
Meant to be forever

How would you feel after seeing your childhood crush after he disappeared for a long time? Wang Peng looked at the boy who was in her arms, she had saved him while swimming at the surface. This wasn't the first time she had seen him, she was already in love with him, she left him at the shore and slipped back into the ocean. Lu Thassakpa remembered that weird creature whom he saw save him, had he hallucinated? Having been not allowed to step out of the palace, Wang Peng grew curious about what was in the outside world for which she wasn't allowed to go. At the age of five, she went against her father and sneaked out of the palace, for which she encountered the handsome guy. She always went there in the hope to meet him but never saw him, her father had found out about her sneaking and kept a strict eye on her. She gazed at him lovingly and he had tears in his eyes, this was the first time she saw him cry, holding onto his face, she murmured in a low voice" Thassakpu, live forr me, continue our love, I want..you to..continue on withoutme.." her voice started to fade. "Shhh..I can't..." he tried to assure her "Promise me" she interrupted him "I...I promise" he said unwillingly He stared at her lifeless body. Volume two. Having lived for more than a thousand years, he was reborn again but as the same person with his memories, Lu Thassakpu had tried to end his life for years but never succeeded. ... He stared at the young girl before him, she looked somewhat familiar although he couldn't remember where.

Dessy_Success · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Don't want to go back

Wang Peng turned nervously to face her cousin Wang Xinyi.

"Xinyi...", Wang Peng couldn't look at her cousin out of guilt, she could only lower her head slightly not daring to look in her eyes.

"Wang Peng...you... didn't... didn't you say you were going to the human kingdom? How close you're in Axure Kingdom?", Wang Xinyi asked in a surprised voice.

"I...I really stay in the human kingdom I only found out about this kingdom today!", Wang Peng said.

"Has no one discovered your secret in the human kingdom?", Wang Xinyi asked.

"I...No!", Wang Peng lied, actually no one knew she was a mermaid but she had shown two girls mermaids were true unintentionally.

"Wang Peng...", Wang Xinyi called out in a hoarse voice, her voice shaking a bit.

Wang Peng looked at Wang Xinyi nervously.

"Are...are you really never coming back?", Wang Xinyi's voice shook.

"I...I can't! I like the human world, it's like it's my real world!", Wang Peng couldn't help but smile when she spoke.

"You...the King is here, he's searching for you. You should leave immediately!", Wang Xinyi warned.

Although she was angry at Wang Xinyi she still cared about her, she respected Wang Peng's decision.

"Xinyi....thank you"

"Hmph! Don't think I'm still not angry at you", Wang Xinyi pouted angrily.

"...", Did she just annoy Wang Xinyi?

"I'm leaving", Wang Peng pulled Wang Xinyi into a warm embrace.

"You...", Wang Xinyi was shocked by her actions.

"I'll miss you very much!", Wang Peng's voice trembled a bit.

Wang Xinyi couldn't shed tears because she was a mermaid,they only shed pearls when they were very sad.

"Wang Peng... hurry and leave", Wang Xinyi pushed Wang Peng away.

Wang Peng waved at Wang Xinyi but Wang Xinyi didn't understand that gesture. The reason was simple, mermaids didn't use that gesture to say goodbye.

The moment Wang Peng left a palace guard immediately appeared behind Wang Xinyi.

"You...how long have you been here?", Wang Xinyi was scared out of her wits.

"I just came here princess. Is anything the matter? I saw you speaking with someone who looked like Princess Wang Peng", The palace guard spoke in a suspicious tone.

"Are you being suspicious? Do you think I know where the princess is hiding? Do you think I could bear to see uncle so worried?", Wang Xinyi was furious, she didn't expect a palace guard to show such attitude.

"I'm sorry Second Princess!", The guard apologized and fled away scared that the princess would punish him severely.

Wang Xinyi sighed helplessly, her uncle was worried because he didn't know what had happened to his daughter! This was the same way his wife had suddenly disappeared and had never returned.

She went back to the palace feeling a bit guilty.


Wang Peng quickly swam away as fast as she could, she was sure her father wouldn't suspect she was in the human world.

The moment she reached the surface she was scared out of her wits, Lu Thassakpu was right there on the beach and had even noticed her.

"You...", Lu Thassakpu was shocked, he had been here for some time and he had clearly not seen anyone around. Where did she suddenly appear from?

"How did you get in?", Lu Thassakpu finally found his voice, he looked at her pretty face and couldn't help admit in his heart that this girl was one kind of a rare beauty, she was so beautiful at this young age he wondered how she would look in the future.

Wang Peng felt her heart beat very fast when Lu Thassakpu looked at her in a daze.

"I...", Wang Peng tried to rack her brains to find a reasonable excuse.

Lu Thassakpu finally came back to his senses when he heard her speak.

"I...I need your shirt!", Wang Peng said.

"What?", Lu Thassakpu was shocked when he heard her.

"I...I'm naked!"

Lu Thassakpu's eyes widened and his ears turned slightly red, he threw his shirt at her and walked a bit farther away with his back facing her.

Wang Peng heaved a sigh of relief and came out of the sea, she used his shirt to wipe her tail and soon they were dry. Her two legs appeared soon, she immediately put on his shirt which was only slightly below her butt exposing her beautiful snow white long legs.

Her silver hair was damp from wetness and the blue shirt stick to her body because she was wet, it revealed her little curves. She was now maturing and in her teen stage so she didn't have much of a shape but her shape could be considered better compared to other teen girls.

"I'm done changing", Wang Peng called out to Lu Thassakpu, who had still not turned.

Lu Thassakpu turned but the moment he saw Wang Peng his face flushed red and he immediately turned around again.

"Are you crazy?", he yelled at her.

"What's wrong with you?", Wang Peng didn't understand why this crazy guy was yelling at her.

"You...why aren't you wearing any shorts? Your thighs are exposed!", Lu Thassakpu yelled again but this time his voice was different.

"But I don't have any shorts! Why don't you give me yours?", Wang Peng said.

Hearing her Lu Thassakpu's face flushed even redder.


"What's shameless? You're so stringy! You have two shorts, you're wearing one inside and one outside what's wrong with giving me one?", Wang Peng sneered.

"You...", Lu Thassakpu was speechless! Was this girl so innocent that she didn't know what she was saying? If he had to give her his shorts he could only give her the one he wore inside because there was no way he could walk out wearing only the inside shorts.

But if she wore his inside shorts there would be no problem since she was short, it could cover half of her thighs. It was just that...his shorts had touched his thing... how could he give it to her? it was so awkward.

"Hmph stingy guy!", Wang Peng walked away not minding that she wasn't wearing anything underneath.