
Chapter 23 - New Horizon

On the 3rd floor of his tower, Brandon was sitting in a comfortable chair at his desk, in front of him was a computer, but the distinguishing detail from those in the Fallout world is that they are thin and have a completely different operating system, unlike RobcOS, where the entire screen - these are different shades of green, in the new system, which he called New Horizon, there is a palette of all colors. This system also has a more user-friendly interface, allowing even a beginner to figure it out.

But the most important thing in this system is absolutely different protection protocols unknown to this world. And Brandon is confident that if he does not teach how this system works, then even if he hands it over to the Institute, it will take more than 20 years to break.

Naturally, he did not invent such a system himself. New Horizon is the consolidation of all of Brandon's known future operating systems.

Closing the document on the computer, Brandon got up from his chair, stretched and walked over to the window, surveying the White Stone City.

Over the past year, the popularity of the city has grown enormously, in addition to selling submachine guns, Brandon, along with Victoria, also developed a series of pistols called the Lucky Five 1-5. Basically, these were various types of revolvers, which had a gray-white shade of colors characteristic of the White Stone City. Sometimes he even wondered if he could make his own white stormtroopers out of Star Wars.

In addition to weapons, the city began to sell high-quality fabrics, of course they did not sell silk, although Brandon really wanted to find silkworms, he especially wanted them because of their possible mutations.

Turning his attention to the wall, Brandon saw several men patrolling with submachine guns in blue armor covering their chest, arms, legs and head, but only partially. Fallout 4 players would most likely immediately recognize this gear - Combat armor, painted blue.

Unfortunately they will not be entirely right, Brandon did focus on the style of combat armor, but the material in his armor is different.

His armor is called WSC Security Armor and is made of plastoid, a very light metal but just as strong as steel. Brandon spent a lot of nerves to create the right conditions for the production of this material, and his work paid off in the end.

After scratching his chin, Brandon decided to take a look at the status of the city.

[Name - White-stone city]

[Happiness - 78/100]

[Settlement Security - 53]

[Buildings in the settlement:]

[The main building ]

[Solar panels 8]


[Water supply building]

[Wall 75%]

[Residential buildings - 13%]


[Slave house]

[Windmills - 6]

[Training Field]


[Population: 74]

[Adults 52; M - 24; F-28; Children 22; M - 16; F-6] (Children under 16 years old inclusive)

[Leader: Brandon Parker]

[Free civilians:]

[Elena Parker-Loyalty 100]

[Markus Parker - Loyalty 100]

[Abigail Parker - Loyalty 100]

[William Brown - Loyalty 89]

[Susan Brown ...….


[Laura - Obedience 67]

[Jesse - Obedience 100]



Due to the rapid population growth, the construction of all the main facilities went very quickly, but considering the trend of rapid population growth, Brandon decided to start a plan to expand the western part of the wall. A market was also built in the city center, where people could spend their caps on city products or on caravan goods, by the way, with a new influx of merchants, Brandon was forced to introduce a law on the seizure of weapons at the entrance to the city, all surrendered weapons were kept at guard post at the gate, of course it was returned back when leaving the city.

At first, the merchants protested, because in the wastelands weapons were already an important attribute of any traveler, but Brandon did not pay attention to this, although they were very lively, the guards quickly coped with them, and a week later, the first caravan men began to enter the city, surprised by the cleanliness and order in city. They really did not believe that they were in the wasteland, every civilian was well fed and dressed in clean clothes with an emblem sewn on the right shoulder, which depicts a circle inside which is an hourglass.

Many asked about this emblem, but everyone shrugged their shoulders, and said that Brandon did it on a whim.

What they didn't know was that Brandon had already begun to harvest his Faction, and the emblem was just a small way to start training unity.

In addition to civilians, there are also slaves, their lives have really changed over this year, they have entertainment in the form of Jackson, oh sorry Jesse.

Yes, after that fateful day for Jackson, Brandon allowed all slaves to use it if they wanted to release the tension.

At first, some raiders were against homosexual relationships, but Brandon did not leave everything so simple, he began to add a little aphrodisiac to their food, a few months later Jackson turned from a courageous casanova into a feminine Jessica.

After this incident, the slaves became even more afraid of Brandon, and Elena began to worry about her son, fearing that he did not like girls, to which he laughed and replied that it was only for the sake of his sister and mother.

Standing by the window, Brandon heard a squeaking sound, it was the intercom ringing, walking up to him and pressing the button, he heard Marcus's voice.

-Brand, Jerry has arrived at the market with some interesting things, I think you should go.

-Ok, I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Jerry has already become a friend of the Parker family and Whitestone City, because he is their oldest partner.

This merchant also did not waste time, selling their goods for 5 years, he made a lot of money, and began to organize his own trading company, hiring security and opening various trade routes.

We can say that Jerry is already a respected person in the trading community, thanks to his company and entrepreneurship, he was able to establish good connections in the commonwealth.

After 5 minutes, Brandon came to a market in the city center, where civilians were moving around inspecting the goods of various merchants. They were mainly interested in pre-war relics, all sorts of beautiful trinkets, and of course weapons.

Due to the ban on carrying weapons, civilians could not walk around with weapons, but Brandon decided not to turn the townspeople into miserable weaklings who only knew how to live inside the walls, for this he built a shooting range with various simulators, and also conducted volunteer expeditions in the area. allowing everyone to satisfy their desire to shoot.

Finally reaching the right place, Brandon saw Marcus talking to Jerry.

Marcus noticed his brother too, handed him some strange weapon and said.

-Look what I found at Jerry's, it looks dangerous, but I'm not special in this, so I called you, I thought it would interest you.

Holding the strange weapon and weighing its weight, Brandon responded.

- You're right, this thing is really dangerous and this weapon really interested me.

Then he turned his head to Jerry and asked.

-Where did you find this? This does not lie on the road.

Jerry smiled, showing his yellow teeth and said.

-You will not believe it, it really was almost lying on the road, our caravan passed by the fallen plane, and there was firing from lasers and ballistic weapons, we came closer to find out who in Boston could shoot lasers so indiscriminately.

When we got closer, the shooting had already stopped, and more of the battle turned into a heap of mutant corpses and several people. Heh heh, you never know who it was.

With a grin Brandon answered.

-Brotherhood of Steel.

Jerry asked, surprised.

-How do you know ?

-Just a little logic, my friend.

Jerry continued with a wave of his hand.

-When the guys and I arrived at the battlefield, only a couple of mutants remained alive, well, we quickly killed them, and we found this weapon there. So are you going to take it?

{So the brotherhood of steel is already starting to send scouts, chaos is getting closer and closer}

-Yes, how much do you want for this weapon?

-This is the case, my friend, I need your little help and if you help me with this, I will give it to you for free.

Brandon thought.

{Probably now he will ask for something important, because Jerry is not a fool and must understand that this is not some fancy laser assault rifle, but a fucking Gauss rifle, from which you can turn power armor into walking canned food.}

Jerry hesitated a little and answered.

- As far as I know, you have a special slave, as they called him Jacks ... Jesse, and this is the case, I need him.

Couldn't write yesterday, was very busy, as a reward for waiting, the chapter is slightly larger.

La_Boulecreators' thoughts