

Dreams were… reality that only those with strength could talk about. This was an era where geniuses emerged in large numbers! This was an era where heroes were everywhere! The intense conflict between the aristocrats and the commoners, the open strife between the Federation and the Empire, the restless outer realms… NOTE: THIS IS AN TRANSLATION WORK. (even that is half-baked...please help me out if I had written sentences wrongly by suggesting correct way) ORIGINAL AUTHOR: LI GE [please bear with bad English and grammar in the first 10 chapters...it will get better after chapter 11. By mistake, I published unedited chapters. I am trying to rectify the issues which may disrupt regular posting a bit, but it will be back to track in a few days...a little help for correcting grammar and sentences from you will be very helpful to me in doing this work faster.] Target 10 reviews: 4 chapters extra target 10 spirit stones: 2 extra chapter [to be updated on completion of the targets] PS. I am trying this for the first time. And I know I am very bad with grammar. So your suggestions and corrections will be very much appreciated PSS. W.N is shadow-banning lots of comments nowadays which have some kind of "bad" words, so please keep a look-out for that.

ungrateful_potato · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Another World (1)

Black's voice came from the cabin. "This is my secondary carrier. It is made of nano liquid metal. To not attract attention, I will make it into the shape of a ring. Later, I will transmit data, and it will exist on this ring in the form of a digital lifeform. When you get the photon computer, you will take this ring close to the photon computer's chip. I will automatically complete the data connection. When the ring disappears, you can put away your hands. As I will be inside photon computer by then."

"How will you come back if the ring disappears?" asked Mu Fan.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Blackie answered, "I am an intelligent lifeform. When I get connected to the Internet, I will exist in a digital form in all the networks. The current carrier is no longer necessary for me. However, when I finish organizing the secondary data on the Internet, I will tell you some uses of current carrier. Current carrier can perform various functions. So, please take good care of the current carrier."

"Okay, I see. Okay, I'll take you there tomorrow."

"I'll do the data transfer later. You can pick it up when the green projection shows up."


Soon, the blue lights shone on the robotic arm one after another. After a few seconds, a green projection appeared from above. It was still a smiley face.

"Mu fan, I am Black. This is the projected data. Now the carrier only has the basic function. It will not have any other use without my activation. Keep it safe. When I connect to the Internet, the relationship simulation will be perfected. So, this is the last time you see me in my first form. Goodbye, Mu fan."

The green light screen was closed, and the robotic arm turned dark, leaving only a ring lying there alone.

Mu Fan picked up the ring, put it on, got up, and covered the black cabin with the waste again. However, Mu Fan had dug a deep hole this time, and no one in the wilderness would notice that there was a deep burrow below the ground.

Looking at the simple ring on his finger, the quiet night was devoid of darkness, and only the occasional crackling of the fire and his own breathing could be heard. With the bone-piercing chill, Mu Fan wrapped himself in a torn blanket and soon fell asleep.

When the last darkness before dawn had just passed, Mu Fan got up and set off. He ran as fast as before, and no one noticed him. He breathed in the cool air from the suburbs, which made him feel especially comfortable. Soon, he arrived at the entrance of the dojo.

The Starfall Martial Arts Hall opened early. Four big men in black stood at the door, but Man Kun was not among them. They were supposed to be in shifts. Mu Fan did not pay too much attention to them. He showed his identity card and entered the dojo.

"Oh, I'm so hungry!"

"Huh? He's The guy who gobbles up all the breakfast in the martial arts hall right!" {E. N-a random guy saying that}

Mu Fan touched his stomach and felt hungry. He suddenly remembered that Man Kun had said the dojo would provide breakfast, so he got up and went to Restaurant No. 3. Sure enough, there were already some staff inside, but not a single familiar sparring partner was there. He was the first to arrive, and Counter attendant was different from tomorrow.

"A nutritious meal!"

"How many boxes?"

"Ten boxes."

"Oh, for you… Wait, are you kidding me? Ten freaking boxes? Ten energy meals for breakfast?" The waiter was also stunned. This was breakfast, a compressed energy meal. It was food for at least five strong men.

"Give it to him. You didn't come yesterday, so you wouldn't know." The little white hat appeared again. He must have noticed the situation from behind and quickly came up to poke his friend.

"Here, here you go."

"Thank you!" Mu Fan returned to his seat with the lunchbox in his arms, dumbfounded.

Soon, he finished the pile of food in front of the dumbfounded crowd. Satisfied, Mu Fan patted his stomach and walked out of Restaurant No. 3 under everyone's respectful gazes.

"What time is Fatty coming today?"

"Mu fan, so early."

"Morning, Mr. Man kun!" Mu Fan looked up and saw Man kun was there.

Man Kun admired the boy, who was neither servile nor overbearing. "It is so early today. It is not time for us to gather. You are quite diligent."

"It's okay. I always wake up early. Are we still going to wait for the gathering time today?"

"Oh, right, you said I remember now. Yesterday, the VIP client of your sparring partner booked training room number four on the third floor for two weeks. This is the young master of the Fuwen Financial Group. It is rare for him to come to our district number 22. He appreciates you. Boy, do well. The other side has specially indicated that you should also have the VIP room authority. You do not need to go to the gathering place today. Treat the VIPs of our dojo well these two weeks."


"Your authorization has been redesigned. If there is nothing else, you can go. I will go and report to the boss."

"Okay, Mr. Man kun."

After Mu Fan changed his clothes, he swiped his identity card and pressed the hover staircase to the third floor.

It was indeed the VIP area for the advanced VIPs. It was a symbol of identity. There were two tall and pretty girls with good manners at the entrance of the floating staircase. However, they did not look at Mu Fan when he came out. It was obvious that the person who was the trainer was not their target. If any of the rich guy here took a fancy on them, they would be able to achieve instant success.

Mu Fan did not pay much attention. He stepped on the comfortable blanket and walked toward Training Room 4.

"Beep. Identification is effective. Training partner—Mu Fan, please come in." The same female voice was heard, but it was obviously recorded manually. It looked like even the advanced VIP logistics were different. The dark blue alloy door, which was heavier and more complicated than the one on the second floor, was closed from the middle to the sides. It closed again after Mu Fan stepped in.

The training room on the third floor was twice the size of the one on the second floor. Even a resting room was the size of the training ground on the first floor. The decoration of every function room was as big as the training room on the first floor. An ancient vase on the coffee table stood out from the crowd.

"It is just eight o'clock. The fatty is not here yet. Let's go to the equipment room and take a look." Mu Fan found the one-way strength training hammer in the same direction as he had done the day before.

One piece. Well, 100KG. There were 150 and 200 on the other side, so Mu Fan quickly skewered a huge metal block on the alloy handle. 200, 200… If you counted carefully, you would find seven weight blocks labeled 200KG on the two-meter long alloy handle! The hammer block was at the top, and Mu Fan's hands were at the other end!

Veins popped out on the muscles of Mu Fan's arms. "Hey!" The heavy training hammer was raised diagonally, chopped down, and repeated. The hammer wind brought by the huge mass pressed on the floor, causing air to overflow. The boy's eyes were filled with a desire for strength and a vision for the future!

After 15 minutes, Mu Fan's arm did not go out of shape at all. The rhythm was exactly the same as before, except that the sweat on his face had reached his back.

Half an hour had passed, and Mu Fan was sweating profusely. His training uniform was soaked and stuck to his back. Mu Fan clenched his teeth and stared at the hammer in front of him. I can't stop! Hang in there! The hammer swayed slightly, but the rhythm did not slow down.

"Beep. Identification effective. Advanced VIP—Mr. Harry, please enter." A pleasant female voice sounded.

"Well, that's more like it. It should be an honor for Young Master Harry to give your dojo so much face. Mu Fan, your fat brother is serious this time. I have brought the photon computer too. Hey, this room is not bad. This is what makes you worthy of your fat brother's identity. Hahahaha." The fatty's deep laughter and mumbling came through.

"duhmm!" Fatty heard a dull thud from the training room on the right. He felt his feet shake.

"What the hell? Who's there?" The fatty's neck tightened, and his legs went soft.

"It's me, Mu Fan." Mu Fan's voice came from the equipment room, clearly panting.

"You are so hardworking. You came earlier than me. Come, let me see what you are doing." The fatty was relieved when he heard Mu Fan's voice. He walked to the door and pushed it open, then…

"Master!" With a long howl, the fatty knelt there like a mountain had exploded. His eyes were wide open when he saw the one-meter thick metal block.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say you were going to call me Mu Fan?" Mu Fan panted as he stood there holding the hammer.

"I'm hallucinating. Ignore me. Let me have some peace." The fatty looked at the sweat that had formed a circle under Mu Fan's feet and the heavy metal weight. He swallowed.

"Stop being funny, I came early and dojo told me that I can enter training room if I had authority, I had nothing to do, so I was training" Mu Fan wiped his face and chuckled.

The fatty nodded like a robot and thought, You are the one who is f*cking funny. Brother Fatty has read a lot. Are you a f*cking human from the Federation? Can a human pick up this thing?

"Oh, right. I brought you your photon computer. Aren't you going to take a look?"

* * * * *