
Meant to Stay

if there was a hard time where you felt so low. You could break down and become almost nothing though it could not get any lower than that.

bunnie_crave1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Could it Be

The flat cool surface beneath me was keeping me here telling me I am alive still. Though the puddles of steaming crimson warmth within eyeshot told me could have been different. Could it be there was more to me being here in a place filled with no connection of warm caring feelings.

It couldn't have been the moment those cold spiked words flew straight at me from the one who helped create me. Right?

Maybe it was the strength of their touch that no longer felt safe though it wasn't far from the beginning of knowing that heart.

Promises. Promises.

"Promises are meant to be broken..." is what her voice whispered into my ears before sleeping and falling into her unfailing warmth.

There's no use rethinking through the slowly awakening pain. I have to pick myself up. I have to...

Believe that this is not the end.