
Time Well Spent-3

Actually, after consideration... Bell needed to learn how to take loads onto his chest.

Ukala had helped Bell back into the church and started on Dinner, dishing it portions just as Bell was waking up, and Hestia was trotting through the door, her face beaming as she hadn't stopped riding the high of one of her children coming by and giving her lunch of all things!

It was a joyous day, her happiness like poison as it affected others, also boosting her sales for the day. Making over 30k in one day!

As she went to the safe in the church to put the money away she stopped as she skipped past the kitchen where Bell was sitting at the table, utensils in hands, practically drooling over the food in front of him.

So distracted by the cooking he didn't notice that Ukala had changed out of her simple fur bindings and changed into a dark shirt that fit her, still squeezed by the size of her large breast, having found a pair of pants similar to jeans to squeeze her fat ass in, it more surprising she was able to fit her dick inside...

Though it didn't help hide the fact she indeed had a penis, as even soft there was still a noticeable bulge due to the tightness of female clothing.

''Hestia? Welcome home! Come sit, I just finished making food for everyone.'' Ukala smiled as she set the large pot of rice down in the middle along with the many meats and vegetables.

''You... You made all this, but where did you get the money?'' Hestia asked, Bell only now looking up from the food.

''She made over 100k today! Apparently, she had gone straight to the eighth floor and went on a spree! Did she get clothes for us both, potions, even put in a request for better equipment, and bought a cart? And she STILL has 50k she put in the safe!''

Hestia's eyes went wide at that, quickly crossing the kitchen as she began to pull at Ukala's clothing, lifting her shirt and trying to see any injuries on her.

''Your not hurt, are you? I know you're from Monster Mountain, but the dungeon is still a dangerous place!'' She said as she examined her.

Ukala caught her hands, smiling. ''I'm fine, if anything it was more annoying to have to pick up everything myself, I plan to find a supporter that I can trust. Issued through the guild directly.''

Hestia frowned slightly, still not sure how she felt about Ukala going so far on her first day... But here she was, with no obvious signs of injury... But there was what smelled like potions in the air, why?

''Potions, did you have to take any?'' Hestia asked.

''No, I cooked with them.''

''You...What?'' Hestia asked, stepping back a bit confused.

''Cooked with them!'' Bell echoed, getting excited. ''Apparently, if you dilute healing potions, and combine them with food, or just make a large pot of drinking water with them, they help speed recovery, energize you, and are great nutritional substances for gaining and maintaining muscle mass! It's a whole science back in her village. You can even use it in gardening to increase gardening yield, as well as crops to increase yield!'' Bell was excited because it had been something... Different from what he tried to usually learn, more technical and harder to understand the 'exacts' of it, but exciting nonetheless.

He had realized today while he was learning the workout, that he had missed learning new things... It's part of the reason he was throwing himself so hard into the dungeons. Because he learned more about it each time.

''I... I see, but don't potions taste bitter?'' Hestia asked as she moved to start taking her stuff off, adding the money to the safe that was... Definitely far fuller than she left it, blushing slightly at how much help Ukala was on her first day... Should she make Ukala her captain?

''Apparently, they're trying potions that taste better, here taste the broth of the meat I'll be using for marinating some jerky.'' Ukala said as she offered the spoon to Hestia as she came back.

Hestia took a sip, her brows going up as she beamed. ''Oh, that tastes good! Now I know why Bell's so excited to eat!'' Hestia laughed, Bell smiling guiltily as they all say down and began to eat.

Hestia almost groaned out loud when the taste of the food shot through her body like an arrow, all of the food, despite it's size quickly vanishing.

''How... How did we eat all that?'' Hestia said as she rubbed at her belly, her head tilted back, leaning against the back of the chair she sat on.

''Potions help Digest food, as it pulls nutrients from the food as well to increase its effects... They make damn good potions, and their quality despite poor ingredients is simply unmatched... Even my people would be jealous of the quality.'' Ukala said as she took all the plates they used and went to wash them.

''NO!'' Hestia yelled as she got up, rushing over to push at Ukala.

''You cooked, and you went to the dungeon. Go rest! I'll take care of the dishes, it's the least I can do.'' Hestia struggled, her socks causing her to slide as she pushed at Ukala.

''Alright, alright. I can rest and start teaching Bell about mana.'' Ukala smiled as she backed off, Bell's head shooting up at that.

''I can learn magic?''

''I didn't say magic, I said mana. Which is important for you to understand even if you can't go around throwing fireballs.'' Ukala chuckled as they went to the living room, Ukala sat on the floor and got into a meditative position.

Helping Bell copy her position.

''Mana, is everywhere, and being able to understand it, is the grounds to learning some useful skills, Mana Sensing, being able to gauge someone's power better, strengthening your body through mana enchantment, and many other things. It can also prevent you from grabbing a cursed item later, as you will be able to feel the tainted mana of the object.''

''First, we learn to just breathe, to relax and find the calm in the world around us... You were a farmer Bell, think back to those times, when you plowed and seeded fields, when you would stare up to the stars after a long day's work and feel accomplished, the times you would wake up, dig your toes into the cold earth.''

Bell followed her instructions, closing his eyes he began to breathe, focusing back to the simpler, all be it more boring times.

It seemed he found his grove pretty quickly as he began to naturally relax, getting lost in the memory... It was during this he began to feel something around him, like a vague feeling of something from the Kitchen that was radiating pure, and another thing in front of him radiating strength, as if trying to actively poke at his sense.

''I feel... Pressures?'' Bell said, eyes still closed.

''That's good, healing potions have mana saturated into them, so it's best to train after you eat, and to be able to have someone who can move their mana freely, do you feel me poking?''

''Kind of, it feels like you're spiking your... mana, or pressure.''

''Just focus on that feeling, don't try and mimic it or anything, just get used to the pressure,'' Ukala ordered as they continued to meditate.

Hestia had finished washing dishes, and when she returned to the living room/bedroom, she noticed how Mana danced around her children.

Their mana danced smoothly together, but it was Ukala's much denser and larger mana pool that helped guide Bell's... It wasn't this easy, was it? Mana took years to master unless Bell had been around someone with high concentrations of magic for most of his life, like another God, but she had asked him if he knew or ever lived with another God, and he hadn't lied when he said no, only that he lived with his Grand Father.

Ukala could 'sense' the tiredness that was starting to fall over them, so she began to end the meditation, rousing Bell slowly from the concentration before speaking out loud. ''Let's put a pin on that and brush our teeth and get ready for bed. We'll keep at this, and when you start being able to sense that 'Pressure' even without meditating, we'll move onto the next step.''

Bell smiled and nodded, hopping to his feet as they prepared for bed.

That is how the first two weeks of Ukala's life in this world were, spending time with her new Familia and Goddess, training and making Bell stronger while making daily attempts at the dungeon to build up their capital until they could get Bell in some better, official gear...

Gear by a blacksmith named Welf, a light leather and metal armor combination that Bell enjoyed even despite his increased stats.


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