

Dreams were… reality that only those with strength could talk about. This was an era where geniuses emerged in large numbers! This was an era where heroes were everywhere! The intense conflict between the aristocrats and the commoners, the open strife between the Federation and the Empire, the restless outer realms… NOTE: THIS IS AN TRANSLATION WORK. (even that is half-baked...please help me out if I had written sentences wrongly by suggesting correct way) ORIGINAL AUTHOR: LI GE [please bear with bad English and grammar in the first 10 chapters...it will get better after chapter 11. By mistake, I published unedited chapters. I am trying to rectify the issues which may disrupt regular posting a bit, but it will be back to track in a few days...a little help for correcting grammar and sentences from you will be very helpful to me in doing this work faster.] Target 10 reviews: 4 chapters extra target 10 spirit stones: 2 extra chapter [to be updated on completion of the targets] PS. I am trying this for the first time. And I know I am very bad with grammar. So your suggestions and corrections will be very much appreciated PSS. W.N is shadow-banning lots of comments nowadays which have some kind of "bad" words, so please keep a look-out for that.

ungrateful_potato · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

What Is Your Battle Network Id?

"Beep, identification is effective. Junior VIP—Mr. Harry, please come in." A familiar electronic female voice was heard. Mu Fan, who had a keen sense of hearing, stopped. The hammer, which was doing the chop action, stopped firmly five centimeters away from the weight-bearing platform. The heavy mass brought with it an oppressive air current that spread out in a wave shape.

"What? I, Fatty, am the junior VIP? Are you kidding me? I want to send a Skylink message to Uncle Wu!" Fatty, who had already raised one foot, was inexplicably angry when he heard the electronic voice. What kind of joke was this? Fatty, I, am a person with status. As a god in the fantasy field of PO Battle Network, a silver star, Fatty, who boasts that he is the Vanguard in the class fashion of the Aristocratic College, how could he only receive such treatment on his first visit to the dojo?

"I'm sorry, sir. As your reservation did not mention your identity, and you did not show your dojo membership card, the highest you could book was the primary VIP training room. I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience. Please forgive me." The female attendant, who had just swiped the alloy door identity card, quickly bowed and apologized.

The pacifist fatty's kindness was triggered again when he saw the friendly attitude of the pleasing female attendant in front of him, as if he should not shout at pretty girls. "Never mind. I'll get a high-level VIP later. If you need anything, I'll get my butler to contact you."

"I am too kind," thought the fatty as he stepped into the training room.

In the VIP training room on the second floor, two people were staring at each other.

Mu Fan had just come out of the strength training room. The hair on his forehead stuck to his skin because of the sweat. Although he stood there quietly, his eyes stared at the fatty like a leopard.

Fatty was expressionless. His eyelids did not even move, and his hand maintained the motion of putting the Skylink on a wooden shelf. What a joke! When he came in and looked up, he saw this boy standing there like a ghost, staring at him. People could die if they were frightened.

"Who are you?" In the end, the fatty could not stand the atmosphere anymore and asked in advance. As he spoke, the tense atmosphere in the room instantly died down.

"Mu Fan, sparring partner." Mu Fan looked at the fatty in front of him and said very little.

"Phew, that scared the fat brother out of me. I thought someone bad had sent someone to mess with me. Wait for me to go back. I'll go and change my clothes first." The fatty's little heart finally relaxed. He let out a sigh of relief, hung up his jacket, picked up a green, high-end training suit, and walked toward the changing room.

"What kind of sparring method is this? I see that you are far from my size. Don't lose your strength." The fatty stood in front of Mu Fan. Although he was not as tall as Mu Fan, his chin, which he tried hard to raise, and his body, which had gained weight three times, were impressive.

"You fight, I defend." Mu Fan's words were still concise, and the caution in his eyes showed that he was deeply wary of the fatty in front of him. The big guy said during dinner that people with a big appetite are bad * ss. The size of the guy in front of him showed that he ate a lot, so he had to take him seriously.

Instantly, Fatty's eyes lit up! This little brother knows me very well. The deep wariness in his eyes is the same look I had when I looked at the class bullies in the combat class! He could see that Fatty was actually an expert!

"Ahem, ahem." The fatty tried his best to cough. He put his chin up and put on a dignified look. "You can see that I am a hidden master, right? Come, let's exchange a few moves." The fatty, who had decided to warm up first, walked toward the combat arena with his hands behind his back. He felt more like an expert. He would be gentler when he saw the weak and feeble opponent.

"Do you know that at such a young age, I am already a Level 8 expert? Don't worry, I will be gentler in a while." For Harry's father, who had been afraid of his child's frailty since childhood, it was reasonable to use the high-tech gene cultivation technique and the expensive nutrition bar to raise Fatty from Level 5 to Level 8.

Mu Fan nodded and stepped into the arena. He took a boxing glove from the side, put it on his arm, and bowed.

The fatty nodded with satisfaction. This kind of momentum, as if he was facing a formidable enemy, was suitable for the young master to take action! With this attitude, he deserved to be rewarded! A tip of 500 RMB would be given to him later! That was the maintenance cost of the fat brother's "Lemon Balloon" for one night.

The fatty stepped into the arena too. The airflow produced by a 200-kilogram meat hitting the ground was different from the airflow produced by Mu Fan's body.

"Hey! Ha!" The fatty swung his arms and legs. He was tired after sitting in the hover car for so long. He was ready to teach this young man an unforgettable lesson. "Don't worry, I won't be heavy-handed!"

"Ah!" The fatty raised his arm, half-turned, and punched. The fat on his body trembled and stretched in the opposite direction.

After a short thud, a pig-like scream was heard. "It hurts!" Mu Fan looked speechlessly at the fatty, who had forgotten to put on the gloves. He did not feel the impact of the fatty's punch at all.

"Haven't you eaten?" Mu Fan thought the fatty was too weak because he was not full, so he asked kindly.

The fatty, who was jumping up and down with his fists in his arms, blushed instantly. He felt that his character had been severely insulted, and he was being laughed at by a sparring partner. So he clenched his teeth, took a pair of gloves from the side, put them on, and punched again with his head down.

"Aha!" As expected, Mu Fan, who had even knocked down Jelf and Man Kun who were old players here, would not be knocked down by a single punch from the fatty. The fatty, who thought he had exerted all his strength, looked up. The punching target stood in front of him without moving an inch. Mu Fan's eyes were not guarded at the moment, but full of curiosity.

The fatty's face turned red again, and he punched again. Then he panted while supporting his legs. He looked up at Mu Fan, who was still standing there quietly without moving, but the curiosity in his eyes was gone, replaced by certainty.

He must not have eaten enough! Mu Fan thought firmly.

"Boy, why are you here as a sparring partner?" The fatty had no more energy to fight. He felt that the boy had done it on purpose to trick him.

"I want to make money to buy the photon computer," answered Mu Fan without hesitation.

"What?" If he could not even handle himself at this age, he should not be just a sparring partner.

"I'll give you a tip of 500. Do you want it?" the fatty suddenly stood up and asked solemnly.

"Yes!" Mu Fan did not hesitate or feel embarrassed.

"Stand properly, let me knock you down with one punch." The fatty saw that Mu Fan's eyes were suddenly blank, so he punched.

Mu Fan, who was thinking that Fatty was a good guy, cooperated and fell. He even exerted strength in his legs and pretended that he was sent flying in the air before he landed heavily on the ground.

"S… Yield!" The fatty was dumbfounded. "I'll pay you when we go out."

"Thank you!" Mu Fan, who stood up, immediately thanked him. This sincere expression could not be faked.

The fatty touched his chin, which had not grown out of his beard, and suddenly asked.

"What is your PO Battle Network ID?"