

" But before that, tell me about the picture" suddenly said Blaze.

Jessica stopped laughing and carefully demonstrated to the three of them the process "Look we have to open the camera then look at what you want to capture and then Click" while clicking the picture of the tall trees in the front because she remembered the promise she made to him last night.

"Click my picture" suddenly said Blaze pointing at himself.

"Mine too!" exclaimed Ell looking at her with shiny eyes, then she turned her head to look at the guy on her right. Levi didn't say anything but from his expectant eyes, it was clear he also wanted a picture.

Jessica smiled and suddenly got up leaving the three of them sitting, she looked at them and said "You three sit together and I will click your photos". Then she find an appropriate place and started capturing their photos while instructing them "Blaze look here.....Levi smile a little bit....Ell don't push blaze" while clicking their pictures she thought of it as the last memoir in her phone because she saw that the battery percentage was just forty and if it got dead she can't do anything. After taking some shots she smiled and asked them to look, Blaze came to her side running and looked at the images in the phone smiling.

"Completed your task?" Levi asked Ell when he saw that Jessica was far away.

"Yes, not a single pit is left" Ell replied slowly.

Last night when Jessica was asleep the three decided that they will fill each and every pit or hole in the dark forest because she told them that she came there by falling into one and they didn't want to take any risk by allowing any chance for her to leave them. So in the end Levi assigned Ell to fill the pits of half of the forest while he himself took the responsibility for the other half so they left Blaze by her side and went to complete their mission in the early morning.

(Present) Both were also going to her side to look into the phone when suddenly Ell halted and said "Levi..".

Levi turned to look at him with confusion,

"Is it me or her fragrance of heat have decreased?" Ell said slowly.

"I and Blaze also noticed that" replied Levi while pondering over something seriously.

"But...How can that be possible? Shouldn't she be smelling more sweeter than yesterday?" he asked in an agitated tone while keeping his voice low.

" How can I know?" replied Levi while glaring at him.

"But-" before Ell could have replied, Jessica interrupted them by shouting"Aren't you guys coming?".

"Coming," said Levi while smiling at her and went to her side, Ell also followed behind, and soon both reached her side.

All together looked into the smartphone with surprise, Blaze was smiling brightly while holding the phone when he said "Jessica click a picture with me", "Sure" replied Jessica and dragged him to a spot, and asked Ell to click the picture.

She was standing beside Blaze posing for the picture when she was suddenly lifted which made her seated on his arms, she was about to shout at him when she heard the shutter sound meaning the picture was clicked.

"Blaze put me down," she said while trying to hide her embarrassment.

He complied with her words but hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear "Some more photos". After getting suddenly blown in the ear her face turned red but she still nodded and posed. Somehow she was also enjoying the photo shoot so she didn't refute his actions.

Soon Blaze turned into a big white tiger and stood beside her for another picture and after more than ten clicks Ell gave the phone to Levi and pulled Jessica into his arms while saying " It's my turn now". Blaze didn't refute and went to Levi's side.

Ell followed Blaze's actions and nearly made the same poses as him, Jessica also complied with his action even when she was blushing like hell whenever he lifted her. He also clicked pictures in his beast form making cute poses with her. " Not more than this" suddenly shouted Blaze when he saw Jessica happily hugging Ell's head in his beast form.

" Levi aren't you coming," said Jessica when Ell got away from her side but Levi didn't come.

Levi who was suddenly called was surprised but he still went to her side and stood beside her. Jessica who was expecting him to also lift her was a little disappointed because he didn't approach her. She stood beside her for the first shot but for the second one she hugged his waist with her one arm which made the guy beside her blush. He looked at her arm around himself feeling fluffy in his heart so he also lifted his one arm to hug her sideways.

Jessica smiled because of his sudden action and said slowly "Aren't you going to lift me up?", she said it in a whispering tone so that only he could listen but she didn't know that her words made the other two guys jealous because the hearing power of the beastmen was far more than the humans.

Her words were shocking for Levi, he never expected to hear such a request from her. Suddenly a smile came to his face and in the next second, Jessica was lifted horizontally in a princess carry. She was surprised but when she looked at his blushing face she also smiled and with a shutter sound, another candid was captured.

They altogether captured some more pictures when the sunlight became intense and Jessica started to feel much hotter because the sunlight was much hotter there than on the earth. She made a shade over her face to look clearly, when Ell noticed her action he came to her side and with a sudden action his one hand turned into a wing. He made a shade over her head and asked in a worried tone " Are you hot? you don't look fine" while giving her the bamboo tumbler filled with cold water.

"It's just the sunlight is much stronger here" she replied while looking at the shade over her head with a smile.

"Shall we go inside if you are not feeling comfortable?" he said while looking at her worriedly.

" It's alright, it's very beautiful outside. Only if there is a tree in this lawn" she replied while drinking water in a suggesting tone.

" You want a tree here?" suddenly asked Blaze when he heard her words.

"I'm saying it will be convenient if we have a tree here" she replied smilingly to his sudden statement.

"Where do you want to have the tree?" he said while looking at her with gleaming eyes in a soft tone.

When Jessica saw the determination in his eyes she said doubtfully after some pondering"There near the cave" while pointing at the left side of the cave entrance.

Blaze nodded his head and went to the place she was pointing at and he sat down with his hand touching the ground. Soon a green light emerged from his hand and went into the ground and the next second a sprout appeared at that place.

The sapling absorbed the green light and started to grow at a visible rate and within five minutes it turned into a big tree with a big shade and beautiful violet flowers covering it nearly whole making it look very magical.