
Me in Overlord

Abraham was reborn in overlord anime series which was his favorite anime of all time, he takes up a different path than what Ainz takes up. (note:Ainz will also be transferred with the MC)

_neko · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


In the vast galaxy somes laughter could be heard, that could even scare the beings of the void if they ever heard it.

There was a semi transparent being which was laughing crazily.

Jason:Sorry sorry i couldn't stop laughing,please do continue.

The Being:Child thou art not scared or confused of being in thy presence.

Jason:Sorry this is like my dream come true and could you just skip to the part where i get my wishes stuff and all.

The Being:A peculiarly one me see.But thine life had a brave ending.

Jason:Thou ...i mean what you said is indeed true.

Jason died saving a cancer patient who was about to suicide and later he died on the operating table and he had asked the surgeon to donate his organs to the needy one's.

The Being: Thou indeed had a noble sense but thou will not have what thou fancy.

Jason:why why why whyyyy !!! I even donated my organs just for this moment.

The Being:Thou deeds are honourable Th're art people who is't has't done the deeds as thee.But thee has't f'rgotten one thing.

Jason:what ...what have i forgotten??Is it giving food to the stray cat or dogs.

The Being:Nay.Think prop'rly this is thy lifes most wondrous w'rk.

Jason:Ummm how can creating a webform help here.

THE BEING:Thee has't did save people from misry and hath brought down depression rateth coequal though t is bawbling.(You have saved people from misry and brought down depression rate even though it is small.)

This de'd of yours shalt not wend unseen. Thee shalt receiveth what thee des'rve.

Speaketh what thee wisheth but rememb'r what thee wisheth f'r as 'twill bringeth most wondrous changes. Thee shalt only receiveth three wishes.