained. "If you spoke to the Titan, then it must have been for a reason."

"Like what?" Eda asked

"Perhaps, Belos did something to anger the Titan. And now he wants Cruz to carry out his will instead."

Cruz and Eda looked at each other before both shaking their heads. "I really doubt that, I haven't been able to talk to him at all since then. And besides, wouldn't he have told about that if that's what was supposed to happen?"

"He's got a point, Lily. I think the Titan just decided to help the kid out. No real need to look too into it," Eda said

"But, Edalyn—" Eda held up her hand interrupting her

"Listen, I get that Cruz being healed by the Titan is a big deal. But just think about it for a minute, if we tell people, how do you think the Emperor's Coven will react. More than likely, they'll go after him from now on and worst case scenario he'll be petrified. I'm not taking that kind of risk with either him or Luz."

Lilith let out a defeated sigh. "I suppose… I can understand your point. In that case, there's nothing we can do with this information."

"Not really," Cruz said. "Maybe some other witches would be able to do something with it. But for now we just know that Belos is nothing but a fraud who wanted the portal for some reason. And he's not invincible if that shoulder wound I gave him is anything to go by. We'll just have to see how he decides to play this out from now on. I'm heading up to the tower, I haven't had a decent amount of sleep in the last twenty-four hours." Cruz opened the front door before heading up towards his room.

"He's right, we could all use some rest. For now all we can do is just try and take this one day at a time," Eda said as she began to head towards her room.

In the Emperor's castle lower rooms, Kikimora walked down the stairs as Belos waited at the bottom. "Sire, those miscreants are still at large. Please, allow me to capture them."

"Worry not, Kiki. We'll be keeping an eye on the inhabitants of the Owl House." Belos nodded at the Golden Guard who was standing at the archway entrance as he nodded back towards Belos before leaving.

"In the meantime, the Day of Unity is almost upon us..." Belos turned to see multiple guards building a white round frame with wings on it. The still broke portal door sat in the center being repaired piece by piece. "...and we have much work to do."