
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

" Mother, did you not love my father even a bit? " Valeria while a tears is now flowing in her cheeks. " How can you love such a barbaric witch hunter ! He knew my weakness and use it against me everytime? Love ? huh! " Salma said. " Not until when he died that I have a real freedom. Too bad , I don't have anyone to go back to because they are all murdered. And who will take a half blooded witch like me? I might as well use this organization to do what I want. " Salma continues. Valeria did not say anymore words because she knew how harsh her mother's tounge is. " You need to listen to me , or else he will die. " Salma whisper her while wiping the tears on her cheeks. " Or do you want I will first start with his father? He is a long collegue of mine..." Salma whisper. " Okay! Okay! I will listen to you! " Valeria surrender. " Good. Okay be a good girl. " Salma said.

That day when Ingrid and the villager are escaping , she instructed the wind to check on her mother and finds out that she is still alive but captured by the witch hunters. This day , she will have to go to a journey to find her mother and save her. But before saving her mother she needs a bigger plan.

She did is not far from the south witch village when she hear a voice. " Help! Help!" a voice coming from the bamboo side. Ingrid is suppose to ignore it but his yelling is getting into her ears. She saw a man who is yelling and he is in a quicksand, it is slowly pulling him down that now , only his face and head can be seen. He smile when he see her. " Oh! God is still merciful. He send a beautiful creature to help me. " Gil is happy. " And who told you I will help you? " Ingrid is being naughty and enjoy the sight in front of her. " Well if you appearance is as beautiful as your heart I believe you will do it. " Gil said in a worry face. " You are dumb! Why do I even meet men like you, you are all dumb and fool. " Ingrid laugh. She get a long bamboo stick and use it to get him out of it. It took an hour to do it because his whole body is almost covered with mud.

They are both taking a deep breath while lying in the grass beside the quicksand . Ingrid decided to stand up and continue to walk. " What is your name? " Gil curiously ask. " I am ingrid an I am a witch. So don't try to be friendly with me or you will regret it. " Ingrid said honestly, she don't want to experience anymore what happened between them with Remus. She is afraid to tell people who she is before but now, she is ready to tell the world. She did not do anything bad , she is just a witch , so what? .

" It is my first time seeing a witch. Sorry for being rude. But can I go with you. I think I am lost. I am a pastor, I was suppose to go to the north. " Gil said. " No. If you want to be safe , don't come near me. Did you not hear what I just said? " Ingrid said. " I don't care who you are and what you are. What I know is you help me and you have a good heart. " Gil insist. " Dumb. " Ingrid said. " Fine! I will go to north anyway, but don't be a pain in the head. " Ingrid said. " Don't worry you will see, I am quite useful. " Gil said.

Ingrid and Gil decide to stay in an inn since it is cold outside and decide to continue their journey tomorrow. " Why did I even decide to be with this dumb guy? I can just use the shortcut that we use when we come here going to the north but seeing him who looks like fragile , I decided to use this route. " Ingrid thought. They are now eating a yummy meal that includes in the inn. " And why am I sharing a one room with you? " Ingrid is suspicious. " Trust me , today is seasonal, it is cold outside and many traveler like us decided to sleep in an inn. That is why it is full. That is because you decided too late that is why only one room is available...." Gil pout while complaining. It is true , Ingrid did not plan of sleeping in an inn because she is thinking that she can just sleep in the forest but feeling the cold season , at last she decided to go to an inn . And worst part is ,it is already night and all inn is full, only this inn have one available room. Ingrid put soup in her mouth. " What did you tell to the owner? Why is it that he gave us too much food and even give the wide room to us? I thought you are a pastor? " Ingrid is suspicious. " I am a pastor but I am rich. Who told you pastor have no money. My family owns a lot of business in different in direction, the owner knew my family so he gives us this. " Gil said with a smile. " They want me to be a witch hunter but as you can see I do not fit the criteria. " He continues. " I am thankful that I did not become one though, because seeing a witch like you, I do not think I have a heart to kill you. " Gil said. " Dumb. " Ingrid said.

Ingrid sleeps on the single bed and Gil sleeps in the floor. " Ingrid? " Gil ask. " Hmm? " she answer , they are now trying to sleep. " What will you do in north? " He ask in curiousity. " You do not need to know since you dumb.How about you? " She answer. Gil smile " I am going to preach there about the word of God. " he said. " Well, goodluck with that. People in the north are cruel , I hope they will not eat you alive before you can even preach. " Ingrid is joking. Gil also laugh and they sleep.

They continue going to the north. " I can literally say we are now officially experiencing life and death together. " Gil is now bitten by a bear and Ingrid is making a potion for his big wound. They are in the middle of the forest when bear attack them , Ingrid is supposed to be the target but Gil get the attention of the bear and he was bitten. The bear ran off when she use the wind to attack him, the bear got scared understanding what she can do . The wound in Gil's arm is big because the bear almost took his skin off. Ingrid tear a piece of her clothes to clean his wound and put the potion on it then she tie it around his wound. " Aghgjg! " Gil almost become unconscious. " Good boy. " She said while positioning him to lie down in the ground. Since the sun sets down , she is now gathering a pieces of wood to make a firewood.