
mean and GREEN

The sound of his glider sends shivers up the spine of heroes, villains and crooks. The sight of him in all his hideous, green and scary visage was all one needed to know that, shit's going down. For he is the green goblin. This is young justice au. Disclaimer: I do not own DC or young justice. Just my MC and some OCs that will appear in this fanfic.

Dark_Path_007 · TV
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21 Chs


10:34 PM, Iceberg Lounge, Gotham city.

(MC's POV)

I dodge underneath what is supposed to be a surprise attack from sportsmaster. Yeah I know the idiots name, I've been reading up on the possible villains and heroes that might attack me. Dad thought it would be a good idea to know my possible enemies before they attack me, and I can't say he's wrong because he's not.

Anyway I'm sure you're wondering how I got here, well that would require us going back ten minutes ago.


(FLASHBACK 10 minutes ago)

It's been 6 weeks since my legendary victory over the batman. Yes it's legendary, apparently it as been swimming all over the underground world of Gotham city for six weeks straight. It is what everyone seems to be talking about, the dark knight was defeated in one on one combat against the now fearsome green goblin.

The infamy I've been aiming for is now in my grasp and I do not know what to do from here on out. Do I just keep building my company and trying to live a normal life?, Is that even possible with all the powers I have, I don't think so. Guess I will cross that bridge when I get there.

Recently news as gotten to me though, news that the penguin is looking to get revenge for what I did to his place. It seems despite my own reputation, the penguin also has a rep to keep. I can't wait to beat it out of him. I'll make sure by the time I'm done with him, he'll be walking like a fucking penguin (Previously mentioned dark focus in the works here).

That isn't all though, I've been waiting for an opportunity to kill at least two birds with one stone and finally one has come. You see I've been killing even more members of the false face society, crippling them and they've become desperate. All that stands between me and the final boss(Black mask) are two subordinates, Baby Doll and Metal head. Baby doll is the final brains of the society's operations, while Metal head is the chief brawn of the society. A skilled fighter in his own right is metal head, but in comparison to me he is nothing but cannon fodder.

The opportunity I previously mentioned, is about the fact that the society and penguin plan on striking a deal on how to kill me in the Iceberg lounge today. Except, I'm pretty sure they have already struck the deal and are simply luring me in for an ambush.

Unfortunately for them, I fear nothing they can throw at me. I'm simply beyond their capabilities and they don't stand a chance against me. I took down the batman without prep, they should just lie down and accept their fates. Why do roaches always struggle against overwhelming might (MC didn't learn his lesson on humility from last chapter).

Currently I'm riding my latest vehicle the goblin rover. A vehicle capable of performing the same jobs as a car, submarine and a jet. Imagine an autobot, green and black in colour, but unable to turn humanoid, that is work in progress for now. So yeah a dream ride. You're jealous aren't you. Jaws drop as I ride past pedestrians, motorists and even cops. I want to show off my car to the world, let them know my awesomeness.

I've finally arrived at the iceberg lounge and, I quickly grab all my necessary equipment for this mission. I do not need to rush this, I know for a fact batman is being held up working with the justice league somewhere. So, till he returns no need to be wary in the slightest. Why would I even worry if he was around, it's not like I have not kicked his ass already. I'm pretty sure he is the one now wary of my presence.

I want everyone in there to know I'm about to start my business, after all I do not want an extensive list of collateral damages(people that are accidentally killed) when I'm done, I do not plan on being gentle on the place. Pushing a button on the mask, I begin to speak as my voice boomed out of the mask,

"To everyone occupying this fine establishment known as the iceberg lounge, please evacuate the premises within the next one minute or else I cannot guarantee your safety. Thank you for your cooperation."

After my word, like a dam as been shattered people rushed out of the building, fearing for their lives. While this happened, I simply sat waiting and not moving an inch as I counted down from 60 to 1.

The moment time elapsed, I carry the modified RPG prepared for this moment and step out of the vehicle. Outside waiting for me were ten guards and not willing to bother with them, I gun them all down before they could react.

I set myself to shoot the RPG and let loose a hot ball of destruction at the buildings door. The RPG was modified to serve a different purpose than normal RPG. This one is more of a RPSD, a 'Rocket Propelled Seismic Disassembler'.

Unlike normal RPGs, when mine explodes, it levels an entire building not into debris but into dust particles. It shatters things or beings into tiny particles. And so when my RPG slammed through the metal doors of the iceberg lounge, rolled into the building and exploded in a bright burst of blueish white light, the resulting sight is a heap of ashes once known as the top floor of the iceberg lounge.

Now onto my real prize. My true targets are in the Penguin's office which is actually located underneath the main building. There used to be an elevator I could take there but now there is just a hole in the floor.

Jumping into the hole, I begin to look around trying to find what would look like the office of a man like Oswald Cobblepot. But as I find what I'm looking for, 'a extravagant looking door on the end of the hallway', I'm forced to dodge underneath what is supposed to be a surprise attack from sportsmater...


...And that is how I got here. I'm not in the mood for prolonged battle with this asshole, so I block a swing of his forearm and catch his arm in my grip. I pull him towards me and unleash a kick to his hockey mask covered face, shattering the mask and killing him in the process( He isn't dead, just seriously injured but MC doesn't know or care to know).

I here something clank behind me and I see a mountain of muscles man standing behind me with a gun as his left hand aimed at me. I know this guy too, a Russian mercenary called the Kgbeast.

I pick up a piece of Sportsmaster's mask from the ground and throw it with all my strength through the machine handgun of Kgbeast, destroying it in the process. I the pull a grenade pumpkin bomb from my belt and throw it at the shocked merc.

The grenade flies so fast, that instead of landing close to the merc, it tore through him instead and sat within his body. The Russian mercenary shows surprising pain tolerance as he tries to pull out the rapidly beeping explosive from his stomach.

Unfortunately for him, he is too late and as he explodes into bits and pieces, I use the large body of sportsmaster to shield my smaller body from the hail of Russian blood and gore.

Flinging the body of sportsmaster to one side, I begin advancing towards the office once again. Halfway through the corridor, a door on my right was kicked with enough force to send it towards me but it did no damage as I stood my ground and it split in half harmlessly on me.

Standing in the doorway is my current assailant and one of my targets, Metalhead. The assassin knowing how dangerous I am, wastes no time lashing out with his metal whip attached to his mask. The whip slashes my suit open, making a bloody but harmless line on my stomach.

The whip lashes out again, but this time I catch it in my palm and pull the assassin towards me. Metalhead flies head first towards me and I let loose a kick to his left shoulder, sending him flying as his whip and mask tears off. I felt his shoulder blade, collarbone and clavicle, cave in and break when I kicked him, so I know he isn't getting up soon.

Pulling the back on my back off, I pull out the death machine I made specifically for him. A nylon mask which turns to metal when a particular chemical is sprayed on it. I wear the mask on the assassin and spray the essential chemical. The assassin began to suffocate, his lungs burning and searching for oxygen, his face turning disfigured as he slowly dies.

I slowly watched as the mask solidified into metal and with it Metalhead's terrified and tortured expression etched into it. Yeah anyone that sees this will definitely be scared of me.

I stand back up, pick my bag and head towards the office again. I open the door only to see the Penguin sitting with a resigned look on his face and Baby doll also sitting but with a terrified look on her childlike face. Walking up to Baby doll I advise her,

"Don't struggle, just accept it." I then proceed to pull out a jar of brown liquid that solidifies into thick plastic 30 seconds after being exposed to air. Me being the gentleman I am first shoots Baby doll in the skull, before lathering her with the solution. It solidifies her corpse in plastic, turning her into a real doll.

Turning back to the still scared stiff Penguin, I begin making small talk,

"Oswald, you should have let the matter rest, but you decided to be too stubborn." The short and ugly man flesh makes a sad chuckle and replies,

"You know I couldn't let such a thing go, rep is everything in this business. If I let just about anyone walk all over me the way you did, eve..."

"But I'm not 'just about anyone' Oswald, I'm the green goblin. I do whatever the fuck I want to, whenever the fuck I want to." I say, interrupting whatever he was about to say. With another sad chuckle he replies,

"Oh, trust me I know that now." I give a curt nod at his answer.

"Alright then, I won't kill you because you know who I am now and I understand your reason for conniving to kill me. So here's what will happen."


10:45 PM, Iceberg lounge, Gotham city.

I walk out of the ruins that was once called the iceberg lounge, completely satisfied with how tonight went.

No hiccups, no problems just smooth sailing from A to Z. If only all nights could be like this, but who am I kidding there will always be the occasional bad night.

I can only be grateful to might ROB for making this a good night and not one of those that end with me thinking, FUCK MY LIFE. Shit I thought of it, fuck!,I'm just going to get out of here.

And with that thought, I hop in my goblin rover and drive into the night. The sirens of police as my closing song.

Deep within, Ray knows he barely beat Batman despite all his abilities, so he's forcing himself to believe he beat Batman cleanly.

What the idiot doesn't realise is that there is nothing like clean victory or not in the world of heroes and villains.

You win by any means necessary, even if it includes your opponent slipping up for a second.

Dark_Path_007creators' thoughts