


''He is just so hot, like he came out directly from the magazine. I mean how is that even possible?'' Beatrice, Alex's new assistant, said, shaking her head.

It's been a few days since our date and I miss him like hell. We barely get any time to meet and I almost regret taking my old job back. Almost.

But he always makes sure to call me though, atleast once a day. Sometimes he comes to our floor to meet Rocco, in excuse to see me. And sometimes, I go to his office, using some excuses like getting his signature or giving him some files, like right now.

''Yes, I agree. I can go in now?'' I asked her impatiently, giving her a forced smile.

''Uh-ah, not so soon. I know what you are doing, Lucy. You come here every chance you get and you wont even let me, his assistant, to take those files to him'' she gave a knowing look and continued. ''No offense honey, but he is out of our league. I tried flirting with him on my second day and almost lost my job. He literally said 'Ms. Calvo, I don't appreciate what you are doing. Flirt with me again and you can see yourself out, forever.' I mean who the fuck says no to me.''

Well, I can tell why his rejection hurt her ego. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, a sexy figure and she is around 5ft 8inches. Fuck, why is everyone around him so tall and sexy?

''Ohh..'' I said, trying to sound surprised.

''Yeah, so stop trying or if you like him so much that you are willing to lose your job, then atleast show some skin. You are literally inside in your jacket.'' She said, eyeing my attire in distaste.

I wore a black shirt, blue pants and jacket. I love this combination and it's my favorite outfit, perfect for the office.

''I'm not going to flash my skin, Trix'' I said, rolling my eyes.

''Your loss'' she said dramatically, letting me go.

I knocked on the door, knowing Trix was still watching me from her desk and I entered when I heard a faint 'come in'.

My breath hitched when my eyes landed on him. His blazer is off and his shirt feels like his second skin, showing his muscles. His sleeves are rolled up, making him look more rugged and him going through some files on his desk with a serious frown is not helping.

''Mr. Ganovese, we have a serious problem.'' I said when he didn't notice me.

He smiled, still looking at the file. ''And what is it, Ms. Vitale?''

I went and stood near him, leaning against his desk. ''Your girlfriend is kind of upset that you two are not spending enough time together'' I said, pursing my lips.

''Is that so? Remind her that it's her idea to not work with me'' he smirked, looking up.

''So it's my fault now?'' I fake glared at him, crossing my arms.

He shook his head, smiling. ''Are you done for the day?''

I gaped at him. ''It's barely 11, I still have to make a few calls and schedule meetings.''

''Then you better run and complete them by noon, we are going out'' he said, shooing me.

On my way out, Trix shook her head, seeing my smiling face and it made me smile wider. He likes me. His girlfriend.

I made calls and scheduled meetings but there are still a few emails that I need to read and reply to, but I decided to do them later tonight.

I messaged Alex that I was ready and asked him to send me the location, saying I'd meet him there directly. As much as I want to go with him, we just started seeing each other and I don't want everyone in the office to gossip. They will definitely think we are just fucking. Another reason why I don't want to be his assistant anymore. I'll just be another Martha for them.

I frowned when I reached the location he sent. It's just a few blocks away from my apartment and it's definitely not a restaurant. He sent me the location of a house. His house. I looked at it in disbelief. We live this close to each other and I found out now?

I rang the doorbell and it was opened in seconds by Alex himself. He is wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. It was my first time seeing his muscles in the flesh and I wanted nothing but to lick them. I gulped inaudiblely. He is so ripped.

''You can still gawk at me after coming inside'' He said, trying to hide his smile, snapping me out of my trance. I smiled sheepishly and went inside.

As soon as I removed my jacket, Alex wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me hard. I moved my lips against his, trying to keep up with him. I shivered when he licked my lower lip after biting it.

''I have been dying to do this'' He said, pulling away.

I chuckled breathlessly. Me too. I hope I have the courage to say that out loud.

''What do you want for lunch?'' He asked, walking towards the kitchen.

''Anything but sea food'' I said, looking around.

He lives in luxury. I sat on the kitchen island while he took ingredients and vegetables from the refrigerator. I kind of expected him to reheat whatever food was in the refrigerator, but he is cooking. Can he get any more perfect?

''What are you making?'' I asked, placing my palms under my chin, looking at him curiously.

''Steak sandwich'' he said, tying his apron, taking a sharp knife to cut onions and tomatoes. Fuck, he looks hot.

''Hmm. Why didn't you tell me that you live 5 blocks away from me?''

He shrugged ''Never found the right time to mention it and you never asked where your boyfriend lives''

''I'm sorry, it's all new to me. Sometimes I feel like a teenage little girl who knows nothing about relationships and dating.'' I bit my lip looking down.

''It's okay. We will get there eventually. Now tell me how do you like your steak cooked?'' He smiled, holding the raw meat.

I shook my head, smiling ''Make it your way''

Soon, everything was in front of me. We sat on Kitchen Island itself, as this place is big enough to eat.

I closed my eyes in delight when the steak touched my taste buds. It is so juicy and delicious.

''Where did you buy the bread? It tastes different. Good, but different.'' The crunch is not very hard, and it also tastes amazing.

''I made it'', he said proudly, pointing at himself.

He chuckled seeing my dumbfolded face. I do know people make bread at home, but dang, this bread is on another level.

''Well, at least one of us knows how to cook'' I smiled sheepishly, taking another bite.

After eating, Alex kept the leftovers in the refrigerator and started cleaning the island. It's weird seeing a billionaire doing all the work, which is a bare minimum, but still it's a weird sight to watch.

I took the plates and placed them in the sink to wash. I turned around to get utensils too, but came face to face, uh– face to chest with Alex.

''Let it be, I'll wash them later.'' He said, tracing his thumb over my cheek.

''It's okay, I'll do it now or else your kitchen will stink'' I said, scrunching my nose at the end.

He gave me an amused smile ''You are not going to listen, are you?''

I shook my head negatively. He sighed in defeat and turned to get utensils.

I faced the sink and released a shaky breath. I'm trying so hard to not have dirty thoughts, so I decided to keep myself busy.

Is it weird that I want to kiss him? Touch him? I mean, we are in a relationship, right? Should I search for something on Google like how to makeout with my boyfriend without feeling anxious?

I jumped when Lexus's hand touched mine while he placed utensils in the sink. I'm extra cautious while doing dishes as I feel his gaze from the corner of my eyes. I looked down and saw that there were only two more plates left. Shit! I slowed my pace while washing them, all while trying not to look at him.

''Your house looks awesome, is it built or bought?'' I asked, walking out of the kitchen, as soon as I dried my hands.

''Build'' I heard him not too far from me.

I nodded my head and moved towards the backyard. There is a large pool on one side and a garden on the other side with a seating area. I took a deep breath and looked around aimlessly. What to do?


''Hmm. What?'' I asked, not turning around.

My breath hitched when I felt his arms wrapping around my waist. I shivered as his lips gazed at my earlobe. ''Tesoro, look at me''

I shook my head, not trusting my voice.

''I swear I'll not do anything, just look at me.''

I felt awful when he said that, like he did something wrong. I pinched my nose when my eyes stung with tears. I turned and looked at his concerned face.

''It's not that!'' I whined, closing my eyes.

''Then what? And why do you look like you are about to cry'' He said, caressing my cheek.

Oh god!! This won't work. He is too much for me. Too good. I can't even believe he likes me.

''Tesoro, you can tell me anything'' He said, kissing my forehead.

''I-It's just that, I w-want t-to–'' I stopped but Alex gave me an encouraging look so I took a deep breath.

''Iwanttokissyouandtouchyoubutimafraidthatillspoilit'' I said fastly. Okay, maybe I said it too fast.

He laughed out loud, throwing his head back, making me smile. Thankfully, this eased the tension between us.

''You are so fucking cute'' He kissed my cheek and swept me off my feet, making me scream.

''WHAT ARE YOU DOING! LET ME GO!! YOU'LL DROP ME'' I screamed, holding on to his neck tightly.

''No, I won't. Now stop squirming'' He said, taking me inside.

''You will eventually. I weigh a ton'' I said, burying my head in his neck, too afraid to look.

''Don't be ridiculous. You don't weigh that much. I can handle you perfectly''

I scoffed and looked at him. He looks sexy from this angle, so I enjoyed the view while he carried me upstairs. It's so overwhelming that I'm being carried. It's kind of my dream. Since I used to be obese, I knew no one could lift me. Even now, I weigh a little more for my age, but I don't care anymore. I leaned forward and kissed his jaw, smiling like an idiot.

''Hold me tightly'' I did as he said, while he opened the door.

I think it's his bedroom. It looks so clean, that it brings shame to my room.

He sat on the bed, with me on his lap. I wrapped my legs around him, so that I'm facing him now.

''Now tell me what you want, Tesoro'' He asked me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

''I-I want to kiss you'' I whispered, looking down.


''To touch you'' I said, tracing my fingers along his biceps and looking into his eyes, which were now darkened with desire.

He clenched his jaw and gripped my hips. ''Then do it''

I closed my eyes and brushed my mouth against his. We kissed slowly at first, but it soon became hot as he sucked my upper lip, making me moan.

I leaned forward, pressing my body against his, squeezing his arms with my hand. He sucked on my bottom lip and I licked his lips. He didn't open his mouth and I moaned in frustration.

''Lexus, please.'' I muttered against his lips with a pout. I guess I'll call him Lexus whenever I'm horny.

''What do you want, Tesoro?''

I blushed ''I want a real kiss.''

I ignored his amused smile and licked his lips again. He opened his mouth, which made me smile. I pushed my tongue into his mouth, he sucked hard on it, making me moan loudly. I tugged his arms when he slipped his tongue into my mouth, exploring it with gentle licks. He cupped my neck and angled his mouth over mine and kissed me more deeply, making me melt in his arms.

I suddenly regretted wearing this outfit. I wish I had more fashion sense right now. My shirt is so thick and it's black. I remember the day when he traced my nipple with his thumb. That thought alone made my body feel hotter, hardening my nipples.

I didn't realize I was pressing my breasts against him, until he cupped my breast and squeezed it firmly. I arched into his hand whimpering with pleasure. I pulled away from his lips and looked at him, breathing hard.

He looked at me hungrily, still cupping my breast, but didn't do anything, as if waiting for my reaction.

I bit my lip. He feels like a drug, consuming me, making me want more of him.

''I want more'' I whispered, squeezing his shoulders.

He traced my lower lip with his thumb, looking at me intensely. ''Tell me to stop if it's too much, okay?''

I nodded my head and he didn't waste any time before burying his head in my neck, nibbling and sucking on my skin. He squeezed my breast again one last time and started to undo my shirt buttons.

My breathing became irregular with both excitement and anxiety. Lexus's hands touched my bare waist when he untucked my shirt, making me shudder. I love how his touch feels delicious. He helped me remove my shirt completely, leaving me in my bra.

He took a sharp breath, looking at my breasts. ''Bellissimo!'' He muttered and cupped both my breasts.

''Ahhh..'' I moaned, closing my eyes, when he pinched my nipples through the fabric. He sucked the skin on my breasts harshly, moving his hands to the back of my bra, unhooking it.

''Do you want me to stop?'' he asked, trailing his fingers on my naked back.

''God, no! Please, not now Lexus'' I whimpered, looking at him pleadingly.

He smiled and pulled my bra straps down my arms. He tossed my bra across the floor and buried his head in my breasts, cupping them.

''Please'', I begged him. I don't know for what, but I want, no I need him to do something.

He sucked and licked my collarbone and started peppering kisses on the top of my breast.

''Fuck Lexus!! Please.'' I cursed, pulling his head down towards my nipple, making him laugh.

He kissed my nipple and looked up, smiling teasingly. ''Patience, Tesoro''

I looked at him in disbelief. ''You have gotta be kidd—'' I squealed when he tossed me on the bed and hovered above me.

My jaw dropped when he pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it away. I got up with the help of my elbow and traced his abs with my fingers. God, he is ripped and perfect.

I looked at him sheepishly when he closed my mouth. He chuckled and pushed my back into his bed. Wow, this bed is so soft and comfy.

I frowned. Wait. He has a reputation with women. Did they share this soft and comfy bed with him?

''Do you usually bring girls here?'' I asked without even thinking.

I closed my eyes in frustration. My timing sucks!!

I hissed in pleasure when Lexus pinched and pulled my nipple, snapping me out.

''You are the only woman that has got to share this bed with me, Tesoro. I never brought anyone home. So, stop your unnecessary thoughts. Okay?'' He said, placing kisses between my breasts.

I nodded whimpering.

''Words, baby'' He muttered squeezing my nipple.

''Yes!!! Yes, oka— Oh!!'' I let out a loud cry of pleasure, when he took my nipple into his warm mouth. He sucked hard and tugged it with his teeth, sending a wave of pleasure to my south.

I ran my fingers through his curls, as he licked my nipple soothingly, while squeezing and toying with my other breast. I arched my back and squeezed his leg with my thighs, when he sucked my other nipple, giving it the same attention.

''Do you like me playing with your nipples, Tesoro? Sucking them? Hmm?'' He murmured, circling my nipple with his tongue.

''Yes!!'' I cried. ''Oh, yes, I need more.''

God!! His dirty talk is turning me on even more.

He lied down beside me and cupped my face with one hand, kissing me while his other hand was squeezing my breasts, pinching and pulling my nipples. I was gasping, squirming and moaning under him. I froze when his hand slipped inside my pants, into my panties.

''I‐I—'' Words caught in my throat. I don't even know whether to stop him or encourage him to continue.

''It's alright. We will not do anything. I'm just going to make you feel good. I Promise.''

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. Our tongues stoked each other and I sucked his tongue, tracing my fingers along his arm. I squirmed and cried out with pleasure when I felt his fingers against my swollen clit. He started to circle my clit gently making me a moaning mess.

''Fuck, you are soaking, so ready for me.'' He whispered and I blushed.

''L-Lexus. Please'' I begged.

''What do you want, Tesoro?'' He asked, slowing down his pace.

''I w-want more. Faster, please.'' I whined, moaning.

He rubbed faster and harder, making a knot in my belly.

''L-Lexus'' I whimpered, holding on to him.

''I know baby'' I squealed when he pinched my clit, sending me over the edge and I came like never before. It was so intense that I almost passed out.

I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me with parted lips, in amazement.

''You are so fucking gorgeous'' He whispered and kissed me hard, knocking me out of breath.

He pulled away and grinned, licking his fingers that were coated with my– with my– ''You also taste amazing '' I blushed hard but reached out and kissed him, tasting myself.

He groaned into my mouth, pulling me closer. Our half-naked bodies pressed against each other, I moaned when my nipples brushed against his chest.

Fuck, this is so hot.

He pulled away and placed his forehead against mine. ''I need to take a shower, I'll be back. Don't move.'' He said, kissing my temple and climbed down the bed.

I blushed when I saw his– umm, thing stood proudly between his legs. I turned my head flustered, afraid of being caught— gawking at his– uh, thing.

I released a breath when I heard the bathroom door closed. I smiled, took a pillow and cuddled into it. This bed is so soft. I hummed with satisfaction and looked at my watch.

My eyes widened when I saw the time. Shit, shit, shit!!! It's almost 4PM and I have to pick up Vicky and Jay at 4:30 from school.

I stumbled out of bed, almost falling on my face and searched for my bra. I sighed in relief when I found it. I clasped my bra and wore my shirt, tucking it neatly.

I groaned when I felt stickiness between my legs. I left the room in search for a bathroom, to clean myself, and thankfully found it, in one of the bedrooms. I hope Alex won't mind me using it.

I came back to his room and found him wrapped in a towel that hung low, showing his V line. I gulped and looked into his narrowed and confused eyes. ''Didn't I tell you to not move?''

I rolled my eyes. ''You did, but sorry I can't. I have to pick Jay and Vicky up —'' I paused and looked at my watch. '' in 20 minutes.''

''I'll ask one of my guards to pick them up'' he said, looking disappointed.

I shook my head and went near him. ''They won't come, unless it's me or Nat.''

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, ''and even if Nat picks them, I should be there when they reach home''

He frowned and pulled me closer, gripping my hips. ''You always have reasons, it's not fair.''

I smiled, pecking his lips. ''Spend the weekend with us?'' I asked hesitantly, hoping he would agree. Dating me means being in my kids' lives too. Jay still needs to warm up with the fact that I am in a relationship with Alex, considering Jay's extra coldness towards him.

To my relief, he grinned. ''I would love to. What do you guys usually do?''

''We normally go to the bakery where I used to work. But we can go somewhere else.''

''You used to work in a bakery?'' He asked surprised, raising his eyebrows.

''More like learning how to bake. Okay, I'm running late. You know how slow I drive.''

He shook his head, smiling. ''Atleast let me change.''

''It's okay'' I said and kissed him hard, catching him off guard.

''Oh and text me where you brought your mattress. It's so comfy'' I said before closing the bedroom door at his amused face.