
Chapter One Must Save

In the distant year 5024 AD, the legendary Cyber Star was raging in the depths of the universe, burning 980000 kilometers away from Earth.

This is already the most brutal war in human history, a magnificent battle that brings together four major camps: the Earth Alliance Army, the Moon Shield, the Cyber Man, and the Sun God Space City Future Man.

When this planet in the starry sea comes into view, it is a symbol of war, as if a dazzling Milky Way is dancing in the air, and the smoke of battle rises here, full of shock and tragedy.

In the depths of space, on Cyber, various warships shuttle like meteors, intertwined with artillery fire, like fireworks in the night sky, brilliant and brilliant.

The battleships of the Earth Alliance army wind like dragons in the sky of Cybertron, and their laser artillery in their hands is like the dawn, illuminating the dark universe.

The shield men of the Moon, on the other hand, are like warriors guarding the moon, using their resilient shields to resist the fierce attacks of the Cyber humans and remain indomitable.

Cyber humans possess unparalleled technological power, and their mechs descend like celestial beings, flashing from the darkness and killing with just one strike.

The future people of Sun God Space City, on the other hand, utilize their advanced technology and unparalleled intelligence to control high-tech weapons, as if they have mastered the rules of the universe.

In this unprecedented battle of falling stars, everyone exists like a hero.


The main city is Tesla City.

"Huang Wei! You his mother! Don't save this old man. Go, go! Do you copy! I'm Wu Baoning, the captain of the team! You bastard, do you hear me?"

"The mission has failed! We need to retreat quickly now!"

Captain Wu Baoning is roaring in an unusually trembling hoarse voice amidst the 3-meter-high heavy mecha "Savior 001".

The head of the mecha is equipped with advanced detectors and sensors, which can sense the surrounding environment in real-time and provide a comprehensive view for the savior.

A pair of huge robotic arms are equipped with various weapons, including laser cannons, missile launchers, energy shields, etc., which are capable of dealing with various combat scenarios.

The power system of Savior 001 can be considered magical. It has a powerful fusion engine that can continuously provide energy. An efficient energy management system can ensure optimal performance during combat.

The internal structure of the mecha is even more impressive. Savior 001 has an advanced neural network system that can process large amounts of data and instructions in real-time. Advanced life support systems and medical equipment can provide comprehensive support for the savior in combat.

The bastard in his mouth, Huang Wei, is Wu Baoning's contemporary soldier, the same age as him, and a rescue soldier of the Earth Alliance Army.

The communication device inside the heavy mecha of Savior 001 suddenly emitted intermittent electrical sounds, telling of something unusual.

The owner of the mech, Wu Baoning, frowned as his ears caught the noise, making his mood even more restless and uneasy.

His gaze revealed an indescribable anxiety, as his fingers rapidly tapped on the console, attempting to identify the root cause of the problem.

The sound of electric currents kept coming, interfering with his thinking. He silently adjusted his breathing, trying to calm down. He felt like a heavy mech himself.

I forcefully pressed the button on the communication device and prepared to contact the outside world again.

"Damn it! A group of trash, even their communication network has been cut off by cyber hackers' bastards. You logistics support units, what do the Earth Alliance Army want from you?"

In Wu Baoning's despairing eyes, the fiery skyline of Cybertron was reflected, reflecting his inner world.

The artificial atmosphere filled with gas, which was supposed to be a symbol of human technological power, turned into a human purgatory in this instant, becoming a hollow miracle.

The flames of the skyline were like scorched dragon scales, churning and burning, piercing through the originally blue sky.

Under this burning sky, the towering buildings of Cyber collapsed instantly, like fragile lives being engulfed by flames.

Under the extensive bombardment of high-energy electromagnetic cannons, laser cannons, particle cannons, and other weapons from the Earth Alliance's battleship fleet, the Moon Shield Legion, and the Sun God Space City Legion.

In the afterglow of the sun about to set, Wu Baoning was surrounded by heavy steel and cold machinery in the massive Savior 001 mecha.

However, through the sensing system of the heavy mecha, he seemed to be able to feel the pervasive smell of smoke and the burnt smell of mechanical corrosion in the air.

That is an undeniable aura of war, deeply imprinted in the air, seemingly able to resonate with all machines.

He gently turned his head, listening to the suppressed whispers of war.

That is a long lost and familiar smell, mixed with the smell of gunpowder, engine oil, and burnt metal. It is the smell of war, the smell of survival.

He could feel every inch of the skin of Savior 001 responding to this smell.

Wu Baoning's eyes sparkled in the darkness, his heart beating in sync with the mech, each beat carrying firm faith and endless courage.

His hand gently slid over the console, caressing the familiar yet unfamiliar parts. His eyes were filled with determination and determination. He knew he couldn't fail because he was the pilot of the Savior 001 mecha.

Huang Wei, wearing a lightweight mecha, has suffered varying degrees of damage to various parts of his body.

Huang Wei, a medical mech soldier, is currently at the entrance of the central building in Tesla City, dragging an elderly android. His gaze was firm, and his words surged out like a torrent, filled with a strong desire to compete for this biomimetic person.

"No, I can't leave Grandma Jesus behind!"

The Jesus mother-in-law in Huang Wei's mouth is a highly intelligent bionic developed by Cybertron, specializing in the research of combat mechas. She is developed by Cyberstar using advanced technology and materials, and has a high degree of intelligence.

As a combat mecha expert, I possess excellent mechanical design and manufacturing capabilities, capable of creating various advanced combat mechas, including defense, attack, reconnaissance, and other types.

Not only can it independently design and manufacture mechas, but it can also collaborate with humans to complete complex tasks together.

Huang Wei's voice is a bit hoarse, but every word appears strong and powerful. He clenched his fist and declared his determination to seize Cyberstar. He took a deep look at Grandma Jesus.

"She is a very important biomimetic to Earthlings! Our Earth's combat mechs need her help to further transform!"

Huang Wei's eyes sparkled with light, and his voice echoed in the air.

"Never give up on her! Trust me!"

Huang Wei's voice was full of determination and determination. His tone was like that of a knight, braving thorns and vowing to snatch Mother Jesus from Cybertron.

Giving up on Grandma Jesus is equivalent to giving up on Earth.

Grandma Jesus, a legendary figure in the biomimetic world, is now experiencing a chilling drop in vital signs, which is heart wrenching.

Her body was forgotten by time, and the operation of the machinery was about to enter an eternal stagnation. Her eyes were like extinguished stars, dim and lifeless.

The medical team of the Earth Alliance Army is like ants on a hot pot, nervous and anxious. Every faint heartbeat is a provocation to their abilities. Every slight fluctuation of breath is like a challenge to the resilience of life.

The vital signs of Mother Jesus were like a candle consumed by darkness, swaying and crumbling. Her body was eroded by countless small cracks and would collapse at any moment.

It is highly likely that the efforts of the medical team will be in vain.

In a corner of the Tesla Central Building in the main city of Cybertron, several biochemical mecha soldiers are like steel giants.

Waving the giant pulse whip in his hand, he forcefully pushed towards Huang Wei who was rescuing him.

Each section of the whip is made of the hardest metal, and each section has undergone special hardening treatment, making it more resilient than any other metal.

Each section of the giant pulse whip is equipped with tiny pulse generators, which are manufactured by the most advanced technology.

When the whip is swung, these tiny pulse generators will start working, producing a unique pulse effect. This effect not only makes the whip more flexible, but also enhances its strength.

At its end is a delicate magic crystal ball that can be used to control the direction and speed of the whip.

When the user is focused, the crystal ball will become crystal clear, displaying the direction and speed of the whip. At the same time, it can also adjust the intensity and frequency of pulses based on the user's mental strength, making the whip more flexible and powerful.

Their armor shimmered with a cold metallic luster, and whips whizzed through the air, emitting a piercing buzzing sound.

These soldiers, driven by anger and fury, approached Huang Wei mercilessly.

Huang Wei is working hard to provide treatment for the injured Jesus mother-in-law.

He appeared slightly panicked, operating complex medical equipment in his hands, transfusing blood and injecting medication for the injured, striving to maintain her life.

The approach of the bio mech soldier put pressure on him, but he did not back down, let alone give up.

The air was filled with a tense atmosphere, even time slowed down.

Huang Wei was fully focused on operating the medical equipment while watching the approaching soldiers with vigilance.

The pulse whip of Cybertron's bio mech soldier slashed through the air and headed straight towards Huang Wei.

Huang Wei's mecha instantly reacted, flexibly avoiding the whip's attack while adjusting the medical equipment to the best state, providing the most effective treatment for the injured.

The biochemical soldiers of Cybertron saw the situation and launched another attack. The whip drew arcs in the air, trying to devour Huang Wei. However, Huang Wei did not back down. He stood firmly there, using his medical skills and courage to confront the biochemical mecha soldiers of these cyber stars.

In the central building, the battle between Huang Wei and the bio mecha soldiers continues.

Their battle is not only a struggle of strength and technology, but also a persistent pursuit of respect for life and treatment. And all of this was recorded by the indifferent Cyber Sky.

"Damn it! You're a level one mecha soldier who dares to confront Cybertron's bio mecha soldiers! You're crazy!"

Wu Baoning aimed the Savior 001 heavy mech he was manipulating at the bio mech soldiers who were fighting against Huang Wei.

"Damn it!"

The people around made such sounds, indicating that Wu Baoning's behavior had exceeded their imagination.

A level one mecha soldier on Earth dares to confront the bio mecha soldiers on Cybertron, it's like an ant trying to shake a big tree.

Wu Baoning ignored the screams around him, his gaze fixed, and he was ready to die.

He manipulated the Savior 001 heavy mech and aimed at the bio mech soldiers who were fighting against Huang Wei.

The muzzle of the Savior 001 heavy mecha opened slightly, ready to fire powerful energy shells at any time. The cold light emanating from it flickered in the darkness, like a beast ready to attack at any moment.

However, at this moment, Wu Baoning is not in a hurry to attack. He stared closely at the bio mecha soldier who was fighting against Huang Wei. It was a dark green bio mecha soldier, and its dark green light flickered in the darkness, like a ghost.

"It looks like your opponent is a bit strong," Wu Baoning said in an internal communication.

The communication equipment has been restored to normal.

"Yeah," Huang Wei nodded, realizing the strength of the bio mecha soldiers. But he didn't back down, he knew it was their only chance.

Wu Baoning took a deep breath and then suddenly pressed the shell launch button. The muzzle of the Savior 001 heavy mech instantly spewed out a dazzling beam of energy, directly targeting the dark green bio mech soldier.

The surrounding air was torn apart, and the power of the energy beam was so strong that everyone closed their eyes. Only the dark green bio mecha soldier is still persevering, its dark green light flickering, resisting the attack of the energy beam.

At this moment, time froze, with only the biochemical mecha soldier facing off against the Savior 001 heavy mecha. Huang Wei and the people around him are anxiously waiting for the result.

The energy beam hit the bio mech soldier. The dark green light instantly dissipated, and the body of the bio mecha soldier also collapsed, turning into a pile of scrap iron and falling to the ground.

The Earth Alliance mecha soldiers around were almost crying and shouting, emitting a restrained cheer.

Subsequently, Cybertron's medium to large biochemical armored robots collided head-on, crushing dozens of Earth Alliance soldiers into foam.

The surrounding Earth Alliance mecha soldiers were swept by a sudden gust of wind, and for a moment, they were extremely frightened, almost unable to control their emotions, crying and emitting a burst of frightened cheers.

However, the cheers had not yet been fully released, and Cybertron's medium to large biochemical armored robots were like a raging monster, rushing forward and crushing over dozens of Earth Alliance soldiers in an instant, turning them into foam and fragments.

The soldiers were stunned by this scene, their eyes filled with terror and fear.

The soldiers who had not yet had time to escape were desperately jumping backwards, avoiding the impact of the unmanned machine, screaming one by one. Their figures appeared so small and helpless in front of the huge body of the machine.

In this catastrophic scene, the soldiers of the Earth Alliance Army were like a group of helpless lambs, crushed into foam and fragments by the medium-sized biochemical armored robots of Cybertron.

Wu Baoning tightly held the weapon in his hand, with a determined gleam in his eyes. They vowed to fight to the death against this unmanned machine.

A shocking roar came from the sky, and a giant warship suddenly appeared next to Wu Baoning. It was like a huge meteorite, falling straight from the sky.

The warship exploded 100 meters away from Wu Baoning, and the huge shockwave instantly shattered everything around it, tearing the entire world apart by this force.

Wu Baoning widened his eyes, unable to believe everything in front of him. He watched as the huge warship burned in the explosion, flames and smoke rising, staining the sky with blood red.

His heartbeat accelerated, almost jumping out of his chest. He had never seen such a shocking scene before, where the entire universe was torn apart.

The people around were also stunned by the sudden scene. They widened their eyes and watched as the warship burned in the explosion, with a strong smell of gunpowder and burning in the air.

They screamed in terror and fled everywhere, afraid of being affected by that powerful force.