
Meant to meet you

"What is she doing on my island?"he asked as he emphasized on the my. "Her friends played a silly prank on her,they abandoned her here when she was drank ,your stupid to cousin Larry happens to be her ex-fiancee.He did this to her so that he could marry her friend." Elsa is a B-list actress whose friends abandoned her on the heartless tycoon's private island hoping that the worst will happen to her .

Brenda_Belle · Urban
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3 Chs

The betrayal

Elsa opened her eyes to find herself lying at the beach, she looked around trying to figure out where she was at. The memories of the previous events started to flood her mind as as she felt slight pain. "aargh,"she groaned as she looked for the yacht and her friends.

"Damn it ," she cursed under her breath when she noticed she was all alone in some strange island.

"Jade ,Larry," she shouted .

There was a burning sensation on her throat and a slight headache probably caused by the excessive alcohol intake.

She decided to walk around to see if her friends were still around .

As she was about to get up she is hears an on old lady's voice humming a song .She turned to her left to see a lady who seemed to be in her mid fifties dressed in a white dress ,blue flip flops and an apron tied around her waist .She flashed Elsa a friendly smile .

"Oh dear are you lost ?"she asked in a motherly tone that made Elsa's eyes a bit watery as she remembered her own dead mother

"Am sorry to disturb you ma'am but have you seen any other people on this island?"

"No honey,this is a private island I wonder how you got here,I wasn't informed of any guests,"

Elsa's eyes widened when she heard private island .She was trespassing!

"Am really sorry ma'am I didn't know it's a private island ,"

"It's okay .You might want to follow me lest you want to spend the night here."

As she was about to walk she spotted a piece of paper that had Larry's handwriting on it .

Dear Elsa Reynolds,

Am guessing by the time you are reading this I am on my way to the city without you.Yes! it was all planned darling .We decided to leave you at my inhumane cousin's private island .Jade and I are getting engaged.Bet you may be wondering why .Jade has always been the woman of my dreams .She is beautiful,rich, ambitious,perfect and she is an A-list actress.She compliments me and gives in to all my demands even the sensual ones ,unlike you who is uptight and old school .Enjoy your stay there .By the way trespassing is a crime but don't worry orange looks good on you and prison food is similar to food at the orphanage.

Larry Welch.

Tears began to flow down her cheeks as she finished reading the letter .She was right about something being awfully wrong .Ever since her parents died she had never opened her heart to anyone .When Larry came along she gave him her all and now he had shamelessly slammed her heart into pieces .The betrayal was too much for her to take .She started hyperventilating as she cried uncontrollably.

"Oh dear what is wrong?" the lady asked and when Elsa didn't reply she took the paper from her hands .

"Oh my!What horrible people,"she exclaimed when she had finished reading the letter .

"Am so sorry honey,this is so sad. Don't worry my master will help you ,now come along ."