
Mech Terror

This e-book is about a young man named Gray, who was one of many humans on earth to witness an alien invasion and survive. He not only survived he also fights back, becoming every alien Mech's terror. How he does that? With the help of stolen alien knowledge and a new type of power known as Bio plasma, with this knowledge he builds Mech’s, space ships and all sorts of weapons for his crew that he assembled to fight with him, though he can’t use a Mech at the moment. That is one of his goals for the future! So, join him on his journey as he fights to save mankind and to avenge his dead mother.

Jet_Redelinghuys · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 2 Boarding the Ship

Gray slowly made his way to the black and blue cuboid ship; he then muttered in a low voice that only he could hear. "This thing is huge. It's hard to imagine that it can fly."

He thought of every possible way it could work but couldn't even imagining it working with the knowledge he possessed. Though he is an engineer student going to university he still could not understand how it worked. To him the ship and this whole invasion was in the realm of science fiction.

Gray shook his head getting his head out of the clouds and back into reality. He then slowly crept into the giant open hanger taking each step cautiously. Thinking to himself about avenging his dead mother motivated him.

Even though Gray seemed calm and cautious on the outside he was actually burning with hatred on the inside. He thought 'What happens if they have guns or are stronger than me, what will I do?'

"Well, it's too late to back out now. I'm already in the ship." He said to himself in a low voice to boost his courage.

Looking around, he found himself in a huge empty hanger bay. There were no Mech's or aliens around.

"Where are they?" He asked in a confused and quiet tone. "I better hurry up and look around to see what I can find."

He searched the large and empty hanger finding nothing but empty space, there was nothing he could take with him. The inside and the outside of the ship had strange circuit like lines imbedded in the wall's that emitted a comfortable blue light.

"Dammit was this a waste of time? There's nothing here." He said in an exasperated tone.

Thinking to himself 'I better get out of here before I get caught.'

He then started to make his way out of the hanger bay, but then a strange sound came from his side.


When that happened Gray jumped to his side and assumed some kind of strange karate stance. After some time, he noticed that it was a small hatch that opened next to him. He took a few steps back, then the hatch closed.


"Phew… it's an automatic door." Gray spoke in a hushed tone after he breathed out a sigh of relief.

Shaking form all the excitement and adrenalin that was rapidly flowing through his veins. He then started to examine the automatic hatch. It was roughly a square meter in diameter.

'It seems these aliens are quite small.' thinking to himself. Still, embarrassed about his earlier actions. 'Well, it's better to be safe than sorry' Gray thought well trying to console himself.

He took a few steps forward and the little hatch opened again.


Gray then bent down to look at what was inside this strange hatch. As he got closer to it, he noticed that it smelled a little. 'So, the aliens stink huh?' Gray thought jokingly.

Looking into the hatch he did not see any aliens, the only thing he saw was a cramped and dimly lit hallway. 'This kind of reminds me of those alien horror movies. Damn, I hope this isn't a trap they set up for me so they could hunt me for entertainment.' Gray thought as he shivered.

"Man, up Gray. Let's just get this over with." He mumbled to encourage himself.

He slowly got onto his knees and crawled into the dimly lit hallway. As soon as he got into the hallway the hatch behind him closed.


Gray looked back and gulped, he slowly crawled down the cramped and dimly lit hallway. Noticing that the air was becoming humid and the smell became more pungent. The deeper he got only to find out it had another hatch at the end of it.

When the hatch slid open, he found it to be some kind of lift system. 'Is this some sort of elevator?' he though while scoffing at the familiar sight. He moved back a little and the lift door closed again.

He then cautiously made his way to the small lift system, the sliding door of the lift opened. Gray on the other hand panicked as he thought. 'Damn, there is nowhere to hide or turn in this cramped hallway.'

"I'm doing a dangerous thing here exploring this thing, I might even die. No, I probably will die. Whatever… if I die, I die, I've never been a coward in life and I'm not going to start now. Besides, I still haven't seen the faces of the bastard's who killed my mother." Gray spoke as he motivated himself again.

He slowly entered the lift as he got in.


The sliding door of the lift closed and it started going up. He thought to himself 'is this some kind of ghost ship or something?'

Soon that thought ended when the lift stopped and its doors opened, as soon as that happened Gray got hit with the most horrid smell he had ever smelled in his life. He couldn't help but cuss while covering his nose.

"What the hell?" He asked with his hand over his nose.

Keeping his voice down, he slowly looked around and noticed a strange clear slime on the floor that took on a disgusting blue color from the lights of the ship.

"Is that horrid smell coming from that stuff? I hope it's not poisonous?" Gray questioned himself as the left the lift and continued to crawl on the ground while getting himself covered in the otherworldly smelling slime.

He looked around to find himself in the same looking hallway as before, the only difference was that there was a hatch on the side. 'Should I go straight or left?' He thought and decided 'I'll go straight and see where that leads too?'

After Gray made up his mind, he went straight, when he got to the hatch, it opened and he slowly crawled through it. To his surprise he found himself at the top of the hanger bay, he looked around to find nothing just like his first try. However, he did notice that five slime trails led to a drop.

He started to think. 'It was impossible for them to just drop down because I did not find any slime trails at the bottom of the hanger.' The more he looked around the more clues he found. 'It seems that these trails lead to what is supposed to be where those alien Mech's were parked.' thinking of this, he decided not to waste any more time and went back into the hallway.

The hatch behind him closed the air started to smell again. Gray started to curse the aliens for leaving such smelly slime trails, thinking of this, he imagined that the aliens were slug like in appearance.

He finely got to the hatch that was on his left but now was on his right because he was facing the other way this time. The hatch detected his presence and opened. He slowly crawled into it and found that it had a longer hallway than the previous ones.

The deeper Gray got, the fouler it smelt, because Gray was crawling on all fours

like a little baby. One of his hands accidently slipped on the slime and he fell face first into it.


"Bla... tu… tuu... tu!"

"I got some in my mouth, it tastes terrible. My tongue is burning. Oh, its hurts and the taste, it's killing me."

Gray's tongue started to go numb and he gradually lost his taste, the thought of losing his taste did not stop him from moving forward.

"Thankfully I can't taste that trash anymore." He spoke in an annoying tone because of his numb tongue.

Gray got closer to the end of the hallway, the hatch slowly opened to reveal a dimly lit control room with an alien suspended in the middle of it, wearing some kind of head gear. A low pitch growling sound come from it; it seemed not to have noticed Gray behind it.

Grey observed for a bit and noticed that it seemed to be asleep. It looked uglier than he imagined it to be. It had a slug like body with a bulging spinal cord and long bony arms with four fingers, it did not have any legs.

By the looks of it, it used its arms to crawl around. As Gray was looking from behind, he did not get to see its face. It was suspended in the air by some robotic arm thing while wearing head gear or so he thought. The more he looked at it the more his killing intent rose. He was getting ready for the kill.

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