
Arrival Draft #2

A light shines through the darkness, blinding me. Suddenly felt something grab me. The once dark abyss was shining with bright lights. 'Where am I?' I thought before being picked up. I look down to see I was being held by a man with a face mask.

"It's a boy!" The man said before passing me to a woman. 'Was I just birth?' I look at the woman as she holds me in her arm. The woman had light blonde hair and was wearing a white beanie of some sort. Her face had some wrinkles and she wore a sweet smile.

"He's beautiful..." she said looking at me. "Marty, come here." She gestured someone over.

A man enter my view, and my impression of this man went the way up due to that mustache. Don't know which one it is, but this man, who I assume is my father, rocks it with his dirty blonde hair.

I glanced at the man as he looks at me. "Is he supposed to look like that?"

-100 Reputation

I was stunned as that caught me off guard, I didn't really know what to do. Lucky the woman seems to be justice and protect my honor, delivering a punch into the man's arm. "Marty stop, don't say that about our child."

"Sorry Min, I'm sure he will grow to be a handsome young man." He said jokingly rubbing his arm. That's more like it.

He slides onto the bed and hugs the woman. She leans in and closes her eyes as a smile comes on her face.

"Oh, Marty." She whispers.

It was honestly a really nice moment. I thought laying there watching their passionate display of affection as I unknowingly fell to sleep.


Many days passed as I adjusted to my new life. It was very weird to having some one to take care of your wastes. Any don't even get me start with do the "deed".

During this time I have been take home by my new parent...